Round 5 — Finally

Peter has been doing well, but you know that if you’ve seen him around the rink or out and about elsewhere. Erika and Peter made the trek to the hospital this Monday afternoon after confirming this morning that Peter’s counts were sufficient to begin chemo. So round 5 will be getting underway sometime tonight and continue the rest of the week. Peter will be found in old 5b tied up to his pole and bringing smiles.

My schedule page is out of whack as the dates have inevitably changed. Erika and Ty are hoping to learn when the doctors think Peter can have that second surgery to remove any remaining tumor. Hopefully we’re close enough to get the revised schedule and I can update it here.

14 Replies to “Round 5 — Finally”

  1. Hi there Peter!! We are so glad that you got to get going again with the fight against that old path thing!! I hope the medicine in your pole goes to battle big time this week! 🙂

    Erika, you have been on my mind every day!! Like everyone has said, it’s OK to get mad about all this. I don’t think there is a sole who could or would question your emotions!! We’re keeping you all in thought and prayer. Hope the week goes smoothly for you all.

    Grandma Barb, please call if you need to do any shopping or whatever. I’d love to give you a break this week if you need it. Besides, we’d just love to have the girls for a bit!

    Thinking of you all!
    Papa and Monga

  2. (i’m going to type verbatim what Peter has asked me to type): I got to come to the hospital today and hopefully i’ll get out (pause) someday!!! Everyone – I like all your comments!! (then he looked at me and said, “Funny, huh?”)
    (ok, he’s on to his I Spy book, so this is Mom)
    He’s getting his pre-meds now and will start chemo shortly. When the doctors came in earlier he was sniffling a lot. They decided they needed to do a nasal wash because he’s had this cold for about 10 days, so they are testing to see if he’s got a virus of any kind. Despite their preparatory comments, it did not bother him. Actually, he asked his nurse for another one. It does mean he’s in “Respiratory Isolation” for the week, meaning the nurses & doctors will come in wearing masks and gowns and Peter cannot leave his room.
    We have a single room this week which is nice from the standpoint that with this round of chemo comes a ton of fluids, including Manitol, which makes him urinate almost hourly, so we would not make the best roommates right now!
    Peter is in very good spirits, having fun and he’s already got the nurses on their toes… could be a long week!! Erika

  3. Dear Peter

    I am So Proud Of You- I spoke to Your Dad Today.. You are all so very Brave..
    We would Like to Wish you Good Luck and Merry Christmas.. Keep Climbing That mountain .. Pretty soon you Have This all behind you… Jake say’s hello
    We cant wait to meet all of you someday …
    You remain High on Our Prayer List !!!

    The Cohen family

  4. Hi Peter – so glad to hear your treatment is back on course, so you can keep kicking that path thing’s butt! We continue to think of you and pray for you and your family daily. Keep fighting little man, we’re cheering so hard for you!
    God Bless,
    Lori, Cary, Luke, Brooke and Erica Swanson

  5. Hi Peter-
    Soooo happy to hear your chemo has started! We saw you at the game on Sat night and just knew you were ready to give another big hockey check to the path thing! When we saw you with your mask on our thought was that you were a secret spy in disguise looking for clues to defeat bad guys and here your mom tells us you are doing I Spy Books at the hospital. You’ re the ” SUPER SPY” in our minds.

    Our hope and prayer is like yours, that very soon some day you will be out of the hospital for good and that you’ll have beat the path thing and that you’ll never have to stay in the hopital another day. Tell your family we pray for them too. Hope to see you in your mask at the rink real soon. Jim, laleen and Jared

  6. What great news! We are so happy that you finally got the go-ahead to fire up your “pole” again! We hope that you and the pole fight off the path thing big time this week! I bet that path thing doesn’t like your pole full of medicine…. it’s probably saying, “Oh no!! Here comes that medicine stuff …. and it’s making me get smaller and smaller and smaller here inside Pete’s belly…. YYYIIIKKKEEESSSSS….” 🙂 Anyway – we hope you have a great fight this week on 5B. We’ll keep praying for you and dreaming big dreams for you. Oh…. and bummer about having to pee all the time… 🙂
    Much love-
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily and Parker

  7. Pete-man,
    I’m proud of you buddy, you’re doing great. I have class tonight, but will be down on Wednesday. Let me know if there is anything I should bring. Take care Pete.

    Uncle Roy

  8. Hi, Peter….happy to hear you are on to Round 5….yea, Peter! I don’t look like a cheerleader but I’m cheering for you!

    Here’s a couple jokes to tell the nurses…

    Who goes oh, oh, oh?
    (Santa walking backwards)

    Why can’t hockey players tell jokes while skating?
    (Because they might crack up the ice)

    Erika, I felt for you on Monday…know it’s a tough, tough time but you and Ty are doing a GREAT job handling everything. Someday you’ll look back on this and wonder how you did it!!

    Our best wishes…
    Jim and Dee

  9. Glad to hear that things are under way for you Peter and that you are on the next step to beat them bad guys !! We think of you everyday and marvel at the smile you always have and the attitude you have too.
    You are an amazing boy and we are proud to be in your family.
    Tell Mom and Dad we are here if they need anything and to keep that positive outlook and never give up as God is watching over you as well as all the angels too.
    Bet you and Kate and Ellie are getting excited for Christmas and Santa coming. Hope you get what you all are asking for and I am sure you will.
    Hope your tummy doesnt give you too much trouble this time and try to eat as much as you can and drink lots too. OK !
    We love you all and continue to pray for you.
    Love Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose Weiland

  10. Welcome back Uncle Matt……….and Peter you are amazing. What a super hero you are……we know Santa is going to be watching and bringing you MANY presents this year. Keep on fighting the bad guys and take care of your mom and dad. We think you are very special.
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  11. Peter,
    Heard you were a good luck charm at the Brainerd Boys Hockey game the other night. You will have to hurry up and get out of the hospital so you don’t miss too many games. Have you had a chance to see Santa yet and tell him what you would like for Christmas? I’m sure you are on the nice list not the naughty. Hope round 5 of chemo goes well. We will be thinking about you here in pediatrics. Merry Christmas 🙂

    Peds at BMC

  12. Hi Peter–

    Thanks for inviting to your house the other night. You have fun toys. Your car ramp was cool! Now I want you to come to my house sometime. And you can bring your sisters–maybe they can keep Bailey out of my stuff…



  13. Hi Peter,

    Good luck to you in round 5. You sure do have a lot of hockey players at the high school rooting for you! I love seeing all of their heads buzzed short. They are not nearly as handsome as you but then who could be? We liked your comment and think that you are very funny. Take your time and continue working on getting better. Baden has figured out how to play red light/green light, simon says, and hide and seek. He will love playing with you when you are better. His hide and seek is pretty funny and you would definitely shake your head. His favorite hiding spot is next to a wall where everybody can see him or under a blanket as a big lump of 3 year old boy. I bet he’ll get better. Speaking of hiding, that path thing cannot definitely hide from you and your medicine! Go get ’em Peter.


    The Bastians

  14. Hi Peter,
    Peter Robert and his family are hoping you are in and out of 5B in no time. good luck at Bingo on Thursday and here are a couple of holiday jokes to make the nurses and doctors laugh:
    1.What did Adam say the day before Christmas?
    It’s Christmas, Eve.

    2.What did the big angel say to the little angel?
    Halo there!

    3.Knock, Knock
    Who’s there?
    Wayne who?
    Wayne in a manger.

    4.What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
    Do you smell carrot?

    Silly. But that is how we are today.
    KT and Peter

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