It’s Tuesday

It’s Tuesday and things haven’t changed too much. Peter remains as still as possible to avoid pain, so even eye contact is rare. He did get up and walk to the window and stood for about 10 minutes. He took a ride on his pole for a little ways. He occasionally coughs a bit, but hopefully the coughing will increase; Some good coughs are necessary to clean out those lungs, but it just hurts too much still.

He should be turning the corner any time, and if it’s like the surgeries before, once he turns the corner, he starts perking up quickly. It is likely that they will be moved out of ICU today and back into the hospital. When I spoke with Erika, they were checking on room availability.

Thanks to our friends, Matt and Allison Slater, for opening their home to the Eigner’s during their time in NY. They live just a few blocks from the hospital and Erika and Ty have been able to alternate between sleeping there and in the hospital. Peter has also stayed there during consultations and before checking into the hospital. He makes great use of their Ms. Pac-Man tabletop arcade game.

Just a reminder that today is the last day for t-shirt orders. Over 85 more shirts 100 more shirts have been ordered so far! Thanks so much.

13 Replies to “It’s Tuesday”

  1. Thinking of you this fine Tuesday and hoping that your pain level decreases as the day goes on! Before too much longer, you’ll be all perky and full of smiles again. Take your time, sweet Peter. It’s best to recover at your own pace….
    We love you and miss you so much and can’t wait for some more play time with you at daycare. The “Math Missions” game cartridge in the “Leapster” is ready and waiting for your genius math skills to return for more play!
    Stay strong and keep up your inspiring fight! You are truly my hero…
    With oodles and oodles of love, lots of hugs, many kisses and endless prayers~
    Jen, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

  2. We are thinking about you today. You are an inspiration. Keep improving! Hope its not too late to order a shirt. Please put us down one.


  3. Peter,
    When I read this morning I thought of you, “Be imitators of God…as dearly loved children.” Eph. 5:1. You are made in God’s image…and a clear reflection you are. Keep up the good fight. Praying like a Warrior.

  4. Hey Guys!

    Just wanted to check in and see how things are going. Wow, you have had quite the rollercoster the past couple of days. Hang in there and please be sure to know that Peter, along with all of you, are in our thoughts and prayers! I can’t wait for us to get together with the kids and look back on the days when we lived in so much fear and are enjoying nothing but good times with lots of laughter!

  5. You are doing great Peter and just take it one day at a time, each day you will get a little better until you will be cruising the halls at the hospital.
    We continue to say prayers for you to help take away some of your pain too. Sleep well while the angels watch over you.
    Ty and Erika, we hope that you both are doing well and getting some rest too. This all has to be so very hard for both of you to endure. Feel the strength and prayers from all of us and hope it helps you to get through the days ahead.
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  6. FORGOT Also wanted to say, Thanks so much for the daily updates, we worry so much and dont want to call and bother you or anyone and it sure helps to know how things are going.
    Thanks Matt and you two also for doing this for all of us too.

  7. Hey Eigners,
    Sounds like Peter is just about ready to turn the corner and become his lively self. He must be gaining back his strength. Ty and Erika we are thinking about your family and say prayers everyday. Peter has been through so much and just keeps fighting, there is just no stopping this guy! He is amazing.

    We know you are filling him full of kisses, next time plant some from us too.

    Take care and God Bless. We are hoping for more good news soon.


    The Enebaks

  8. Peter keep coughing. I am smiling because I can picture you zooming on your IV pole. We are scared because Thursday is our day to see Drs. Weigel and Smith to discover the next plans. Who knows? Maybe we’ll see you in NY.
    Blessings on you, patti 🙂

  9. It sounds like it will not be long before Pete is really up and moving! Pete is a amazing little guy that keeps on pushing himself no matter what you gotta love that about him. We will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers as this journey goes on. Ty and Erika keep up the fantastic job your strength is amazing.
    Dean, Denise, Blake,Bren & Tiffany

  10. On pins and needles again, just have to keep praying for you guys. That Peter is such a fighter, he is meant for great things. MJ

  11. Hi Pete Buddy,
    I wish I could take some of your pain away so that you could feel better. I am sure it wont be long and things will be getting better for you. Stay strong little buddy and remember all the people that are thinking of you and saying prayers for you to feel better. Wow, that is a lot of people. Lucky you, you have so many friends.
    Take care and we are thinking of you all the time. Stay strong mom and dad, we are thinking of you also and saying prayers for you to.
    Love ya
    Jill S.

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