The Surgery

It wasn’t until it was time to get wheeled out of his room and into surgery that Peter got a little scared and didn’t want to go. I don’t know if he sensed what was ahead or sensed the fear and sadness in the adults that we all failed to conceal. He came out of his room in daddy’s arms as they prepared the bed on wheels to take him away. He was wearing little fuzzy scrubs.

I came down the hall to give him one last sentence of encouragement, but when I leaned in to kiss him and saw a tear beneath his big eyelashes, words weren’t going to come out. This was certainly the saddest moment I’ve ever witnessed and it appeared I wasn’t alone in that feeling. Many tissues were soaked as he laid down in the rolling bed, his reddish blonde hair visible over the pillow, and was wheeled down the hall with Mom and Dad. There was a lot of sadness, some fear, but also plenty of hope.

Erika stayed by his side until the orange-smelling medicine put him fast asleep. She said he did great through it all and I don’t doubt that. Erika, on the other hand, looked like a boxer that went 6 rounds without defense. The rest of us went to the surgery waiting room to try to pass the next three+ hours until the surgeon would give us a report.

6 Replies to “The Surgery”

  1. Eigner Family~
    I pray for Peter and your family every day.
    Please know how much support you have in Brainerd and we are here for whatever you need!

  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Tell Peter that Tanner and Taylor are sending him a gift in the mail! They are hoping that he’ll like it.
    Colette & Kim Larson

  3. Dear Ty, Peter & Family:

    On behalf of the entire Oshie Family and the Warroad Warrior Family, we wish the best of luck on your recovery.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    May God Bless You All!

    Coach Oshie

  4. Hi Peter,

    I have only met you once along time ago and I know your mommy and daddy from Highschool. You are an amazing little boy with alot of strength and courage. My entire family is praying for you and know you will beat this thing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong!!!! You are loved very much.

    Sherri and Zach

  5. To Peter,

    I hope the boo boo on your tummy gets better. It will. I miss you alot. I want you to come back to Jenni’s so we can play. Get better Peter. I love you. Love, Mitchell

  6. Hi Peter

    We all miss you and your sisters Ellie and Baby Kate at daycare. You are a special little boy. Stay strong Peter. You will fight this and Win. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers every day.
    We Love You and Miss You.
    Love, Marv, Julie , Melissa, Tyler & Mitchell Bush

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