Surgery Day – Pre-Surgery

Peter remains chipper as family and friends arrive at the hospital trying to grasp what is happening. It is a deeply sad and surreal scene. Peter understands that the doctors are going to have to check out his tummy later in the day, but the hospital staff assures him that “you’ll be asleep so it won’t hurt you at all”. “How do you know?”, he responds, as if to say that they don’t control his nap schedule.

He learns about the doctors’ masks and the anaesthesia mask and chooses the smell of his sleep medication — orange. He knows they’re going to poke into his tummy, but doesn’t know enough to get overly stressed. He makes hospital bracelets for his cousin Macy and cousin Buzz and builds a tower from legos to “protect the cat from the bad guy.” Peter is fine in his new setting. The adults are a wreck.

7 Replies to “Surgery Day – Pre-Surgery”

  1. Hi Peter,
    Jacob and I are thinking of you every day. We were telling each other funny stories about you and your mom and dad and sisters. Can you think of any stories with Jacob that make you smile or laugh. We will come visit you soon and maybe we can share them. Does your room at the hospital have a window? Can you see whats out there?? I bet it’s different than your window at home where you see water and trees. Try and eat lots now so that you get strong again – if you want Jake to being you anything special let me know and I’ll tell him – We will see you soon – love you lots
    Joni and Jake

  2. Peter:

    I just learned about your condition and surgery from a friend of ours. I want you to know that I am praying for your full recovery.

    You sound like a pretty amazing young man and I know your family wants you to get better fast and I am sure you are ready to get back to all the fun stuff that you like doing. Rest easy and follow doctors’ orders!

    Get well soon!

    Todd Lyscio

  3. Hey Pete!! I heard the surgery went well, and I know you’re a tough little ice mite and can get through anything. I’m gonna try and come down to see you before i go to Bismarck. Hope you feel better and get home soon! Take care buddy.

    Your Friend,

  4. Peter,
    I have not seen much of you since you were just a little guy. Now you are such a big boy and a great big brother to your sisters. Hope to come and see you soon and hear all about your big adventure at the hospital. Maybe you can watch the Twins games in your room when you feel a little better. Get home soon so you can catch some more fish ! I loved that picture of you with your dad catching the fish. (Tell your dad to suck in his tummy a little though) We are cheering for you Peter !


  5. Hi Peter,

    We were all really sad when we heard the news from your mother. I sent a message out to all my family and friends so that you can have many prayers to help you get well soon. You are an awesome boy who has a big heart. I’m sure your sisters have been giving you kisses to make help you feel better. Eat well so that you can build up those muscles again. I would love to play a game of soccer and baseball with you again. Tanner, Celia, Bodin, and Kyle send you big hugs and kisses. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    With Love,

  6. Todd just shared your news with me. Words are hard to come by. I shared with our 7 year old, and I believe he has a direct line with God. Michael will be praying for Peter and all of you, as will Todd and I. Our 3 year old neighbor boy went through life threatening heart surgey this summer… I believe Michael’s prayers were heard often and clearly. A miracle happened… as our little friend came home from the hospital in unheard of record time and is doing great. We are believing and praying the same will occur with Peter. Stay strong, God is in control!

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