Little Bump in the Road

Sorry for not posting yesterday. Peter slept all day – there is a difference between his sleeping and awake state, even though he is sedated. We were chalking it up to the fact that they were really pushing him on Saturday, with “C-Pap Trials/Sprints”. This is where they turn off the vent for 20 minutes and see how he does on his own. They were very impressed with how he did, although he’s not ready to come off the vent yet. His CO2 levels are still too high, meaning he can take little breaths, but not big enough ones. Anyway, we thought doing those over a 24-hour period may have worn him out. Also on Saturday night, they stopped his antibiotics as all tests had been confirmed negative (meaning we do not know what caused the lung sickness/ARDS). Last night he got a fever – 102.6. They drew cultures right away and gave him tylenol and it went away, and they turned up the settings on the vent to let him rest. He has remained at those settings overnight and they didn’t do any more C-Pap sprints. Not sure if they will do any more today, or wait to see if he gets another fever tonight, etc. We hope this will be a very minor setback. We want nothing more for him to get off the vent and yet we understand this is going to be a huge step for him and they have to be very cautious. They said his amount of lung damage would take a normal person months to recover from, so considering his immuno-compromised state, it will be a long recovery. He will need rehab and PT to be able to walk again, and possibly to even be able to eat and do some “simple things”.
He has been doing so great and we tell him that all the time. He did nod yes to Ty last night that he was scared, so we’re not sure if it was due to the fever or just being a little “awake” and realizing he’s hooked up to so much. Either way, we are trying to help him be comfortable and know he is making progress. Thanks again to all of our family for being out here in “shifts” since this all transpired. It is a wonderful distraction and we know Peter is enjoying all of your company too.

23 Replies to “Little Bump in the Road”

  1. Hi Ty and Erika and Peter
    I am so happy that your families have been able to be out there with you guys during this time. It helps to have other people to lean on. We keep praying for our little friend and hope that he soon takes a turn to a strong recovery.
    It sounds like he needs to rest and build up some strength to start fighting again. He is such an amazing little guy.
    Stay strong and keep the faith. You are in our thoughts all the time.
    Take care my friends and gods blessings to all of you.
    Love you
    Jill S.

  2. Hello to the Eigner family-
    What wonderful support you have from everyone around you. It sounds like your son is just a blessing of a little guy. He will make it through this and so will you guys. It’s an awful road for any family, I am so thankful that you have such a wonderful support system. We are thinking about your family today and praying. 🙂

  3. We were just in NY for a birthday party with the Fallons and others with “Hockey Kids” and during dinner he mentioned a sick little boy and I knew right away who he was talking about…( I check Peters website everyday for updates on a little boy and family I have never even met )…. we walked with Bob and Kathy down the street while they looked for a subway to come and visit you all…. I say a quick prayer everyday for your little guy… my husband has Peters Hockey Helmet picture on his computer as wallpaper just to remember to pray for him. We want you to know that the hockey community is rallying for Peter…God will lift you up and heal Peter….

  4. So glad that some of the family can be there in shifts, it must be such comfort for you to know they are there.
    Peter: You are doing very well and just keep taking it a breath at a time and it will all come back. We are praying for you to get well and to be able to get off the vent real soon.
    You rest well little guy and the angels will watch over you. Keep giving hand squeezes to mom and dad too.
    Hugs and Love,
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  5. Peter and Family,
    You are blessed to have each other. Peter …….you are a constant inspiration to us all. Thank you for keeping this post going, it means so much to so many.

    Love to you all,
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  6. Hi,

    Thanks so much for the updates.
    Many, many prayers are being said for Peter’s healing.
    I have also offered my communion for him the last 4 times at mass.

    Sure sounds like things are really going in the right direction!
    Slow and steady always works!

    Keep up the awesome work, Pete!

    With continued prayers,
    The Hammer’s

  7. Hello Eigners,

    Glad that you have had company out there. We continue to pray here for Peter and all of your family.

    Sandy and Pat Westrum

  8. Hi Ty and Erika,

    We want you to know that Peter and the two of you are in our thoughts and prayers. Not just now but sence Peter has gotten sick.. Thank You for Peter’s page..

    God Bless You All,
    Love, Chris, Dawn and Amber Weiland

  9. Good morning Peter, Erika, and Ty,

    You know how things can change in a year’s time–better than most people; no doubt you’ve also come to know how hard it is to be patient and persevere in difficult circumstances–keep it up!

    What’s more, you know that there are no simple answers and no one-to-one connections. God bless you!

    Remember St. Paul’s encouragement–“all things are yours…the present or the future; all belong to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.”

    Hang in there, kid!

    Pastor Chris

  10. Good morning. Thank you for taking the time to detail the events as they unfold, for sharing this courageous and sweetly tender time. My heart wings its way to you, Ty, Erika and Peter, carrying wishes for continued healing.

  11. Hello Eigner family
    Small bumps in the road make for even bigger celebrations when things clear up!! Peter has worked so hard for all that has happened that his little body must need to rest, so as you say, “slow and steady” wins the race. We know Peter will win this one. Thinking of you guys everyday…Peter is in our prayers always!!
    Steve Glenda Josh Megan and Jacob

  12. Eigner’s,
    There are bound to bumps in the road, it has been a long one…..
    You’ve been through so much and there is still allot to endure, but you have an amazing son, he is a true testiment to miracles!
    Peter, you just keep getting better and take this one step at a time, try not to be scared, even though that has to be really hard, there are lots of people taking care of you and thinking of you in and out of the hospital!!!

    Take care,
    Lisa Ty Paige Drew & Hallsey

  13. Hello Eigners,
    Just wanted you to know your thought about and prayed for daily. Its ok to have a small bump in the road because soon it will be smooth sailing. Peter is one amazing guy and he is strong and we know he will win the battle breath by breath . Thinking of you everyday !
    Dean, Denise, Blake ,Bren, & Tiffany

  14. eigner gang,

    just wanted to say hello and let you know we are all rooting for you from 5b. peter you are an amazing and extremely charming and super strong guy full of such courage and perservance. know you are getting love and prayers for recovery from your friends on 5b. Can’t wait until we see you walking down the hall to say hello one day! Cause we know you’ll do it!

    you are the best ever peter!!!

    your friend and nurse
    erica d.

  15. Hi Ty
    Just Left you a Voice message – Just called to say hi… Peter is so Tough.. He will come back… I just Know it.. In My Gut I feel it.. He needs some rest then he will continue to Progress.. I remember when they told us Jake would never walk or Talk again.,. Thank the Lord he is Doing great today – It took some time but he suprised all of us..
    I know Peter can do this.. Please kiss him and Hug him from all us in Denver…
    Let me know what I can do to help you and Erika…

    Keep teeling Peter he is doing Great – I really Feel He will continue to respond to You …..

    The Cohen Family

  16. My prayers are with you Erika. I hope he keeps doing well. Give him a huge kiss from the boys and Trent and I send one to you and TY. Love you

  17. Good evening, Peter,Ty and Erika~
    I read this update much earlier today… but, can you believe that I had 15 kids here today, Peter! That’s like having a whole hockey team, plus some!! Needless to say, I couldn’t find one sane minute this entire day to sit down and give you my daily dose of love!! So, finally – I snuck a few minutes in before I get the kids to bed! Guess who’s sleeping here tonight? Yes – you guessed it! Kate and Ellie! They are soooo excited! The keep begging me for a bath – but, Ryan is working late tonight, and I don’t think I have the stamina to bathe 5 kids by my self!!

    So sorry to hear about the lil’ bump in the road. After all the real big bumps you’ve overcome, this seems like such a teeny obstacle! We hope you continue to remain fever free and that when you’re up to it, you can continue to do some more “sprints!” What a strong guy you are! Being able to stay off the vent for 20 minutes at a time!??!! WOW! That seems like a huge step in the right direction! At that rate, you’ll be a fire breathing dragon before too much longer! Keep up your awesome work buddy! Oh – and it’s ok to be scared sometimes! Even the really, really brave people get scared sometimes! Just remember that quote you said in one of your interviews with the dispatch, “Don’t be afraid. The doctors won’t hurt you. They just want to make you feel better!”

    Keep hanging on, Pete-man! We all love you sooooo very much and can’t wait to have you back home again. The road may be long and you might come across an occasional bump, but you’ll make it!! Just rest, breath, squeeze hands, relax…. and let that body heal! Take as much time as you need…. because we will wait & pray as long as we need to……

    All our love and prayers for continued success~
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily, Parker… and Ellie & Kate 🙂

  18. Dear Eigners,
    I came across your page today and read it top to bottom. I know that you do not know me but I will pray for your family. My grand daughter Laura was diagnosed May 16, 2007 with Stage IV Neuroblastoma. We are so grateful to have family with us for this battle and I am grateful to know you have family surrounding you as well. Thank you for sharing your story.

  19. Hi guys. I couldn’t sleep.
    There is this very repetitive PSA on the radio that I hear every morning that says ‘don’t think of giving blood, do it’, or ‘don’t think of getting the door for someone, do it’. There are many versions of the same message. So instead of laying in bed thinking these things, I got up to type them.

    I’ve always known you were a natural leader. Cully and I would laugh about you needing to be in charge. You had a clear vision of how you wanted to see it done, and it wasn’t easy for you to sit back and let someone else control the destiny. You’ve had quite a year. No, you haven’t been able to control so many things, but the small areas you’ve been able to have been very inspiring for me to see. Erika told me a couple of months ago that she always knew you were a wonderful person, but this experience has shown her what you really are made of. (She had a few other mushy adjectives, but I’m far to masculine to write them – as you know) I hope that really makes you proud of how you’ve handled this past year. Its that leadership that you’ve shown her, and us, that is so admirable. Even though you haven’t been in control of so much in the last year, we’re all very proud to be your assistants. So besides prayer and the power of positive thinking, let us know when you need more from the bench.

    I guess this ‘year’ thing has me thinking. The message you left on my cell just over a year ago is something I will never forget. When I got home and played it for Andi she had chills from head to toe. We had never heard such an honest message, right from the core. A couple of months ago you typed a note on this site where you described how frustrated you were with the scheduling mess ups, and the constant drives back and forth to the cities. Then you summarized that you really were feeling so sorry that Peter had to go through all of this, and that was where the anger was really coming from. I have never seen such a flurry of responses to a posting. You once again let us in just a little bit into the life you were living. People can relate to a Mom saying that you just want things to be better. Normalcy. None of us think we have it, but when you describe a day to us, or the emotion you’re feeling, we are brought back to reality so quickly. So thanks for continuing to jump on once in awhile and write something. I’ll bet you lunch it will have the most responses…
    From my sleeping family to yours, God Bless. I hope each and every tomorrow things are just a bit better.

    p.s. If these are getting printed somewhere let me know where I send a check to cover the cost of the toner cartridge I just used.

  20. Greetings Eigners,
    We check your progress daily and thought it was about time we responded. Your family is always in our daily thoughts and prayers.
    You have now reached another small bump in the road but you have an amazing child and yes, you should “expect a miracle”.
    Take care
    Yes, We Believe !
    Keep Fighting Pete !

    Sherrie and Dale Christensen
    (Your fireworks supplier)

  21. Hello Everyone,
    I apologize for not writing for a while. I read the reports from Uncle Matt and the notes of the hundreds of people. You are all on my mind every day. The feelings that I have are all duplicated from the messages that I read. I just cannot possibly imagine the year that you have had. The great news is the Love and Support that has been sent your way. The strength that our little friend has shown is outstanding. Please keep the updates coming. Peter, stay strong and hang in there because you will beat this.
    “the Jerky Man”

  22. Eigner Family –

    Keep up the fight. Peter, you are amazing! Erik and I are praying for you and your mom and dad.

    There are no words and we can only try to comprehend a bit of what you go through every minute of every day. We hope and pray for Peters breathing once the tubes are removed. He obviously has the heart, mind and body of a warrior. Tons of love and prayer go to you today.

    PS – Erik and I are going to be in New York Sun. to Thurs. Could we stop by and say hi? We don’t want to impose and we know you may not be able to have visitors. Let us know.

    Talk to you soon.

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