Round 1 Goes to Peter

Round one of chemo in the bout of Peter v. Cancer was completed at noon today and Pete-man is returning to his corner with a spring in his step. This metaphor is appropriate not only because he’s done so well, but because he’s going home this afternoon! That’s right. The discharge papers should be complete any minute and by 2:30 PM the Eigners should have their vehicle pointed north.

To be leaving on Friday afternoon as opposed to leaving over the weekend was somewhat unexpected, but Peter has been resilient and is in good form. With proper care and some luck, Ty, Erika and Peter won’t be back in Minneapolis for two weeks when round two begins. The most prominent concerns are ensuring that Peter doesn’t pick up any viruses as his immune system is weak and keeping his Hickman clean and intact. Although the first round of treatment is done being administered, the effects will continue to pervade his little body.

It is thrilling to see Peter doing so well thus far. I’m anxious to learn how effective this treatment has been, but we won’t know for two months or so. As the plan stands, that is when he would go through the same battery of tests to learn just how little cancer is left, if any! One can hope! And this one will.

42 Replies to “Round 1 Goes to Peter”

  1. YEAAHHHH!!!!!! Way to go Peter!!!!!! Have a safe trip home – hopefully there’s enough room in the truck for your mommy and daddy with all the great gifts you get to haul home!!! We are so glad to hear you’ll be home soon – everyone is so excited to see you and your mom and dad again!!!!!

    Take care and let us know if you need anything.

    Sindy and Tonya

  2. Good news. See you guys soon. Have a safe trip home. Everybody up here is excited to hear you are coming home.

  3. That’s great news – Congratulations, Team Eigner!

    Enjoy your time at home – stay strong – we will all continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers every day.

    Jan Marko

    We are so happy that you will all be going home today.
    The entire Brainerd Lakes area has missed ALL OF THE EIGNERS!!


    Love xoxo
    The Faacks’
    Colleen, Lonnie, Olivia, Jessica & Jacob

  5. Hey Eigners,

    That is great news to hear you will be coming home! Peter, you get to sleep in your own bed with all your new toys and gifts! Way to go with the Sub sandwich yesterday, it is awesome that you are eating alot.
    We really like your haircut too! How does your Dad look with his?
    Have a great ride home and we are very glad you get to come home:)

    Kim, Colette, Tanner & Taylor

  6. Yahoo for you all!!! I spoke with Jen earlier, so I knew you were heading for home either today or tomorrow. We will keep you in thought and prayer that all stays well for the duration between the treatments! Rest and take care of yourselves. I bet Ellie and Kate will be thrilled to have their family back home. Give Peter a big hug from Papa and Monga!

    With love,
    Peg and Ron

  7. I have chills running through my body as I write this message…. homeward bound!! CONGRATS, Peter for being so incredibly strong!! You just completed your first round of chemo a mere 2 hours ago – and are already on your way HOME! Man – you are truly amazing, my dear boy! You keep strong …. do everything that the doctors/nurses/mommy/daddy say… and you won’t have to go back to the hospital for 2 whole weeks! I am sure Kate and Ellie are looking forward to seeing you… and I am sure you are all looking forward to sleeping in your own beds! While home, please know that we all still want to do anything we can to help – so please don’t be afraid to ask. What may seem silly to you is rewarding to us… LET US HELP! It is my understanding that visitors will be limited as to protect your immune system – however, I would love to see you guys – 2 weeks is way too long to go without seeing you, Peter!
    As your compass is pointing due-North, we will continue to point ours straight to the heavens as we thank God for blessing you with all the strength and miracles that He has thus far. Keep on fighting Pete…. you are well on your way to RECOVERY and this will just be a chapter in your life that you will never forget.
    LOVE YOU, Bud!
    Love, Jenni, Ryan, Emily-Clare, Lily and Parker
    Forever Your Daycare Family!!

    P.S. Pop/Garage Sale to benefit Peter tomorrow! Beginning at 8am at 1116 “O” Street NE…. off of Mill Avenue at Holiday Gas Station! COME SUPPORT PETER’s HOMECOMING VICTORY… all the money raised is for our hero, The Pete-Man!! Monetary donations also accepted for the Eigner family!

  8. Hi Peter,
    It is 2:30 PM so imagine you are heading out to the car. It will be so nice to have you and mom and dad back in Brainerd. I am so glad you beat the bad bugs down in the first round.
    See you soon!

    Love you,
    Grandma Claire

  9. PRAISE THE LORD for this great news! Thank you LORD for giving Peter the strength for this fight! Please continue to heal him, and give his family rest and peace in you! In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN.

  10. Matt

    I’m sure all of us on this web site appreciate all you are doing for Peter, Erika and Ty. You are doing a masterful and caring job of communicating to all.

    You have to be a God-send to Peter, Erika and Ty who would have had to answer a ton of questions. Knowing them, I’m sure they feel the pressure to stay in touch with those who care about all of them and are relieved to know we are all excited about participating in the web site.

    One only needs to continue to “stay tuned” to realize that we live in a great country with more than its share of special and caring people.

    Once again,


    -ole gringo-

  11. I’m picturing you in your car, feeling a huge sense of freedom, heading up to spend Labor Day week-end at the lake. I am so excited for you all, have a great trip home! Peter, enjoy being in your own bed, in your own house, that sure will feel good I bet! We will continue to pray and keep your positive attitude, it sure is working!

    Love, Julie and the rest of the Platisha’s

  12. We welcome you home Eigners! Peter, we’re sure you will be excited to be in your own room with your own toys. That should put a big smile on your face! Please know that we love you and wish only the best for you.

    Marjorie, John & Tracy
    The Nolan Team
    Kurilla Real Estate, Ltd.

  13. What great news! I am sure you are so anxious to get home. Peter, this has been the best week and know this thing is going to be beaten. I am going to miss reading about you, but that’s a good thing. And Uncle Matt, we can’t thank you enough for sharing all the news with us. 🙂

  14. Great News Peter!! Have fun at home with your little sisters!! I am sure they missed their little brother!! Take care guys!! And thanks Matt for all the updates!

  15. Congrats on round one Peter…. sounds like you’ve got a standing ovation. Keep it up buddy!!! Thoughts and prayers are with you in Texas!!! The O’Connor’s

  16. Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!
    That is great news. Make sure you give Pete lotz of water. Chemo really takes fluids out of the body and dehydration causes the body to do strange things.
    Look forward to hearing more updates. If you have any questions regarding side effects that you may experience, give me a call. If I can share anything that I have experienced to help out, I am ready and willing.
    Bonnie Franke

  17. Way to go Peter! It’s 4:00pm…I bet you are in Little Falls – really close to home now! We’re so happy that your first round went well. Have a nice Labor Day weekend. Ty and Erika, I’m sure you know this, but if you need ANYTHING, we are here, no company…just holler.

    Love, Kurt, Stephanie, Karlie & Teddy

  18. Yea home! Do I need to get up there and patrol the visitors? I truely hope that friends and well wishers give you all a despartely needed break. To be able to be in your own home with the girls and Peter.

    Peter it was ssoooooo fund seeing you yesterday! I should probably make up a cd with me singing songs so my singing voice will keep killing the bad guys.

    Rest up, eat drink and laugh. love Auntie Jayne

  19. You are On Your Way Back to The Top Of The Mountain!!! It was very Nice to Talk you again Today… I am showing My son Jacob Pictures of Peter – He wants to Get Together someday to Play.. I told Him we would !! I am very proud of You Guys.. You took a huge step today
    1 Round In … Please Squeeze Your Entire Family from Our Family
    You Can & Will win This fight!!!!

    The Cohen Family
    Dave Cohen

  20. Peter, Ty and Erika,

    We are SO excited for you to be going home, how wonderful to be home for the long weekend. I bet your sisters will be very excited to have all of you home! We are so very proud of your bravery and strength. You are truely an amazing boy with wonderful parents!

    We continue to pray and hope.
    Our love,
    Chrissy & Monte Mraz

  21. Hey Peter!
    Congratulations on Round 1. You’re a fighter. Please know that I am praying for you that you continue to stay strong. You are going to beat this bully!
    Thinking of you often!

  22. Way to go Pete,
    What great news. Matt, if you have an opportuniy, could you email us Ty’s phone #. I’ve misplaced it. Thanks again for everything you’re doing.
    Ed and roz

  23. Welcome home, Eigners!!!! It’s 6:30 Brainerd time, and I have a feeling that you are here. The amazing little boy who has touched a whole community (and then some) has finally returned, and we are so happy! Round one is done, and I have a feeling Pete-man is the winner. Have fun watching the Twins game in your own home tonight, Pete! We’re so glad you’re back! Ty and Erika- you know our number, make sure to use it if you need anything!!! Love, Maggie

  24. Hang tough Peter! We’ll keep you in our prayers. Send me your coordinates and I’ll fly my C-130 over your house and wave the wings.

    Sean, Kathy, Connor, and Hannah Code

  25. Yeah Peter!

    Way to go guy! Keep up the hard fight. We are thinking about you and are so pleased that you will get to be at home for a while. Keep thinking those strong thoughts.

    Baden, Emily Grace, Beth, and James

  26. Peter,
    I await your return so I can pitch to you, catch for you,field for you, fish with you, take you for a boat ride, maybe a ride on the ATV, go get something to eat, read to you, love you lots and by the time we accomplish all this I will need a big nap. Get home soon.

    Grandpa Poopster

  27. Dear Erika, Ty and Peter,

    I’m not sure if you will be able to place us at a time like this. My husband and I met you both several years ago at Brent and Kerri Hanson’s home when you first moved to Brainerd. Last winter I was able to catch up with you Erika at the hockey rink. Peter was skating, you had both the girls with you too. What a beautiful family you have.

    How sorry Mike and I are to hear of Peter’s illness. Please know we will pray for Peter and your family.

    We have a son who is also four, Will. Peter and Will are going to be classmates in preschool this year. When I read this on the class roster several weeks ago I was thrilled. I am looking forward to connecting with you both again. I am anixous for the boys to meet.

    You have so many people extending their hands to you. We too would be honored to help you in anyway.

    Peace and Love to you,

    Mike and Maggie Weinkauf


  28. HOORAY for YOU!!!!! Have a great weekend Eigner Family!
    We will all keep prayin’ and you keep fightin’!!!! One day at a time!
    Sleep well guys! We are so happy you are headed home!
    God’s Blessing to you all,
    The Houses’

  29. Welcome Home Peter,

    I am so happy for you and your family. Any time spent in the hospital seems to long.
    Thanks to your uncle Matt for the great site.I hope you keep us all up to date with Peters progress.

    “It’s a great day for Hockey” Peter is back in Warrior territory
    Bager Bob said that.

    We are still praying for you,

    Karen Miles And family

  30. Hey Peter!

    Good job on your first dose of medicine…….and congratulations to eveyone for a job well done during your hospital visit. Glad to hear you get to go home to a more familiar surrounding and to see your friends!

    Keep up the good work!

    Rob, Carol, Brandon & Briana

  31. Yeah Peter!!!!! We are so happy to hear your going home. Your little sisters must have missed you sooooo much. We have been thinking of you everyday and want you to know that Justin and Jayda pray for you each night. Stay strong and keeping fighting buddy!

    Take care and enjoy being “home”

    The Johnson family

  32. Peter,
    Congrats on round 1 being done. Glad to hear you getting a couple of weeks back at home! We just wanted you to know, we here in Colorado are thinking a lot about you and praying for you to feel well.
    You have a special family! and thanks to your Uncle Matt for keeping us up to date. Enjoy being home. Love, the Granato’s

  33. Buddy –

    I was SO excited when Uncle Matt told me that you were headed home today. Since we didn’t have a chance to play Nanosaur yesterday, we’ll play again when you are back. Remember your medicine is still working to beat all those bad guys. You are truly the hero just like the good guy in our game.

    Erika and Ty – you know that our house is your house should you need to use it for any reason.

    We’ll miss you guys but SO glad you are HOME!

  34. The Dewey’s are glad to hear you are getting some time back on your “home ice.” You are in our thoughts and prayers

  35. It was so great to learn that you are back home! A time to regenerate in the arms of a community that cares so much. Please know that we hold a special place is our hearts for your family. God’s blessings to you all.

    Much love,
    Dave & Kris Peterson

  36. We are so very happy that you get to go home for a couple weeks and spend time with Ellie and Kate too.
    Good job Peter !! Hope all goes well for you at home too.
    Thanks so very much to Uncle Matt for this wonderful website and keeping everyone so informed , we appreciate it very much Matt.
    We will be keeping in touch and checking on you. Our thoughts will always be with you and Mom and Dad too.
    Lot of Love and prayers.
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  37. Peter, Ty & Erika,
    It is wonderful news to here you all are coming Home. We are thankful the fisrt round of chemo is done. We are so excited to hear how well Peter is doing. Stay Strong Peter! We pray for you each day.We know you will win this battle. You are truely an amazing little boy! Enjoy your days at home, smile and have loads of fun Peter. We will continue to keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers all thoughout your recovery.
    Love, Marv,Julie,Melissa,Tyler & Mitchell Bush

  38. We are so happy that you guys finally get to go home. Peter, you are one strong little boy. Way to keep fighting!! We will keep you in our prayers!!

    Dan, Lori, Kullan and Makenna Daikawa

  39. Hip hip hooray! Enjoy the break and family time while the medicine keeps working to beat the bad guys.

  40. Peter-The Funk’s are all happy that you did so well in round 1.We will keep you in our prayers as you rest up at home for round 2.

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