Skating Along

There isn’t a lot to report at the moment and I believe that’s a good thing. Peter is doing well and side effects continue to be minimal. His blood cell counts are very low — as expected — making him succeptable to infections. He wears a mask if going into public. But, as Erika mentioned in the previous post, he seems to be taking it all in stride.

I’m sure that the return of Ellie has helped ease his isolation at home. And once Kate beats her ear infection, she can rejoin the clan as well. Here’s a picture of Pete and his favorite little girls taken earlier in the summer. If you’re wondering why Peter’s hands are raised, take a closer look. In his right hand you’ll see the butt end of a hockey stick, so we can deduce that he has scored a big goal.

Peter with Sisters Ellie and Kate

21 Replies to “Skating Along”

  1. Hi Eigners – what a great picture!! Talked to Jen earlier so she updated me. She sure is going to miss you ALL! I hope in less than a years time you will be able to look back on all this as history. I know I for sure will miss seeing those 3 now and then. Guess I’ll have to rely on these computer updates! Thanks to Uncle Matt for the fabulous updates!! Enjoy the weather while you can. Glad to hear he is getting a little play time in. I bet it was really exciting for you all to have Ellie come home. Soon round 2 starts; we wish you all the best.

    Peg and Ron

  2. The picture is just adorable and Yes, Peter that was a sweet goal !!
    So happy all is going well at home and hopefully Kate will join you all soon.
    We are thinking of you all the time and keep saying prayers for you that you stay healthy until Round 2 of your treatment so you can show those “bad guys ” whose the boss !!
    Thanks for the continuing updates Matt.
    Lots of Love to all of you,
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  3. Hi Eigner Family, We are so glad to hear that Pete is dealing well with the chemo. A kid’s gotta be a kid and from the looks of that picture, he is doing just that. You are still in my prayers every night,and I say a special one to your guardian angel. We think about you all the time, and I weep often knowing the pain you are feeling.

    I can tell you that you are right when you say that when there isn’t a lot to report it definately is a good thing! In the beginning, you feel like one of the worst parts is the “not knowing”, and that dosen’t get any easier, but it does take on a new meaning. One thing we learned quickly that this is one of those situations where no news is definately good news. And you guys deserve some good news. Know that you are always in our prayers,

    Trina Volkl

  4. Five hole, right ? I saw the arena signin the paper, that’s 2 times
    you’ve been in the news paper. The only time I have been in the paper is when I take out a add in the want adds. Hang in there Peter.
    Still praying, Karen (C I A)

  5. We love you Pete…. Keep feeling great and give that sister of yours lots of hugs and we will see you soon. Buzz says “HI and sweet goal”

    love Trent,Melissa,Buzz,Cole,Quinn,and Van

  6. We were so glad to hear that Peter was home! What a great photo! I’m always amazed at how well children deal with their illnesses. . . many times much better than adults do! (and I see that everyday in the e.r.) Take care and let us know if you need anything! We’ re praying for you!

  7. Hi Peter,

    The picture of you and your sisters is great . We can tell by your face that the puck you put in the net was a good one. Keep eating and drinking to stay strong and you will be playing hockey at the rink real soon. Give mom and dad a high five and we will see you soon.


  8. Pete

    Like to see you raising those hands, with that same stick, when you beat this disease. That will be the sign that we can all look forward to you leading the healthy and productive life you’ve earned for being a special player when the game is on the line.

    You are guaranteed to have a “fish bowl” life now that you have gained all this notoriety. Hope you like the stage, because you are on it!

    Your ole buddy,

    -ole gringo-

  9. Hey Peter,
    Soooooo HAPPY to hear that you are doing good!! And like everyone else I think that photo is great……………feels good when you score BIG huh? You know what….. you’re going to score even bigger the second round buddy!! We’ve kept you in our thoughts and prayers and are happy that you’re at home! Take care and do all that the doctors ask cuz that just makes you stronger for your next visit!
    Mom and Dad you call if there is anything that we can do to help!

    Lots of love,
    Lisa Olson

  10. Pete,
    Sweet goal, it looks like you went five hole on that one. We’re glad you are continuing to take it to the bad guys. Keep up the great work.

    We miss you.

    Uncle Troy, Auntie Macer, Grace, Lily & Murphey

  11. Hi Erika,

    It seems like my prayers for Peter are working. There isn’t a day that goes by without me thinking of him, you and your family. Keep your strength up and you have a darling family.


  12. Hey Pete, I see your sign everyday when I go by the arena. It is just really neat to know that you are home on Round Lake with your family. If you see a fire on the shoreline tonight ( to the northeast ) it is just Coach Z and Ruth “chillen out”. Have a great weekend Eigners!!

  13. Erika –

    We are happy to know your family is home. It was nice to see you today, even though we didn’t get a chance to visit. Thankfully Peter is doing well with his treatment – we will continue to keep your family in our daily prayers.

  14. Hi buddy,
    I just talked to your Mom and she said that you sent her on a shopping trip to by you some weights. Now that is what I like to hear you asking for. Your muscles will soon be as big as supermans.
    Have you been reading all the books you got? When I come to your house I will read to you too.
    Give Ellie a hug for me.
    Love ya lots Gramma Mary

  15. Hey, Pete, the gym is open when you are ready to work out. Joe is always here as well as Joe Frazer, Drew Olson and Carolyn Sneep. Ryan Peltoma is leaving for Junior pretty soon. Mike Baker has left for Junior. You already know Carl Sneep has left for Boston College. Big shoes to fill someday with these people raising the bar. I have a hunch you will create your own trail.

    -ole gringo-

  16. Hi Peter and Family,
    Wow Peter..We are so glad to hear that you are doing so great. We think of you and pray really hard everyday. Keep your strength up.
    Love to you all.

    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  17. Hi Peter, Yea for our Twins and Boo Hoo for my Packers. The Twins were awesome but I think Brett Favre is in for a long year. But that’s OK I’m still behind the Pack but I will cheer for your Vikings when they aren’t playing the Packers.
    I hear that you got to see Kate today. I bet it was fun to see her smiling face. Well you have a good night and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Gramma Mary

  18. Hi Pete,
    You do not know me, but your Uncle Troy told me how strong you are fighting the bad guys! I went to West Point with your Uncle and he is a great hockey player, but I think you can score one on him!

    We live in Houston, Texas and we have a lot of people cheering for you. Keep strong! My family will be praying for you and your family every night.

    God Bless,
    Antonio (4yrs old)
    Ella (1 yr)

  19. Hey there Eigner family. It’s been a long while.

    Well it is a small world and word that Pete is being such a strong fighter got over to me, so I just wanted to take a second and say that my prayers are with Pete and your Family.

    Keep Fighting!!!

    God Bless

    John Warne

  20. Dear Peter,
    We hope you are feeling good! We think of you every single day – and your Mommy and Daddy, too. Jenni calls me all the time to see if there are any new updates on your page. Her computer broke last week and she hasn’t gotten it fixed yet. So she told me to tell you hello and that she really misses you all. I know she is anxious to give you a big hug! Have a good week, Peter. I will tell Jenni that I sent you a note for her.

    Peggy (Monga)

  21. Dear Peter—
    Guess what? My computer seems to have fixed itself! I was thinking there was something seriously wrong with it… I was thinking, “Uh-oh, do I have to give my computer some chemo to get it strong again??” But then I decided to try turning it on again, and wa-lah, it’s working!!! Yeah… now I can stay updated!!
    That picture of you and “your girls” is adorable! We have some pictures for you, too… I want to hand-deliver them, so you work on getting those blood counts up so the kids and I can come and play!! All of the daycare kids miss you ALOT… we took a special picture of all of them and we can’t wait to get it to you! Someday when you are all strong and healthy again, we want you to come and play!
    I talked to your mommy on Saturday – I guess the verdict was no play dates yet! As soon as your blood counts are better, you call me and I want to come play! I even have some more toys for you… not sure if you really have room for anymore, but a super-hero special boy like you deserves all the coolest things!!!
    Enjoy these next few days – pretty soon you’ll be up to bat again… it’s time for Round 2 of Peter and Captain Chemo vs. Bad-Man Cancer Dudes… we’ll all keep praying that round 2 goes to Peter, too!
    Stay strong, keep fighting, keep on being a little boy, too… ya gotta always remember that even though you are fighting a big battle, it’s still important to smile and have FUN!! Hugs and kisses to you and your sisters… we miss your entire family!!
    Love you till the day after tomorrow-
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily-Clare, Lily and Parker

    Emily Grace says:

    Baden says:
    “Peter, will you come play dinosaurs with me?”

    Mitchell says:
    “Hi Peter!”

    Carly says:
    “When can you come to Jenni’s?”

    Lily says:
    “Peter…. can you come and play at my house?”

    Parker John says:
    “From one P.J. to another — keep fighting, buddy! I can’t wait until I am older so you can teach me all about hockey and baseball and football!!”

    Riley says:
    “Hi Peter. I wish you were here to play!”

    Emily Clare, Mallory and Tate are at school, but send their love, too!

    With love from all your friends at daycare….

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