More Test Results

I have some more info on the CT scans. The abdominal mass that was just operated on does not show up any more. That alone makes the challenge and heartache of the last surgery all worthwhile. Its goal was accomplished.

As I understand it, the lymph nodes in the superclavicular area do look completely normal. They simply remark because it was previously a location of disease.

The kidney ultrasound came back and the kidney is functioning just fine. They believe that any abnormality they saw is due to trauma recovery. Memorial Sloan-Kettering in NY hasn’t weighed in on any of these tests yet, but the Eigners should hear from them before long.

Peter is going along just fine. Erika said he walks slowly and lags behind the group. He’s eating better, but remains weak. I imagine he’s gaining a tad more strength each day. And in good time he’ll be running out front of the pack once again. And if he’s running out front of the pack, how long before he’s skating again?

30 Replies to “More Test Results”

  1. One amazing little boy you are – SIMPLY AMAZING !!! We are so very happy to hear all of this. Peter, God must truly have BIG plans for you. Keep up the good work little man!

    Our Love To You!!
    Peg and Ron

  2. What wonderful news Peter, you are getting better each day. Just keep eating as much as you can and drinking lots of fluids and you will be back to running and having lots of energy. The Miracles just keep happening. Was happy to hear this especially when i have your TShirts on today too.
    Keep up the good work and rest a lot too. Prayers keep coming your way with lots of hugs to all of you too.
    Thanks for the update Matt, appreciated a lot.
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  3. GREAT NEWS PETER! We are all so proud of you. We are so happy your home with your sisters and mom and dad. YOU ARE A MIRACLE! Have fun playing,but get lots of rest too. keep up the good work. lots of love bmc pediatrics!

  4. Uncle Matt, this posting made our day!

    “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts and we never, ever are the same.”

    ~ Unknown ~

    Thank YOU for your “footprints” Peter.

    Thank you very much.

    Rebecca and Terry

  5. Peter~ we are so happy to hear of your good test results. Angelo is going to Sunday School tomorrow and we’ll be able to report all the progress you have made over the summer. Our sunday school class has been praying for you and you are proof that God answers our prayers.
    Way to go!!

  6. good job peter for fighting those bugs OFF, i hope you keep doing that,i hope you can keep your energy up….ii hope you keep making your goals come true… soon,
    i hope you will be making them on the ice.
    i wear your bracelet every day.
    richelle bjork

  7. Ty, Erika & Peter,
    We are so happy about all good news on the test results . Peter you are one amazing guy and we are so proud of you . Keep up the steady progress and get lots of rest and good food in your tummy . It will not be long before we will see you at the rink .
    Hugs to you all,
    Dean, Denise, Blake, Bren & Tiffany

  8. Hi Eigners,

    Such wonderful news!!! Thank you for teaching us the power of prayer and miracles. I am sorry that you are the chosen ones to do it but you are truly a remarkable family. Peter will have quite a story to tell his children some day. Enjoy your time at home and as always, believing and praying. Stay strong and eat Pete Man.

    The Bushey’s

  9. Hi Peter and Family,

    The Power of Prayer…is there anything like it? That and one strong little soul of a boy, who just keeps charging forward.
    So glad to hear of the results. Peter, you can throw that ball pretty good, like I saw in Aunt Michelle’s yard. You’ll get all your strength and speed back in no time. Take your time little guy. There is no doubt anywhere in this world that you will win this!!

    God Bless All of You!
    The Nahorski’s

  10. What wonderful results!!! Our prayers are being answered. As always we continue to pray for ultimate healing!!! Remember, your Guardian Angel is always watching over you.

    The Scherpings

  11. Amazing and heartening news. I hope for continued good news about all the tests. Peter’s story is a very special gift for all of us who hang onto every word in this wonderful website. Thank you.

    I continue to be amazed how all his family has worked together so well to make sure he gets the best care. Blessings on all of you. Keep fighting, Peter.

    your grandma’s friend, Mary

  12. What sweet words we hear today!

    Thank goodness, Pete, another miracle you have accomplished. Time to gear up for Halloween and being a regular kid. And skates! Hockey is coming!

    Oh Eigners, we are so ecstatic with your news. Keep pluggin away, you are an inspiration to us all.

    God Bless,

    The Enebaks

  13. Dear Eigners,

    What wonderful and hope filled news. It is amazing how so much strength and fortitude can be packaged in one small boy. His parents and the rest of his family are pretty amazing too.

    Pete just keep taking those steps forward. Eat and play and grow stronger.

    Our thoughts and prayers continue.

    The Lemkes

  14. Eigners
    Continued thoughts and prayers coming your way. Great news on test results!!! Everyday you have with little Pete man is a GREAT day, as you know!! Thinking of you all daily,
    The Ellingsons

  15. Peter and The Eigners,

    That is one of the best posts yet by Unlce Matt! We are so happy to hear that things are going well. Welcome Home, and we’ll see you at the Rink!

  16. Erika and Ty – Just a tip – Andrew found skating much easier than running…It’s a great way to build up EVERYTHING! You are in my prayers every day – glad he’s healing so well!

  17. I am so glad your family received all good news. It’s about time ! Yeah! Bravo! Keep eating, the energy will come! Hurray! Yippee!
    Peter Robert and KT

  18. My sentiments echo those of everyone else on your team! We – your teammates, your friend, your famiily – couldn’t have asked for better results! Your continued winning path just gets brighter everyday!

    I had the priviledge of having the most adorable, strong, brave, amazing, heroic person walk through my front door earlier this morning. Standing there with a head full of “dark” hair, huge blue eyes and a sweet shyness about him — was Peter Eigner! It had been about a month and a half since I last saw the big guy… and I was amazed at the beauty and strength that remains within him even after all that he has gone through. He may be lacking in size (although, I hard a time time noticing any significant difference…. it may have been the jogging suit??!!?) and the smiles are tucked away inside his heart for now……. but what he lacks in enthusiasm & physical strength, he makes up for in heroism, courage, bravery, wisdom, intelligence and beauty. Standing before me today with a quiet demeanor was the same, exact, beautiful Peter that I saw just days before his surgery. It’s gloomy outside, but my heart is shining awful bright! Thanks for stopping in Peter. One of these days — you’re visit will be longer. Thanks for the ‘high five’. I’ll wait until you’re ready for a hug… maybe next time?? 🙂

    With oodles of love and prayers for continued healing & strength~
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

  19. Peter and family–

    Such wonderful news! We knew you could do it. You are one amazing little boy!!

    The Clausen’s

  20. Peter~

    As always we are so proud of you! Continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. You are one special boy! We would love to see you again when things slow down for you! Keep up the positive attitude and fight.

    All our love and prayers~ Ryan, Megan, and Logan

  21. Just letting you know we are continuing to pray for all of you! We think of you often on this roller coaster. Peter and all….you are amazing!

    Love, Chell and Swanny

  22. What wonderful, wonderful news. Peter, we have no doubt that you’ll be on your skates soon……….

    Uncle Matt, thanks again for all your posts. They mean so much to so many of us……….

    Love to you all,
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  23. What great news for you Peter. You are sooooooooooo amazing.
    Keep up the good work, and keep trying to eat all you can. I bet those
    muscles are getting stronger and stronger everyday.
    What great news for you all, after such an emotional month.
    Thanks again to Matt for the updates. I check everyday, and am so
    happy when such good news is reported.
    Love and Prayers ,

  24. Dear Peter and Family!

    We couldn\’t be happier……A saying we used to use when Molly was sick went like this:

    It is the climb that puts on the muscle,
    anything worth having is never cheap.
    God has no bargain counters for even his poor or weak.
    It hurts to fall down,
    but it strenghthens us to pick ourselves up.
    L. H. Talbot

    You are in the strengthening mode now and all our prayers are picking you up! We can\’t wait to hear when you are skating again!!

    The Hollways
    Mary, Bill, Billy, Mike and Molly

  25. Eigeners,
    so happy to hear that you are home and getting good reports. Peter ,we will continue to pray for you and your family. Each day will get a little easier for you,just keep at it,your hard work and prayers will pay off!! The Campbells

  26. Good news!! Thank you, Matt, for letting us all know what is happening with our little Peter.

    Way to go, Pete! Your are one tough little boy! We can’t wait to see you back in an arena on skates. It will happen–be patient. You have come so far and we feel and hope and pray that the tide has turned and you will have a happy Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Lots of holidays to look forward to!

    Love from the Nobles,
    Terry, Bette, Jackie, Mike and Amy

  27. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that is great news. Just keep plugging along Peter and you will be back running around soon. Once again thanks for the reports. I check in every other day and I am so happy for everyone in your family. We all believe and look what all this power of prayer has accomplished. Take care love from the Saterdalens and the Kratzkes.

  28. What good news to read, Peter,that all your hard work has paid off! Keep taking it step by step, getting stronger every day.

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