More Test Results

The bone marrow test came back today and confirmed that the cancer has spread to the marrow. This was not unexpected news, but there was still hope that this news wouldn’t come.

Peter also had another CAT scan this afternoon of his torso. His lungs look good. We can be thankful for that. There is still tumor in his abdomen; The surgery didn’t remove it all and we knew that. The scan also detected a little something in his left shoulder, at the edge of the image. So another scan is scheduled for tomorrow for his shoulders/neck region to take a closer look. Unfortunately, Peter has complained that his shoulder hurts more than once.

The good news is that we’re seeing more of the real Peter today. He has been SO much more energetic. He’s chatting and playing and walking. In fact, if you’re on pole duty (following with the IV pole), you better pay attention and stay agile. He’s starting to get his motor back.

He’s sitting beside me right now and just yelped louder than I’ve heard for quite a while. What made him chirp? The Twins are on the television. “Joe Mauer!”

One thing has been certain. The road ahead is long. Today’s news doesn’t change that, but it has added more definition to the road.

10 Replies to “More Test Results”

  1. Hello again, just wanted to tell you that we continue to pray for you and we are thinking of you everyday-

    Peter, we think you are a very brave little boy and we know that you will fight this and come through like a champ-

    Again, you are in our thoughts and prayers!

    Matt, thanks so much for this website- it is so nice to be updated so that we can do all we can to help (raffle tickets etc).
    Greg, Brenda, Brooke & Ty

  2. Peter,

    We are sitting here pondering what to do with the Mario Lemieux jersey if we win it… Don’t tell anyone but neither one of us follows hockey. So, our point is this: What happens if we end up with the jersey???? Who shall we give it to??? Do you know of any four year old boys that have a big enough heart to fill an adult size jersey???

    We’ll keep you posted,

    Tiff & Niiki

  3. Peter,

    Hey my little buddy!! I talked to my mom (Sue) and she told me that you weren’t feeling good. Being sick isn’t very fun 🙁 I am up at school at UND and thinking of you everyday. I hope that you start feeling better buddy. When you do, you can come over and play hockey and baseball, you are so good, you always end up beating me!!! I heard that my mom and Molly came and saw you, did they bring you anything fun?? Well I just wanted to say hi and tell you I am thinking of you tell your parents and sisters hi too!! Talk to you soon buddy.


  4. Hi Peter,
    My husband, Jim, coaches the girls hockey team in Brainerd so he knows your mom and dad quite well. We were over at your house a couple weeks ago and your dad showed us around, and while I thought your sisters had a nice room, I think you have the coolest kids room I’ve ever seen. We only have girls so their rooms are all pink and purple and not nearly as neat as yours, I hope you feel better soon so you can go home and sleep in your own bed in the world’s coolest bedroom. One of our girls, Grace, is 3 and we were trying to teach her how to skate last year and your dad said it was o.k. if she borrowed a pair of your skates. I heard your a good skater and maybe when your feeling better you could go skating with Grace and show her how to do it, (I will make sure she gets her own pair of skates this year). I hope your getting lots of ice cream and popsicles

  5. Ty and Erika-
    I am so sorry that you have to deal with another round of not so happy news. You are both champions… not only in the physical sense of the word, but mostly in the emotional sense of the word. I know that I would not be as strong as you have been in dealing with all this. My heart is broken into pieces right now as I grieve about the battle ahead. We continue to pray… and our prayers certainly just got a lot stronger. Live Strong, Eigners. Live Strong.

    To my special daycare boy, Peter John…. Keep your spirits alive, sweet boy. I miss you more than I can ever express in this little blog, and the love I have for you is as great as the love I have for my own 3 children. You are one heck of a special boy and I can’t wait to wrap a great big hug around you. Live Strong, Peter. … and, Yes, I do believe in miracles!

    A bunch of love to you ALL-
    Jenni and family

  6. Ty, Erika and Family – words can’t express the feelings. As everyone is telling you, be strong. We are all feeling the anguish.

    All our love and prayers are with you all.
    “Papa and Monga”

  7. Ty, Erika and Family,

    I am Julie Platisha’s sister Mary. My hubby, Tom and I met you both at Julie and Perry’s Christmas party and played with your baby.

    We are thinking about you and praying for all of you. Julie will be passing some info along to you from a friend of mine whose son is in remission from Neuroblastoma. My friend said she would be glad to help if you need advice or have questions. She and her family have walked the same road so maybe she can help make it a smoother path in some way.

    Our kids, Megan (7) and Tommy (5) have added Peter to their nightly prayers. We are all fighting this with you in thought and prayer.

    God Bless you all,
    The Witchgers

  8. pete whats up? I hear you like joe mauer he’s my favorite twin too. i will be thinking about you when i watch the twins this fall. Get better, and i’ll see you at the rink
    thoughts and prayers

  9. Hey guys-
    We are so sad that Peter has to face even more challenges. As parents we can not even imagine what you are going through. Tate really talks about Peter alot and looks forward to playing with him again. We pray for you guys to have super strength at this time. Your family is in our thoughts always.
    Love and Prayers,
    Dan, Ann and Tate Richter

  10. Peter-

    Your haircut is so handsome…the other guys had to follow 🙂 .

    You all are amazing, beautiful people.

    Your are in my thoughts and prayers always,
    Bridget Krygiel

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