Interesting Development

The days since I last posted have been good. There is some sense of normalcy in the Eigner household and Peter is doing pretty well, given that the recovery from ARDS is long and difficult. Eating is still a struggle and sometimes he’s just not his normal, outgoing self. He’ll play baseball, but he’s not going to run the bases. In the past, he would be running on a foul ball. And he wasn’t stopping at first base, either. He was going to run all four if you didn’t tag him out. Yet there are moments of the energetic goof ball within.

Next Tuesday Erika and Peter are scheduled for a flight to NYC, where they will have CT scans, MIBG, and a bone marrow biopsy. These tests last through Thursday and then the schedule was to come back on Friday. However, Sloan-Kettering called today and Peter is now HAMA negative. This good bit of news means that he can resume the antibody treatments that weren’t completed before. So they are changing flights to stay in NYC for another week and resume the antibody treatments. It’s small price to pay to get Peter the best weapons against cancer.

13 Replies to “Interesting Development”

  1. Peter~

    Thinking of you daily, and hoping that your trip to NY will be filled with good news on the tests and scans. We are so proud of the fighter you are, and even though your not 100% yet we know the day is coming! Tell your mommy and daddy we said Hi. We would love to bring you guys dinner one night when it works for you. Keep fighting Peter!!

    All our love and prayers~ Ryan, Megan, and Logan

  2. Dear Peter, Erika, Ty, and family,

    Good luck and God Speed in The Big Apple. We are praying for you daily and think of you all the time. You are all being very brave and strong. Cancer doesn’t like that. Keep fighting. Keep beating it back. You will prevail!

    Peter, I have two little grandsons and you are in my heart just like they are–God be with you all.


    Bette Noble

  3. Hey Peter! It was GREAT to see you yesterday! I DEFINITELY noticed a difference in your ‘spunk’ — you were smiling and more talkative at this casual meeting than you were last week when I saw you! We are so proud of you! None of us have a clue what you’re feeling nor do we have a clue what that little mind of yours is thinking…. but, I do know one thing for sure – you are a beautiful young boy and you are most certainly winning this battle. Keep fighting, Pete…..

    Peter, I spent about 45 minutes last night digging through all my kindergarten level worksheets & projects. I have a huge stack of stuff for you…. (since you told me how much you LOVE homeowork :)). I will send it home with you today — and you’ll have to let me know if it’s too hard, or too easy… and then let me know when you’re ready for more!!

    With much love and prayers for a successful stay in NYC!
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

  4. Eigner’s,
    Good luck to you on your upcoming trip to NY. It truly will be a beautiful time of year for a visit. We will continue our prayers that you receive good news with your testing and that the antibody treatments go well. Keep your strength up and have a safe trip! Our thoughts are with you.
    Much love and continued hope……………
    The Olson’s
    Ty, Lisa, Paige, Drew & Hallsey

  5. Peter and family–

    As always you remain in our prayers. Glad to hear that you can resume treatment to blast this thing.

    Hope to see you guys soon.

    The Clausen’s

  6. Hi Eigners,

    Have a safe trip to NYC!! Rest assure that the prayers are still going strong for Peter and your family. Ok, Peter I know you don’t have a huuuuuuuge appetite, but I was raised there and would LOVE it if you could have a pretzel (the ones they sell on the street) and a NYC hot dog just for me!!! I can taste it already!! Then maybe you can have a race with your mom in central park, I know she said she runs 3 miles a day, but I bet you can beat her!
    Maybe let her win once :). We’ll be awaiting more good news and know you will beat this. You’re the strongest little dude around.

    Take care,
    The Nahorski’s

  7. Sounds like you have enjoyed and made good use of your recovery time this last month at home. Good luck on your next venture to NYC. Good luck with your homework too!! My little grandson is homeschooled and he loves it… Keep up your good fight Peter, we are all batting for you!! (and running the bases too)

  8. Hey Eigners! We were so glad to see no entries on your site for awhile which means you are enjoying your at-home-time at full tilt! Good for you! Isn’t it amazing how many little tasks/projects you can get done when you’re actually home for a week or two??? We’re in San Francisco to determine the details of Mary’s next step in treatment: MIBG attached to radioactive Iodine 131. Ronald McDonald House in Mpls is definitely a couple tiers higher in comfortable accommodations than the equivalent here. I say this not in criticism but in awe of the facility at home. We are grateful for such caring places for families here in San Fran and across the nation (and world, if the Dutchess of York continues her campaign!) We will be holding you close in prayer as always as you do your next scans and antibody treatment.
    Love and blessings in abundance, patti 🙂 and crew

  9. Eigners,

    We will pray for you while you return to NYC, that all of the tests will go as scheduled and the results be good. I am glad that you are having a little time of normalcy while you have been home. I know more of those days are in the near future. May God continue to bless you and keep you all safe while you are in NYC. Hope to see you soon. Keep up the fight.
    LaCoe, Dan, Gavin and Lucas

  10. Peter,

    Good to hear that you are continuing to slug it out! You are amazing. It sounds like ARDS had you running the bases extra. Keep resting and gaining back your energy little by little and you’ll be running the bases again soon; foul balls and all. We are so proud of you and wish you well on your trip to New York, during your tests, and with the antibody treatment. You are always in our prayers.

    The Bastians

  11. Keep up the great work Peter! How lovely that you’ve had some time to just be with your whole family.

  12. PETER,
    wE KEEP PRAYING FOR YOU!!! You are one strong guy! Keep going buddy.
    God bless you and give you strength,

    Pat and Sandy Westrum and family

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