Round 5 Wrap Up

Peter checked out of the hospital late this morning with round 5 behind him. He didn’t need a transfusion or anything before leaving. The chemo is getting to his stomach, though. He threw up a couple times once they started the journey home, but then fell asleep.

So he’s back in Brainerd recovering. We can expect that he’ll have to come down to the hospital again because the need for a transfusion, mouth sore treatment, medicine for his cold or any combination of these reasons. But he can check off another big milestone today on the road to recovery. Way to go, big guy.

8 Replies to “Round 5 Wrap Up”

  1. Welcome back and way to go Peter. Round 5 is over. I’m sure your tired from fighting that path thing, like anyone would, but keep up the good fight. We’re still in your corner and on our knees.

  2. Chalk another one up for the big guy! 🙂 I think you’ve got the perfect weekend to be at home recovering…. it’s supposed to be quite nice out. (Warm enough to build a cool snowman – if you have enough snow, that is!!) Know how I am spending the weekend?? Making Christmas cookies at Monga’s! Yummmm….
    We are thankful that you have completed ROUND 5, big guy! Can you actually believe that you have already done 5 rounds of chemo?? You are so awesome! You have an amazing ability to fight and I am confident that this ability will lead you to a huge victory someday soon!
    Enjoy some laughter, giggles, love and snowball fights at home this weekend. We hope your tummy is feeling better, too!
    Hugs and Squeezes from ~ Jen, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

  3. Dear Peter,

    I certainly hope you will be avoiding 5B for the next several weeks.

    We’ll be praying for no fever bugs, and quick recovery from this last chemo.

    My big boy Erik will be checking in 5B Dec 18 for his next round to fight the same nasty neuroblastoma cells. He thinks you are a pretty tough guy to deal with everything so well!

    You can see pics of my big boy Erik!

    Prayers from your northern neighbors (Park Rapids)

  4. You Go Peter!!!
    You are a fighter…….we think of you and pray for you everyday. You are one tough dude.
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  5. Hey Bud, I miss you already but would much rather have you at home with your Mom, Dad, Ellie and Kate. I’m glad that your tummy feels better. I felt bad when you stopped to pick up Baron and I saw you holding on to your little barf bucket.
    I hope you had a chance to get outside today. What a gorgeous day. I went to see Aunt Melissa and Uncle Tito. They are getting their house ready to move in. They’re getting close so the next time you are here maybe you can see it. Buzz says he has lots of room for you to sleep over.
    Have a great Sunday and I’ll talk to you soon.
    Gramma Mary

  6. Peter and family, I was very happy to read that round 5 is over. I hope you can rest and stay strong to fight all those bad guys. With this warm weather, I bet you even get outside for a bit. Take care and stay strong.
    Cheryl Bailey

  7. Pete way to go man! keep on fighting, your doing great. Hopefully i will see you at the rink soon.

    Jack Freeman #5

  8. GREAT NEWS PETER!!!!!!!!
    Way to go……………..I’m sure you had a pretty tough week, but you will start feeling better soon. It is really good to hear that you are back at home resting and regaining your strength!
    Take care…………..
    The Olson’s

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