Awesome Update

Feel free to celebrate this post while simultaneously knocking on wood. This will be a fun one to write, but I want to keep the balance between optimism and caution. The doctors say that most kids in this situation will take two steps forward, one step back. So far Peter has only taken steps forward (however small). Here’s another…

The paralytic was stopped. Erika and Auntie Macer went to enjoy a quick pedicure, one of the only inexpensive pleasures in Manhattan, while Ty and Uncle Roy (Troy) watched over Peter. When Erika came back and approached the bed she was met with movement from Peter. Her voice seemed to illicit physical responses (even though he had already been moving with Ty and Troy). He even opened his eyelids somewhat, but probably couldn’t see much. His lids have been set a quarter open for days now and his eyes are very cloudy and red. There is little definition between iris, pupil, and white. Also keep in mind that he’s very sedated.

So Erika proceeded to ask if he wanted her to read a book. He nodded. She asked if he wanted her to read so-and-so book specifically. He nodded. Ty asked if he wanted to thumb wrestle. His thumb came up and started to sway back and forth, ready for action.

The night before surgery, Peter was enjoying a skee ball machine at a restaurant. He was having an awesome time. He and Erika collected 1600 points by Erika’s figure. Peter disagreed with his mom later that night, claiming a different point total. Yesterday, Erika told Peter that she has been saving up quarters so that when he’s all better they can play skee ball. She asked if he remembered when they tallied 1600 points. His little hand rose up in some sort of protest or effort to correct the total.

Glimpses of the real Peter are busting through, right past his expressionless face and clouded eyes.

He has made moves towards his tubes, so he needs to be under constant surveillance. The ventilator is still doing all the breathing. He is getting even skinnier as his muscles are atrophying, so he started light physical therapy to keep his muscles working. His brain, though, is providing signs of hope in small movements and responses.

It might be difficult to transition the breathing in the coming days. Maybe it will be scary for him. I know it will be for all of us. But he came off the paralytic and interacted this afternoon without setting off any aforementioned beeps. He just keeps rising to the challenges.

61 Replies to “Awesome Update”

  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Thumbs up, skee ball dreams and pedicures? What an amazing day born of the simpliest actions. I love how Peter is correcting you Erika. He’s probably right knowing him! It’s so good to know that while his body is struggling, his mind is not. You have an amazing boy.

    Glad to hear you’ve had brief moments of normalcy and fun. It’s so important when the stress is so high.

    Love to all of you–Jackie

  2. Hi Peter,
    Just got home from Sue’s birthday party and just had to tell you when they lit the candles on her cake it was like having a small campfire in the dining room. Also Molly Baker pulled a funny and mixed some ‘fake candles’ in with the real ones so when Sue tried to blow them out they just kept burning. It was a good joke!!! I think you would have laughed and laughed.
    This is the first chance I had today to read Uncle Matts message and I must say I’m not surprised. Peter, God must be holding you in the biggest bear hug ever!! Your strength and healing baby step by baby step are proven fact that the love and prayers being sent to you are working. We say thanks to God every day as we continue to pray for the bravest, strongest most loving boy we have ever known. Spiderman and Superman live in your shadow. Give your mom and dad a squeeze for us.
    Love, Hope and prayers
    as we continue to BELIEVE!!!

  3. Pete,
    We are so happy you are beating those bugs!
    What a remarkable job you are doing healing,
    Super Pete!!! Keep up the great work! I bet
    you brighten the day of all your nurses being
    such a good patient!

    We are very thankful for this site & check a
    couple times every day to make sure you are
    okay. Maren is in Chicago for a couple days
    but I bet you can still feel her good wishes for
    you! Brendan was asking earlier today how
    you are doing. I told him you are doing GREAT!!!!
    Please keep up the good work!
    The Browns

  4. Pete man,
    I had a moment of pity potty today, as I began removing all the stucco from a massive townhome unit in bearpath today. As the golfers passed by me I thought man this stinks, I would much rather be out there. One quick glance at my Pete bracelet took care of that. Once again Pete you were my inspiration today, I never thought stucco removal could be so much fun. I know you would have much rather been doing other things this past year but not once have I heard you complain, you simply climb the next hurdle put in front of you. Your my hero Pete man. I love you guys.

    Uncle Tito

  5. Pete and family – Kind of words you need to read when you are 5,000 miles away. While wait and see is what’s happening now, it’s encouraging to see positive signs. We are in Bratislava, Slovakia checking your web site every day. Keep fighting, Pete. There are a lot of scouts asking about you. One of these days they will be asking for your birthdate, height, weight, shot and position. When you have to list your birthplace, things get real serious.

    Then we will know you have made “real progress” and have put all this behind you. Can’t say enough about the support system. Something tells me you are going to be one heck of a story as you continue to grow as a young man and player. -ole gringo-

  6. Hurray Peter–baby steps are the way to go because a baby’s step always leads to walking, then running then skipping, then skating! We continue to pray for you and our Mary. Know that the two of you have the endurance to break this game wide open. God’s Peace to your family. Mary’s Aunt, Ann

  7. Yes!!

    One battle at a time young man…It is amazing how many incredible people are part of your village. If the power of prayer is as strong as I believe we will be receiving many encouraging and uplifting updates soon!
    Peter, you are Brainerd’s own “David” and we pray you continue to sling stones at that nasty Goliath!

    Prayers always.

    The Smiths

  8. Thank you, Lord, for giving us hope. Thank you, Lord, for healing and helping Peter. Thank you for watching over this sweet little family.

    Thank you, Matt, for your eloquent and heartfelt messages!

    You are all in our prayers–and prayer works!!

    Bette and Terry

  9. WOW!!! Yeah, the power of prayer is truly amazing as are you Peter Eigner! We continue to pray for you and your family everyday here in Apple Valley and also from the Westrum families in Hudson, WI and Switzerland. God Bless you Pete and thanks to you Uncle Matt, we are well informed of Peter’s progress. You are doing a tremendous job Matt, we appreciate the updates.
    God Bless you all,
    Sandy and Pat

  10. GREAT JOB PETER!!! Keep it up, we all wish you well and are watching your progress daily. I am proud of you and your family for doing so well… 🙂 Keep it up!!

  11. Wow! I am so excited to hear the great progress!! Way to go, Peter!! We keep praying for Peter and the whole family. Erica, I am so glad you got to enjoy a pedicure. I only wish I could be the one to do it for you. Maybe when you get home!!! I pray there will be many more baby steps leading to leaps and bounds to come very soon!! I am looking forward to another great post!! Always praying and thinking of Peter and the whole family. Love you lots.
    LaCoe, Dan, Gavin and Lucas Inwards

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