Round 5 Dripping Along

Peter is doing very well aside from the continued sniffles and a morning throw-up yesterday. He still has lots of energy and spirit.

I saw him last night and I noticed that some long dark eyelashes and redish-blonde strands of eyebrow were probably left on his pillow in Brainerd; That last round paralyzed a few more follicles that hadn’t been affected. But he’s cute as ever and growing up through all of this. He always displays new mental and physical capabilities and new, more mature mannerisms as any four-year-old would.

The nights last a little longer during this round, since he has to urinate so often. There’s no way for parents to get extended sleep. “Why do they make me go weewee so much?”, he asked. Mom calmly explained that the doctors want to make sure his kidneys are working just right.

8 Replies to “Round 5 Dripping Along”

  1. Glad to hear that you and your pole are dripping along together! Your ability to maintain a happy spirit and bounds of energy through all this is to be envied! I don’t even have half as much energy as you do and I DO sleep all night and I DON’T have a path thing in my belly!!! How do you do it, young man??? I hope your mommy was able to save a few of your eyelashes from your pillow! You have, by far, the most gorgeous lashes I have ever seen!! As much as I love your lashes, I am certain that with or without them, you are as handsome as could be!!! 🙂 Keep right on a’ growing there, bud! You are the smartest and most mature and most courageous four year old I know…. really!
    When Kindergarten rolls around someday, you’ll knock the sox right off your teacher!! We continue to pray for you… that is something that will never stop! You are in my daily thoughts and my nightly prayers until the day you are out of the hospital for good… that I promise you. Keep fighting, Peter. Your team is fighting right along with you and we are all so proud of you! Hugs and kisses to you…..
    P.S. Emily has sharing (“Show and Tell”) on Wednesday’s at school… This week, the theme was “My Wish For The World.” …. guess what Emily’s wish is??? She wished for (verbatim) “A cur for canser so my friend Peter dosn’t have to be sick anymore.” 🙂

  2. Hey Pete – I’m glad you liked the dinosaurs. I hope things go as smoothly for you as they have for me so far in this round. Good luck with bingo this week!!!
    Mary Virnig

  3. Hi there Peter –

    I’m sure glad to hear you are still filled with some energy!! You are certainly a very amazing little guy – do you know that?? 🙂 I just shake my head every time I hear how you are dealing with this path thing; I don’t think I know anyone quite as brave!!

    Papa is in the Cities tonight for a meeting for Adaptive Floor Hockey. That’s a little different than the hockey you know – they don’t wear skates ??!! He coaches for that kind of hockey just like your Daddy does for ice hockey. Bet you didn’t know that, did you??

    Hope this pole medicine #5 is over and done with soon, and you are able to be back home with your sisters. Pretty soon Santa will be checking up on all of us – we all KNOW that you are on his ‘nice’ list!! We’ll be really happy to hear that you are home again. Is tomorrow the fun day at the hospital?? Have fun, sweety!!

    Papa and Monga

  4. Hi to the Eigner family! Just wanted you to know that I continue to pray for Peter and all of you. I am also watching the website and Grandma Mary is keeping my mom up to date as well.
    Glad to hear that things are rolling and that Peter is doing well.
    I hope that he continues to progress and that he kicks this thing soon. We will continue praying, hoping and reading the updates. Take care of yourselves, all of you. Know that my family and I are thinking of you.
    Love, Paige Kratzke (Saterdalen) and family

  5. Peter –

    I had to tell you that I went to the good ‘ole town of Rosemount to see the dentist this morning. I stopped at the SA after and when I was paying at the counter – I looked down at the newspapers and whose smilling face do I see on the front of the Rosemount Town Pages – It was YOURS!!! You can see yourself on the website also –

    You sure are cute! Keep Fighting – we are all cheering for you!


  6. Erika, Ty and Peter…

    I am so glad to hear that Round 5 was able to finally begin.

    Erika, I must say that I wanted to reach out and hug you the other day when you shared with all of us that there are times when you do get frustrated and feel selfish. I literally cannot imagine what either you or Ty are going through, but I can imagine that it is very emotionally trying, in all ways. Especially when it is happening to your own child. You are both very brave, and I gain strength and wisdom constantly from all of you.

    Thank you for allowing us all to share this experience with you and your family. You are definitely helping so many people deal/cope with this process, whether they know you or not.

    I am so thankful that the treatments have been successful thus far and I continue to pray that everything will continue to go as well as it has gone so far. Children (especially Peter) are amazing and they seem to bounce back/go with the flow with anything.

    We love you,
    Amy, Mike and Maddie

  7. Hi Pete,

    You don’t know me but my son Michael has stopped in to see you a couple of times at the hospital. I wanted to tell you a story……Michael came home a couple of weeks ago to skate with one of the Eastview peewee teams. I picked him up at the arena to take him back to school and we were almost back to campus and Michael said “wait….I left Peter’s bracelet in the locker room”. Long story short, we went back to get the bracelet and Michael wears your bracelet every day.

    I wanted to let you know that so many people think of you every day and your strength is their strength. Have a good week Peter and keep swinging!

    Have a great christmas Peter!

    Tom Carman

    p.s. Rumor has it that a couple of the Gophers might have a christmas present for you!

  8. I am so happy that round five is almost over. i wanted to come an keep Peter company and give Erika alittle break this week but I have a cold an thought better of it. Keep up your strength and spirits you all are truly amazing. Tell Mary to give me a call I think and pray for all of you everyday when I am on my walks that seems to be a great time to check in with god. Take care Diane Saterdalen

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