Monday ICU

The x-ray this morning showed that a lung is still collapsed and holds a lot of fluid. Movement is probably the key to getting the lung inflated, but movement means pain, so it’s a struggle. Peter did get out of bed and sit in a chair again this morning.

They have moved into a new room, without a view. Peter’s not up for talking yet — only a few words. He’s not smiling, even when the clowns came in. It’s hard to imagine Peter not smiling, but it’s understandable. He’s just listening to his parents read books, participating in a baseball board game, and playing some old maid as he slowly heals up.

Erika supposes that they’ll be in ICU the remainder of today and maybe all of tomorrow, but that might change quickly. He’s not doing poorly. He has barely had a fever and the nurse expected the fevers to be much worse after such an operation. If he can just get upright in the chair every once in a while, hopefully those lungs will get cranking again.

13 Replies to “Monday ICU”

  1. Hey Buddy, I am sorry to hear you hurt so much but do what the doctors and nurses tell you and you will start to feel better. Mom and Dad only tell you to do things that will help you. I bet when you get up and get moving Mom and Dad will buy you some strawberry milk or maybe you can use some of the money that “Gramma Fish” (alias for Barb Starr’s Mom) sent you and buy your own milk. Take care honey. I love you a whole lot. Gramma Mary

  2. Your our hero Peter. We will continue to pray that God will give you the strength to move around a bit to get your lung going again. Take care.
    Lots of Aloha,
    The Mersburgh Family

  3. Peter,
    We are thinking of you here in pediatrics. Saw your picture in the paper for the Relay for Life– pretty handsome dude. You’ve got to get better soon so you can get to school.
    Keep fighting!!

    Love all of us at BMC pediatrics 🙂

  4. Hey buddy…. I just have to chuckle when I read the most recent titles of your updates… it’s all about the ICU’s (ick-yous) and the PICU’s (pick-yous)!! It reminds me of some silly song title or something. 🙂

    As I read this update, is sounds pretty good, actually! Sitting upright in a chair this morning, playing a baseball boad-game, playing old-maid, no fevers…… I think those are huge strides, my friend! Remember, slow and steady wins the race! Before too much longer, you’ll be swapping knock-knock jokes with the clowns! It’s understandable that you don’t feel like talking or smiling quite yet…. when I feel icky I don’t much feel like talking or laughing either!!

    Hang in there, Peter! You’re doing a great job, my sweet boy! I sure do miss you, though…. we look forward to your return to daycare. (Again!!)

    Hugs & kisses and prayers for STRONG LUNGS~
    Love, Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

  5. Stay tough Peter – healing takes time, especially for what you have recently been through. We’re praying for you – for strength, for fast healing, and for that great SMILE to return very soon!

    Lori, Cary, Luke, Brooke, and Erica

  6. Hi Peter, Just wanted ot let you know that we check daily to see how you are doing. You can do this!! We are praying every day. Take it slow, and come home soon.
    Bambi and family

  7. Dear Peter – we are so happy to hear that you are progressing – slow as it may be. When I talk about you at my office, everyone says what a strong, tough, little fighter you are. Soon you will feel more like yourself again. I look forward to seeing you at Jenni’s again soon, Buddy!

    Erika and Ty – think of you both constantly!! We wish this to be speedy for you, with bearable results to deal with. FYI: If your Mom and Dad need a break, I think the girls would do OK with Papa and Monga. We are both home next week – just a thought.

    Keeping you all in our prayers and thoughts – Peg and Ron

    PS – we so greatly appreciate the time you all take to keep us updated back here!!!

  8. Hi Peter! We missed you today in “Get Ready for Kindergarten” class. I can’t wait until you are feeling better and can come to school with us! My parents check your website daily to see how you are feeling. We’ve been praying for you every night! See you at school. Take care and God Bless.

  9. Peter and Ty and Erika,you are all so brave and strong. I cannot imagine how difficult this is for you. Sitting up and playing games does sound like a good start towards clearing that lung up. I remember the pounding when one of parents was ill, they didn’t like it much either. Do take care and I will continue to check your progress, I am so grateful for all the updates. God Bless, Cheryl Bailey

  10. Peter, Just wanted you and your Mom and Dad to know we are thinking of you all often and pray for your speedy recovery. Hockey season is just around the corner and we need you back in Minn. soon to root for all the great Minn. hockey teams. Hope to see you soon. your good friends Chris, Kathy, Matt, Gracie, Joey.

  11. Hi Peter,
    I just want you to know that I am always checking in on you to see your progress. In my book, you are the toughest kid that I have ever known. It must be very hard to do some of the things that the Doctors and Nurses ask you to do but you can do it. Pretty soon you will be feeling much better. I send my Love to you and to your Mom and Dad, as well as your sisters. I will anxiously wait for you to be back home even though it will take time. Would you walk one more lap around the track with me when you come home? Of course, we will have to bring a bag of jerky also. Now, go ahead and smile !
    Your Buddy,
    Dick Lyscio ( “the Jerky Man” )

  12. I’m a stranger to you in sight, but not in heart – I’m Gramma Mary’s ‘ol college roommate (MANY) years ago – I’m in CA rooting for you and praying and I have a lot of my friends watching your site and rooting as well. also I am praying for strength for all your family and esp. for your dedicated and strong Mom & Dad ! That is certainly one of your good fortunes little guy !
    I know this just doesn’t seem fair, but someday maybe we’ll figure it all out – in the meantime you just keep fighting and someday hopefully I can meet you !
    What a little hero you are !!
    What a wonderful website you have – I check it quite frequently !! It makes my heart hurt, but I know someday the news will make my heart soar with delight !
    take care little fella !! and sit up and get your lungs well !
    Joyce from California

  13. Hey Peter,
    I am really sorry to hear that you are having to deal with more issues and more pain???? Not fair or fun but necessary. You take care and get stronger. Keep trying to move around so your lung can get better, and then your smile will come back! We will continue our prayers for a speedy recovery and will be thinking of you in the weeks ahead!
    Hope to see you back in Brainerd soon!

    Much love,
    Lisa Ty Paige Drew & Hallsey Olson

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