Preparing for Vent Removal

Peter continues to inch forward, even if things have been a little more “exciting” the past couple days. I arrived in NY last night and spent some time with Peter this morning. The doctor just visited with an update a plan of action. Now Ty and I are at the Ronald McDonald house to use the internet.

Erika posted yesterday morning with an update about the happenings on Sunday. Monday was pretty smooth and the fever subsided. Last night, however, didn’t allow Erika much sleep. Peter was very awake and fighting to get his tubes out of his mouth. He has IV lines in each foot and was kicking at those, as well. Two nurses and Erika struggled to restrain him as he was showing some real strength. It’s not fun to see him agitated or scared, but it’s probably a good thing. The doctors have continued to lower his medications and reduce the vent’s workload. As he becomes less sedated, some fighting seems natural and a sign of life.

The doctor this morning announced the plan over the next day or two. The various medications will be lowered today and then fairly drastically at 1:00 AM (other meds will be given to fight withdrawal). Peter will become more alert and become very agitated, maybe around 5:00 AM. Once he begins to really put up a fight, the ventilator will be removed. Peter will begin breathing on his own under careful surveillance. A BiPAP machine can assist his breathing as necessary, but the breathing will be largely his responsibility.

The longer he stays on the vent in critical condition, the more he risks various infections. The doctor said that the ICU isn’t really a healthy place, so it’s time to push him forward. I don’t think this step would be taken if she didn’t feel good about his progress. His lung x-rays show slight improvement each day and a significant leap compared to this original x-rays. His cultures are negative at this point and his temperature is under control. If any of these things change for the worse today, the plan would likely change.

It should prove to be an interesting 24 to 48 hours. It will be a serious challenge to Peter. It will be challenging on his parents (and me), since we’ll probably see him uncomfortable and possibly scared. Yet it is very exciting that he may soon be back to supporting himself and marching on towards his next challenge.

The photo below is the night before his last surgery, with Dad, in between skeet-ball games.

Having fun with Dad

29 Replies to “Preparing for Vent Removal”

  1. Hello Eigners-
    Peter, today is a big day for you and I will be praying more than ever (if that is possible). I know you will do a great job just like you always do. Uncle Matt, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your posts each day. I swear I look 30 times a day just waiting for your update.
    Erika and Ty, keep staying strong…You two are the bravest parents I know. Take care and we’ll keep sending our thoughts and prayers your way!!!

  2. Good morning Mr. Peter. Well, it must be not alot of fun having those tubes in you. Good thing your Mommy and Daddy can be there to comfort you. Phew. You are working so very hard. Rest, heal, fella. Ty, Erika, Matt, the rest of the family: Keep up the great work of being in the support and love.

  3. My son asked me the other day who’s skates are those sitting in the coaches room at the Brainerd Civic Center. I told him, those belong to Peter, the TOUGHEST, BRAVEST player to ever lace up a pair of skates………they’re waiting for you Peter. So keep fighting, and soon you will be back in those skates and flying around on the ice once again!

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    Rob Grillo & family

  4. Peter, Ty and Erika
    We pray that God gives you extra strength over the next 48 hours at it sounds like it could be ruff. Hang in there Little Peter, I have a feeling you will soon be feeling much better with out all those tubes and machines hooked up to you.
    We will be praying even harder as the next 24 to 48 hours pass.
    Thinking of you and asking for Gods strength and guidence to be with Peters family and all the hospital staff.
    Love and prayers
    Jill S.

  5. Oh boy, Peter! I think this is exciting!! Preparing for take-off already!!?? Man, you are one heck of a kid! I am sure that aside from some expected agitation and discomfort, you will handle this all just fine! You certainly have sailed through everything else…..

    As always, thoughts of you are perched right at the tippy top of my heart… but, as you endure the physical challenges that the next 24-48 hours present, thoughts of you will overtake my heart!! Stay strong and take those mighty breaths, my friend! This is exciting news… 🙂

    Kate & Ellie enjoyed their sleepover last night! I just came downstairs after cleaning up from lunch to find Miss Kate had stripped off her pants and was trying to “change her own diaper”! (Thank goodness she hadn’t pooped, huh!??!!) She then proceeded to put her pants back on…. by inserting both feet in the same leg-opening!!! She is a hoot! Someday when you are all better, will you have a sleepover with us?? Maybe we can go to movie, too?

    GREAT photo, Peter & Ty!! One day soon, the days of Peter’s infectious smiles & endless rounds of skee-ball will resume! I called Kate & Ellie in to show them the picture…. you should have seen the look on their faces! They were smiling from ear to ear…. and Kate excitedly screamed, “PEEEE-TEEEEEEEEEE!” They sure love you, Peter!

    We pray for great success and as little discomfort as possible over the next couple days! We love you so much and think of you every minute of every day!

    ~All our love~
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker…. and Kate & Ellie, too

  6. Peter, keep up that fighting spirit these next couple days and we know that you will win this battle too. You will be in our thoughts and prayers while you go through the next step in your journey to get those lungs healed. Remember the angels are watching over you to help you…
    Ty and Erika, This must be so hard for the 2 of you to watch your son go through this but try to stay positive and he will get through this too.
    We are thinking of all of you and wish we could be there to give you support and a BIG hug too.
    Uncle Matt, again thanks for the update and details of what is next, we appreciated it so much.
    Love and prayers,
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  7. HI Ty, Erika, Peter and supporters

    The Hook-Virnig tribe continues to track your progress and we send our collective energies your way. You and Mary are a special breed, built for the long haul … your triumph is all the more special!

    We miss you guys.
    Love and hugs.

  8. That is great news guys. We wish you all the best and send Peter some extra prayers and strength over the next 24-48 hours on his road to recovery. Thinking of you from Nisswa,

    The Larsons

  9. Good luck Pete. I know how strong you are. We are thinking about you and praying all the time. Hold on tight to your mom, it will be less scary. Love you Melissa

  10. Hi Pete and Family,
    As I check your websight consistantly through out everyday, I am reminded to appreciate life and family. My son Colin asks about his “hockey buddy” Pete all the time and I find myself relaying your messages to him and other friends and family. Three are so many people you dont even know, thinking and praying for you guys.
    Your family strength makes others appreciate life just a little bit more.
    Pete, we continue to pray and hope for your healthy return to Brainerd. I look forward to seeing that big smile around the rink.
    Stay strong everyone!

    Chad Kleffman

  11. How things change from day to day. Sooo happy to hear they’re going to remove the respirator….that alone will make you feel better, Peter. Oh so very hard to see him agitated and trying to pull at tubes…I’m sure you are emotionally drained. All in all, Peter, these are good signs showing you’re getting well…your strength is amazing.
    Lots of prayers for all of you, especially the next 24-48 hours! Great picture, Peter….I can’t wait to hear you are able to play skeet ball again!

  12. GREAT news Eigner’s,
    Although very scary I am sure,this is a really big step!!!! May god give you added strength over the next 24-48 hours. Our prayers will be abundant as we hope for Peter’s little lungs to start working on their own and for his fear to subside as he realizes where he is and what is happening. Give each other a big huge hug as you prepare for what is upcoming!!!! This is so exciting!! Your “team” is right behind all of you lean if you need to.

    Love, hugs and prayers from Brainerd to NY on this very special evening!!!!

    The Olson’s
    Ty Lisa Paige Drew & Hallsey

  13. Peter, we know you can do this. You’re a fighter! We’re so happy you continue to improve. We send all of our love and prayers your way.

  14. HI Guys- Peter will answer The Challenge tonight with Flying colors..
    I Know it… He wants to get back up asap.. Good Luck and The Prayers are with you all day & Night.. Go Pete.. show everybody you can get off that machine…

    The Cohen family

  15. I’m thinking about you guys and hope the next day or two go as smoothly as possible! Also, the ‘thanks’ goes both ways…you guys have shown us so much strength, hope, and courage over the past year- it’s my privilege to say you’re our friends! I’ll keep the prayers coming…keep your smiles shining; you have an amazing little boy and I know he’ll (yet again) come out of this a SUPERSTAR!

  16. Hey Erika, Ty, Pete and Uncle Matt,

    Good luck in the next couple of days. It may be a struggle and I can’t imagine seeing Pete in that way, but we all know it is a step in the right direction. We know you have the bravest, strongest little boy in the world.

    Camp is coming to an end this week and the place is not the same without the Eigner Clan. As we approaph the end of our summer we look back a realize how much we missed you guys being a part of it. I hope that this is your last summer of heartache and struggle and that everything goes well from here on out. We love you and miss you greatly! Pete – we are saving some gummy worms for ya in the Pro Shop!

    As always you are in our thoughts and prayers,

    Dean and Carrie Grillo
    Minnesota Hockey Camps

  17. Dear Ty and Erika – how tough it must be for you to watch Peter go through this hurdle!! You will be in our hearts and minds very strongly over the next couple days. I’m so glad you have some family there to help you through these times!

    The picture is perfect!!! That’s the Peter everyone knows and loves! He’ll return – keep strong! Whisper in his ear how much we all miss him!

    And again, we so appreciate you keeping us all in the know through the postings. Thank you Uncle Matt!

    Praying harder – Peg & Ron

  18. Ty and Erika,

    It sounds like the next 24-48 hours will be tough ones. You two can do it. As we are sure Peter will fight through this too. The Westrums continue to pray that Peter will go through as little pain as possible. We pray that he doesn’t endure too much pain and breathes comfortably on his own too.
    God Bless you all as always,
    Pat and Sandy

  19. Peter, Ty and Erika, It’s good to be home but I miss all of you. It felt good to crawl in my own bed after 12 days in NY. It sounds like you are in for some scary days but it also sounds like the doctors have confidence in Peter’s fight. Take a deep breath and say an extra prayer tonight. God has been listening so I’m sure he will continue. Love to all of you.
    Gramma Mary

  20. Peter,

    I was thinking today….YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You have the BIGGEST TEAM that I have ever seen in my entire life!! And we are all behind you 100%. And guess what the best part is? YOU ARE THE CAPTAIN!! So lead on little guy, and we’ll all be right behind you, cheering you on to yet another victory!!!! Go TEAM EIGNER!!! From the entire state of Minnesota, to NYC and Beyond.

    All our prayers are in full force in EP!
    The Nahorski’s
    (Macy’s neighbors)

  21. Peter, Ty and Erika:

    We continually hold you close in our thoughts and prayers. We will pray for extra strength for all of you during the next 24-48 hours.
    We are always saying to Peter “Keep Fighting Pete” and he sure is listening.

    Sending our prayers and love to NY……….
    Keep Fighting Pete!
    Rod, Sue, Jenny, Ryan and Molly

  22. Peter, Ty and Erica,
    I know that the next few hours or even the next couple days are going to be scarry and “excitng” all at the same time. Keep pressing on. I am sure it is a horrible thing to watch Peter fight to keep all of the tubes and IV’s in, but ‘Fight’ is what we have all been asking him to do. Keep Fighting, Peter. It might be a different kind of ‘fight ‘but we need him to ‘keep fighting’. May God continue to surround Peter and you all with His great big arms and hold you all closer than ever. We will be praying even harder for strengh and Fight.(if harder is possible.) We love you. Many thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.
    Love always,
    LaCoe, Dan, Gavin and Lucas Inwards
    Thanks so much for keeping us updated. We appreciate all of your posts.

  23. Ty & Erika & Peter,

    I wake up really early in the morning (4 to 5ish) so I’ll be praying right about the time Uncle Matt said it might get a little scary Peter. Here is a verse from Psalm 112 that has helped me sometimes…

    Psalm 112

    I will not fear bad news or live in dread of what might happen for I have settled in my mind that God will take care of me.

    Hope that helps. Again know I will pray tomorrow morning around 4 or 5am to help you.

    Suzanne van Dyck (Mckay)

  24. Peter~

    We will be praying and thinking of you even more (if that’s possible) in the next couple of days. We know that you will jump high above this hurdle. We know that this may be scary for you and mom and dad, but remember to take deep good breaths, and you will all be talking about how you just showed us yet another miracle is possible. Loved the picture of you and daddy! You are to cute!

    All our love and prayers~ Ryan, Megan, and Logan

  25. Great photo although Peter continues to be more handsome than Dad. We pray for you everyday.

    Mike, Judy and Troy

  26. Peter,

    We sure will be thinking about you and saying extra prayers. Fight hard when the fight needs fighting and rest as much as you can when that body of yours needs resting. Think of all of your tubes as a bit twister game and maybe they won’t seem as scary. Hold on to your mom and dad’s hand for the extra bravery that you need. You will be fine. We believe it in our heads and hearts.

    The Bastians

  27. Ty and Erika –
    It goes without saying that we continue our prayers for you all.
    Let Pete know we are thinking of him and send him lots of hugs –
    Uncle Matt – we appreciate your updates more than words can express.
    I am setting my alarm for 5:00 am prayers – anyone care to join me??

  28. Ty–I enjoyed your note the other day. It’s not often we get to hear your thoughts and a look back at the journey and what it has meant to you and Erika was a good reminder of the great things that can come from deep challenges.

    My prayers are with you all tonight as you, Pete and his body struggle towards a bright future.

    Love, Jackie

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