Sunday Update

I just got home from the hospital and Peter is doing fine. On my way home Baron (our dog) and I drove by the Brainerd Civic Center and the “Keep Fighting Pete” sign is still shining brightly. It made me realize again how really fortunate our family is. The support and prayers we have gotten have been AWESOME! Today was a really good day for Peter. His mouth sores are getting a little better and he is able to eat a little easier. His temp is completely normal, and his attitude is great. Erika, Peter and I spent the day clicking back and forth between the Central Division Champion Twins, the so so Vikings (better than Grampa Sig and Grandma Mary’s Packers) and as Peter would say “Dad,Tiger Woods is on.” You can tell by these comments Erika, Ellie and Kate rarely get the clicker at our house. Thank God Erika is such a great sport and sports fan or Pete and I would be in trouble. I also want to take this opportunity to say a huge “thanks” to everyone who attended Peter’s benefit dinner a week ago Friday. It was perfect. Everyone was treated to an unbelievable meal, and it was great for Peter, Erika and I to get a chance to see many of you. We can’t thank Jake and Becky Enebak, Chad and Gina Schumacher, Eric and Amy Frank enough for getting the benefit off the ground. Also, both Erika and I want to thank both our families for all they did getting the benefit organized. A huge thanks needs to go to everyone who donated items for the auction, it was fantastic. The staff at Legends did an unbelievable job the entire night. Chef Steve Lacey and his crew definately out did themselves. Finally to everyone who attended (and to those who could not make it), I really don’t know what to say. Like I said that night, Peter has a great team behind him and we are truly thankful for each and every one of you. There were family, friends, friends of friends and people we had never met. For each of you to give of your time and to donate to Peter’s fund meant so much to us. As we go forward, know that each of you play a huge part in Pete’s success and we thank you for that. Please keep praying, calling, e-mailing, writing and posting on this site, all of it makes us stronger.



3 Replies to “Sunday Update”

  1. How about those TWINS! Pretty cool huh Peter,

    Glad to hear your fever broke and you are doing better. Sounds like you were kept pretty busy watching…How many chanels at a time??? Keep up the good fight Peter. We are all cheering for you. Eat as much as you can, drink lots and lots, and play hard so you can sleep hard. You can do it. Stay strong.

    The Musielewicz’s

    PS Thanks Uncle Matt and the rest of you that post. It is so nice to keep up to date without bothering Ty and Erica. Every morning a prayer is sent your way.

  2. Pete-Man,

    Glad to hear things are going well! How about those Twins!

    I just got back from a trip out to West Point. I was out there for a week working with the Army hockey team. It was a pretty amazing place for numerous reasons. However, one thing pretty special stands out in my mind. I walked into the locker room and on the board they had a “Fighting For Peter” sign. The head coach of the Army team met you once this summer, while he was at camp. He said you made an impact on him with all of your energy! He hung up the sign and now every player on the Army Hockey Team knows who Peter is. Everyone is cheering for you. You now have the power of the Army behind you!


  3. Hi Pete, Ty and Erica…..Just wanted to tell you that you now have new neighbors on Round Lake ( You can’t move now) and every time we drove by your house we thought of all of you. Molly and Mike were up this weekend to help with the MOVE. The beauty of this weekend made us all think about the Eigner family and how special you all are. We talk about and pray for you all often!!!…KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!! The “Z’s”

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