Treatment Begins

Well tomorrow the first round of chemotherapy begins. We have no idea what to expect. All we know is that Peter’s FIGHT TO WIN begins sometime tomorrow. And that is our attitude We are going to FIGHT TO WIN. Erika and I pray for strength to help our son through this. We are so thankful that when we pray at night, we know that we are not in this alone. Everything we have learned up to this point tells us that we are going to need all the help we can get. So again, “thank you” for everything each of you have done for our family up to this point. We are truly blessed to have the most amazing support system behind us as we move forward. We don’t know what to expect from this disease, but we do know that this disease has never taken on a child so strong who has so many people in his corner.


Ty, Erika, Peter, Ellie and Kate Eigner

66 Replies to “Treatment Begins”

  1. I don’t know your family, nor do you know mine, but I do know people in Brainerd. I just want you to know that you are in my prayers. I have faith that God will get your family through these tough times. And I will be checking back to see how things are going.

    God Bless!
    Danielle Magers
    Kansas City, MO

  2. And so the fight of the century is about to begin.

    Peter vs NB!
    The odds are stacked for NB 99 to 1; Peter has the 1 to 100 odds.

    I guess we all know how this is going to end, don’t we? Peter standing with his foot on NB’s chest hand held high in glorious respose!

    Please stay tuned folks, the main event is about to begin. We’ll have play by play action, color commentary provided by generous friends and family and of course the moments were we’ll have to brak away from the action for a brief NEWSFLASH from Ty and Erika.

    Oops, my silliness has snuck out; I’d better go to bed so I can be up praying and cheering for Peter’s big day.

    Much love from Ohio,
    Shelly Adams

  3. Peter and Family,
    I’m a friend of the Cohen family. I just wanted you all to know you’re in my thoughts and prayers.
    Best wishes and Hugs!!
    Erica Hostetler

  4. Ty and Erica,
    We have been reading Peter’s page every day and want you to know that we are praying for Peter. We have decided that being an “EIGNER” will help Peter win this fight. (unstoppable German determination!!! )
    GET that BAD GUY Peter!

    Kim and Kyle

  5. Erica, Ty & Peter,

    Our family wanted you to know we have been reading this site daily and have been praying for you. All of God’s blessings and strength.

  6. Peter,

    Today’s infoline message for the Joe Mauer Fan Club has a special message for you if you have time to listen.

    Mom or dad can call 952-953-7777 or click the link from the website so you can hear it.

    I know it’s going to be a busy day so if you can’t listen here’s what it says in a nutshell: “A special hello to Peter Eigner. . . Joe is lucky to have such a big fan . . . Our thought’s & prayers are with you as you begin your chemo today. . . Be strong, little man!”

    Joe Mauer Fan Club

  7. Ty, Erica, Peter & family,

    We are thinking of you guys so much during this difficult time.
    Go get’em Peter. We are all pulling for you.
    Peter, I miss my lunch buddy at the hockey camp!

    Danno and Stacy

  8. Good Morning Eigner family,

    The day has arrived – you can only imagine who is on EVERYONES mind today!!!! There is power in numbers!!! Even the TWINS are with us here. Stay tough, Peter; remember who’s in charge here!

    Ty and Erika, may this road be as smooth as it can possible be for you. You are in our every thought and prayer.

    The Allords

  9. Peter, Ty, Erika, and family.

    Good luck today. It was great seeing everybody yesterday. You are in good hands. Our thoughts and prayers are with you from the north. I will be going to see the 6 dollar man at the corner of 371 and 13 for my rock star cut today. It is the start of the 1st period and it is a long game but great teams always win and from what I saw yesterday you have the best team in the league. Talk with you soon.

  10. Hey guys-
    We prayed last night for Peter to have strength throught his battle. He is such a great little guy and loved by everyone who knows him. We believe that God will watching over him all the time through this. We will continue to pray for strength for Peter and family. You guys can do this! We love you Peter!
    Dan Ann and Tate Richter

  11. Erica, Ty, and Peter,

    Good luck today Peter, we will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you all of God’s blessings.

  12. Erica, Ty & Peter,
    I read your page daily, and am behind you 1000%. Know that you are in my prayers as well. Good Luck Peter.

  13. Ty, Erica, and Peter,

    I think back to the classic U.S.A. vs Russia game in 1980 when the world thought we had no chance…..little did they know, and little does this disease know what a fighter it has before it. Peter will beat this hands down.

    Kristi and I will continue to pray, and please know that if there is anything we can do, don’t hesitate at all to ask.

    Good luck today.

    Andy and Kristi Anderson

  14. Peter,
    I nearly forgot to mention how excited I was to see your picture on the front page of the Sunday Sports section of the Brainerd Dispatch. You sure look great in your uniform! I can’t wait to see you back on the ice.

    Get well and get skating!

  15. Good Luck Pete-Man,

    Good to see you yesterday! The game starts today. It is going to be a battle, but you will WIN! The team behind you is a good one. Everyone is in your corner. Go Get Em!

  16. “If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or fight like hell.” ~Lance Armstrong

    FIGHT LIKE HELL PETER! You have so many people on your team!

    All my support and prayers,
    Jill Ferrie

  17. Hi Peter, Ty & Erica,

    Hey Peter we are thinking of you and your family today. Never stop believing – you can do this, remeber God is with you!!! Stay strong and get some rest. You are one heck of a fighter – go kick those bad ickes butt!!!! As your dad said, Fight to Win buddy, we are with you all the way. Take care Eidner’s you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    May God Bless you,
    Nancy, Bryan, Jake and Abby Bushey

  18. Ok the fight begins. Will be thinking of you all this week and hope it won’t be too bad. Hang in there guys.

  19. Behind these words are tears streaming down my face. Not because I am scared… nor am I sad… the tears are tears of determination! Tears of excitement… let the battle begin! The power of love, prayer and support from miles and miles and miles around will be with you today, Eigner family! We hope you can feel the strength that we all send you. No one ever said this would be easy – that’s why you have hundreds of people behind you 1000000 %. We all want to carry some of the pain for you. Through great medical advances, intelligent doctors, pounds and pounds of prayers and unconditional love and support, this battle will be won by the strongest and toughest (and CUTEST) 4 year old I know! GO PETER!

    Yesterday I was very fortunate in that Peter’s little sisters, Ellie and Kate were able to come & play with all of their friends for the day! It was WONDERFUL! (Peter, Kate looks so much like you, it was kind of like looking straight into your eyes!!) I was absolutely amazed at the the calm that both girls showed. Perhaps Kate is too young to understand what Peter is battlling, but she isn’t too young to understand that mommy and daddy are not around as much as she is used to. Did she seem phased by this?? No. Ya know why – because the whole Eigner family posesses the same great strenght and wisdom to know when a battle needs to be fought. Another miracle. Little Ellie fascinates me. When asked where Peter was – she looked at me with a gigantic smile on her face and said (through nuk-filled mouth) “He’s at da hopidoe getting betto!!” What was most amazing was the attitude in which she said it. She wasn’t scared or frightened or sad. Instead she gave me a look as if to say “Are you stupid, Jenni? Everybody knows where Peter is!!” The calm with in these children is down right amazing…. and I believe it is another miracle. Ty & Erika – you are to be commended for raising such wonderful children. And Grandma Barb – you are to be commended for taking on the responsibilty of “raising” your granddaughters during this difficult time. Your family is truly blessed to be so close. Ty & Erika – I am certain you miss your daughters a great deal… but please know that they are doing well and will help all of to see the innocent side of life.
    Our prayers today will be filled with intensity… and our hearts today will be filled with excitment … this is just the beginning of the battle – but it’s going to end up in Peter’s favor. That’s certainly a reason to be excited! Peter- today is your day, sweet boy. Stay strong and everything will be handled by God. Score a goal, hit a homer, get a touchdown….. WIN WIN WIN!
    We love you Peter, till the day after forever!
    Your daycare family will be cheering you on!
    Love, Jenni, Ryan, Emily-Clare, Lily and Parker John

  20. Eigners,

    Everyday we can feel the power of something special happening down there in Peters Room. We’re all in this fight with you Eigners, One BIG team one BIG jersey.
    Full Steam Ahead….

    With all of our Hope, Faith and Love

    Kal, Kari, and Dave Stengrim

  21. Hello Ty and family –

    I do not know you very well – I am the treasurer for CIA Hockey – we met last year at the district meeting in Moorhead. I jusy heard about Peter today and wanted to send my prayers. I have a 10 year old and a 4 year old – both in hockey. In reading about Peter – I cannot help to think of my 4-year old Jonathan – I have nothing to compare your battle with so I will just keep praying and thinking of all of you. Stay Stong! Everyone in CIA Hockey will be praying for you.

    Jill Blanchette
    Aitkin, MN

  22. Eigner Family –

    You don’t know us, but Uncle Matt and Auntie G are close friends. We stay updated with this great site and think about you and your family everyday. The support system you have, from friends to complete strangers, is so strong and quite simply… amazing.

    Good luck in this fight, stay strong and you can beat your ugliest opponent yet.

    Peter, you have such a sparkle to your eyes and are a very special boy. I think we all want to make sure we see that again for many, many years to come. GO TWINS!!

    Thinking of you daily,
    Sara and Matt Chapman

  23. Good Luck today everyone is cheering you on and you will be in our prayers!

    Blessings from the Wyatt’s

  24. Peter , Ty and Erica,
    You are in our daily prayers as we’re all pulling for you here in Grand Rapids, Michigan! We will stay connected daily!!

    Our Strength to You!!!

    Krattman, Betsy, Daniel, Peter and Victoria Kratt

  25. Hi Peter, Erika, and Ty,

    We just wanted to say good luck today with your first chemo treament. We know it won’t be fun but it is going to make you better so you can be back playing hockey in no time! Years from now you will be telling your friends how you kicked cancers butt!!!

    Stay strong and be well.
    Stacy, Heath, and Palmer

  26. Today is Peter and Capt. Chemo doing battle. With your courage and Capt. Chemo’s strength, together you will win. Your cheering section is large. I hope you can hear us all cheering you on. Eat, Drink, Rest, and fight hard!!

    Thinking of you everyday…Go get ’em Peter!

    The Musielewicz’s

  27. Hey Little Man,

    We are all thinking of you and hope everything goes well today. I wish we were there so I could come and visit you. I could introduce you to Miss Emerson. She makes everyone laugh and would talk your ear off (if you can call it talk at her ripe ole’ age of 8 months) but needs a big strong guy to show her the ropes! You definitely fit that description to a “T”. Since you are already a big brother, I am going to need your advice. Do you think you could help me? I’ll be calling you!
    Much Love today and everyday!
    Amy, Robert and Emerson Gordon

  28. Peter, Ty and Erica

    If strength comes from numbers, given the number of people cheering you on, you are unbelievably strong Although we have been watching intently – we wanted to send this note letting you know that since that all began a day has not passed when you were not in our thougths and prayers.

    Peter, stay strong – use that Warrior spirit to smash those bad guys!

    Landon, Jim, Lori and Allison

  29. Hello Eigner family, we have been keeping tabs on your web-site here. We have put out the word for extra prayers today on a caringbridge site of a boy named Shaun Plumley. We met their family at North Memorial during our stay. It is a highly visited site with almost 200,000 hits. So the way I figure it, the more people we can get praying the better. I found it wonderfull how people you have never met and may never meet are more than willing to say an extra prayer at the end of the day, just for you. So just know that this prayer chain is about to go international (actually, it probably already has).

    Peter, we are thinking of you on this very important day. We are offering up our days for you and praying for strength for you. You are one tough kid. Most adults I know couldn’t even hang for a day.

    “If God puts you to it, He’ll get you through it”.

    You are always in our thoughts,
    Trina Volkl

  30. Erika, Ty and Peter:

    The entire Rabe family is thinking of all of you today, especially Peter, and we will be praying that the first Chemo treatment and all of his treatments go well.

    How did the auction go at Shep’s last weekend?


  31. Hello, this web site truly touched my heart.
    You don’t know me, but i will pray for your baby to get well soon!!
    Sending him lots of prayers and hugs~~~

    You can beat this thing, Peter, YOU CAN!! And you will !

    I’ll keep checking this site for updates 🙂

    Best wishes,
    God Bless You!

    Sincerely Jane K.

  32. Hey Peter,

    Just want you and your parents to know that we are thinking and praying for you EVERYDAY! Be strong, and kick some bottom on this NB thing……we know you can do it. I can just imagine what your team looks like, that NB doesn’t have a chance! Go get’em! But remember, it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon……there will be peaks and valleys. Go hard and steady and you will win!

    All the best!

    The Grillo’s….Rob, Carol, Brandon & Briana

  33. Hello Eigner Family,

    We have never met, but I’m Mark’s sister Kristi. You are in our daily thoughts and prayers as you begin this fight. You will beat this icky thing Peter – YOU WILL! We have a little boy named Jack (your age) that is also a big TWINS fan and a big hockey fan (yeah – he’s kinda fond of Carl too). You just give us a call when you’re ready for a little knee hockey in the hallway of the hospital!!

    Stay strong,

    Kristi, Bob and Jack Brandt

  34. This morning, I got to the hospital early and Peter, Erika and Ty were all out for Peter’s hearing test. I sat and chatted with one of the helpers at the hospital, Gary. He was organizing all of the stuffed animals on Peter’s bed.

    During our conversation, he mentioned what a wonderful family the Eigner’s are and though I’ve thought this from the beginning, I felt privileged to have married into such an amazing family. The love and support that is in that hospital room has obviously overflowed and is touching the lives of many.

  35. Hi, Pete, Erika and Ty……I hope all went ok today!!! I want all of you to know how impressed we were with Pete after our visit on Sunday. Molly, Mike and Nate made many comments about his character and the character of your family!! We are all learning a lot from the Eigner family!! Love you all!! Coach “Z” and Ruth

  36. Hey there Peter,

    I heard you are starting your medicine today. I know you might feel kind of sick for a while, but I will be thinking about you every day and hoping you are feeling well. I am at school right now, can you believe us teachers have to start before the kids? Crazy, huh? I have been keeping very busy putting things away and getting the room ready for all of the kids to come. I am going to make a book of bags for your grandma Mary to bring to you at the hospital and then when you get tired of them you can send them home with her and she can give them to me and I’ll trade them in for new books to bring to you. Because my classroom is full of books and I know you might need some variety!! I hope today is a good day for you and that you have a wonderful week! Talk to you soon!!


  37. Peter –
    We are praying for you and know that with your great attitude and beautiful smile that you are going to fight this with full gusto!! We look forward to seeing you at the hockey rink!!

    Tom Grimsley and family

  38. Ty, Erika and kids-

    We have been thinking of you and praying for God’s blessing on your first day of chemo. My sister, Julie P, says that you know a gal I work with at General Mills who also knows Angela K? Please let me know if you need any more info. I would be glad to share it.
    Take care. Hug each other close. Remember to smile as much as you can each day.

    Little Peter reminds me so much of our little Tommy who also plays hockey and I think is a year older than Peter according to Julie. (Tommy was born 5/2/01). Boy does this hit close to home. We are in the fight with you! We know you have done so much for J.P. Now it’s our turn to support you!

    Take care!!
    The Witchgers

  39. Hi Peter, When Grandma Barb and Grandpa Poopster were over for supper with Ellie and Kate, they really liked my mashed potatoes. Ellie was pretty neat at eating them but Kate was a little messy. They got all over her face. We had some cake with Kool Whip on top for dessert, but Ellie just wanted the Kool Whip so that is what I gave her, a little bowl full. Keep on eating real good so you can keep up your strength so Ellie and Kate don’t get stronger than you.
    Tom and I are thinking of you and Mom and Dad all the time. Your fight has begun and we are right along with you through it all.

    All our Love and prayers, Tom and Judy

  40. Ty, Erika, Peter and your entire family-The teachers and staff at Eastview High were made aware of your situation today from Barb Groth and the folks in the Eastview hockey community got a heads up late last week from Sue Ellen Olson. To say we were all stunned would be an understatement. I know Robin and I have never met Peter and it has been a long time since we saw either Ty or Erika but I still wanted to send you guys a note. First of all on the Eastview end Debbie Peterson has already arranged a collection for you guys (I understand Subway and Noodles are becoming your dietary staples while sleeping on the floor in the hospital!!) and we will make sure it gets to you soon. Secondly with two little girls of our own ages 2 and 4 months I can not even begin to imagine what you are going through. What I can say is I am absolutely blown away by your strength, courage, and amazing attitudes that have come through on this website. Ty your “coaching attitude” is so evident. I know from our year of coaching together there was no challenge you would ever back down from. Peter is lucky to have two such amazing parents. Robin and I sat down and read through all of the updates and were brought to tears of our own more than once. I feel like we have gotten to know Peter through them as well…what a character! The innocence of a young child can put a smile on anyone’s face. I know you have an amazing support network in place, but if there is anything that we could ever be of assistance with do not hesitate to ask. In the meantime we will continue our daily prayers for all of you and help in any little way we can. One final story so you know how many people are pulling for you…Our two year old daughter Katie can not understand any of what is happening to Peter, but she could sense our emotion last night and asked what was wrong. We told her a little boy named Peter was in need of some special help because he wasn’t feeling well….then when it was time for nightly prayers we asked her if their was anyone she would like to pray for…her response was “I want all my prayers tonight to go to Peter so he can feel better soon.” I know God was listening. As you said in one of your posts this disease is powerful, but it never had to beat a kid and family as strong as yours. God Bless-Matt, Robin, Katie and Emily Percival

  41. Way to Go Peter – It is Time to Fight back – The Cancer Has been There Long Enough… Now it is time to get rid of it for Good. I have been speaking with your Daddy- What a Nice man- I know your are going to Show everyone That the Power Of Prayer works.. I am going to Be Praying for You every day… Just Like I do For My son.. Jake .. let him be your inspiration to You & Your family That you can & will win This battle…

    The Cohen Family

  42. Peter, You sound like one tough little dude that I wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley!!! You hang in there little man…. and keep on fighting….. I’m going to say a special prayer just for you! I know that everyone there is taking such good care of you. Hang in there Peter!!

    Erika… I’m a total blast from your past… Ty too (ahhh… good old RHS!)! Do you recognize my maiden name? I got a call from Darcy (Rowe) Franklin the other day telling me all about your little guy. I am so sorry and will be praying for your family especially as he begins treatment tomorrow. This website is wonderful and it’s awesome to see so many comments, you obviously have the love and support of a very large community!! I haven’t been in touch with Michelle in years… but I am so touched by this news Erika… just know that I’m thinking of you and praying for you all.


  43. Good luck Peter, I am with For a Child’s Sake Golf Tourney. I will pray for you and your family. Keep up the progress Fight to WIN!!!

  44. Hi Peter:
    I wish you good luck and strenght during your treatment . I know you will be fine . I am Dave Cohen’s brother and he told me your story . We have met many a child like you thru the ” For A Child Sake ” Golf tournament that our foundation puts on .
    You are all very special and all of our prayers and thoughts will be with you . I bet you are one great hockey player ! Keep your chin up
    and don’t forget to practice your hockey so when your treatment is over you will be right where you need to be
    take care
    Ron , Cindy , Rita and Megan Cohen

  45. Hi Pete,

    We just wanted to let you know your in our thoughts and prayers daily. You have a big strong team behind you ever step of the way GO,FIGHT,WIN . You are an amazing little guy! LIVESTRONG and you will beat the NB.

    Dean, Denise, Blake,Bren &Tiffany

  46. Peter,

    We are from the “For a Child’s Sake Tournament. We received an e-mail from Dave Cohen and wanted to just drop you a short note to let you and your family know that you are in our thoughts and we’ll be joining your prayer brigade. We wish good luck and godspeed. We know that you have alot of prayer and support behind you and are looking forward to hearing about your success as you battle on.

    Mike and Theresa Orecchia

  47. Peter,

    Hang in there buddy. Just heard the story from a friend of mine Dave Cohen. I play in his golf tournament in Colorado every year “For a Childs Sake”. You will do fine and make a great recovery like his son Jake. Best of luck to you and your future Hockey Career. You will be in our prayers. The Ralston’s

  48. Hi Peter:
    I’m a friend of Dave Cohen and have know him for a very long time. I have seen the positive and negative and know through the power of prayers the success we can all have. I am wishing you all of the best and you are in my prayers.
    Be well soon.

  49. Hi Peter,

    I know today was a big day for you my prayers are with you. I’m from the Childs Sake golf Tournament and I know everyone that participated is praying with your family. My father had cancer twice and beat it both times, so just stay strong and positive.

    God Bless

    The Reinholdt Family

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