Day +2

Let’s see – where to begin? It’s definitely an oxymoron to say that BMT Day was uneventful, but it was rather low-key (medically speaking) as we had hoped. The staff helped make it special, the clergy came in and had a prayer service & blessing, and it was something we’ll never forget, but we did breathe a huge sigh of relief when the day was done! Despite a pretty potent combination of drugs, Peter stayed awake through both parts of the transplant, had no reaction to the cells going in and didn’t crash until almost 8pm. Vomiting continued and he was up early yesterday morning, off and on, and then went off to sleep for over 3 hours mid-day. He awoke clearly feeling different and having some pain. He started vomiting blood later in the afternoon and this continues today. This was the first real indication of sores in his esophagus. Although he was uncomfortable, he & I played a little board game of baseball last night while watching the Twins on TV, and he still managed to tell me who was at the plate, who scored, they were playing the Yankees at Yankee Stadium, and so on.
Peter continues to say “good” every time the doctors and nurses ask him how he’s doing…amazing. He does not complain so we’ve become pretty good at recognizing when he’s having pain. Today it’s just plain obvious – his cheeks are a little swollen, he’ll barely open his mouth, no smiles, headaches, vomiting, and lots of sleep. The continuous drip of narcotics will begin shortly and the length of time he needs these is yet to be determined. Daily transfusions began today – his platelets were 7k this morning and hemoglobin is in the 8’s. No fevers yet. They aren’t even checking his WBC and ANC for awhile now, as they know those are at 0 (thus the inability to fight off infection). The doctors still feel he is doing great for all he is going through, but warn us it will get worse before it gets better. Thanks for all of your messages and support. We’re so happy to be into the “positive numbers” now!!!
Ps. Please keep all the kids with cancer in your prayers! We have gotten to know many wonderful families here, and they are all battling hard against this disease.

23 Replies to “Day +2”

  1. Dear Peter and family,

    Every day we pray for you and think of how strong you have to be, and wish you all the more strength and fortitude and good humor and love to see you through this journey. Keep positive and know that tough trips need tough people , and you are all that.

  2. Dear Peter –
    Good Job buddy… Another day Down… Baby steps add up .. Keep Up That Great fight – You are an amazing young man… Give Mom & Dad a Big hug from The Cohen Family in Colorado…

    The Cohen Family

  3. It’s amazing to think that in one short day so much has changed. My friends and I in New York are for thinking of you. My friend Marjorie has even added you to her prayer list at church–you’re a national phenomenon!!!


    Jackie Noble

    p.s. You need yourself a Rangers jersey or would it be a Islander one? Your pick bud!

  4. I suspect I speak for many who lie awake in the wee hours of the night, wondering how Peter is doing… wishing more than anything for the ability to change places with him.

    Erika, your post is positively eye-opening. Heartbreakingly truthful, but eye-opening. It’s difficult to imagine you can endure much worse. Yet I am always amazed at the tone of hope that is laced throughout your words. Incredible.

    Peter, you have our promise that we’ll stick to our part – the prayers are in overdrive. As for you, carry on little man – you are one TOUGH cookie!

  5. There isn’t a moment that goes by where you aren’t thought about, talked about and prayed for!! One day at a time little buddy – you are absolutely amazing.

  6. May God Bless All of You!!!! We have been praying for “Peter Cottontail” every night since Peter was diagnosed. Our daughter called him “Cotton” from the very start. We never understood why until we read the Peter Cottontail book and she explained to us – at 3 years old – this was Cotton’s book and we will pray for him to get better.

    To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. —Ecclesiastes 3:1

    God has blessed Peter so richly thus far and will continue to. Your faith and strength as a family and as parents – amaze us and we speak of you often and admire the fact of who you have been through all of this. Especially Peter!!

    Our Adeline and we will continue to pray for “Cotton” and now other children that are afflicted with cancer. I will continue to keep my family posted as to how he is doing. It is the first website I go to every day.

    Keep your faith as strong as it has been!! You truly are an amazing example of goodness and hope!!!

    God Bless you!!!

    Amber, Chad and Adeline Collignon

  7. Eigner’s,
    What you must be going through is very hard to comprehend……very humbling for those of us who are merely reading about your life’s challenges. You are ALL in our thoughts and prayers daily!!
    The battle is on for the days ahead, and Peter you are a fighter.
    This is your fight to win!!!
    I will be sure to say a special prayer for all of the other children that you are sharing your journey with! You are pretty amazing little people!
    Take care in the days ahead and know that your extended “family” of supporters think of you often!

    The Olson’s
    Ty, Lisa, Paige, Drew and Hallsey

  8. Thanks so much for the updates–you are in our thoughts and prayers often–every time we glance at our bracelet! (All of you!!!)

  9. Erika –
    My family thinks about yours all the time. We are all praying for Peter and your family.
    I know why Peter is a strong… just look at you!
    The Holmquist’s are here for the Eigner’s and Hanson’s anytime you need it. Even if we are not able to do anything physically, we are there in spirit.

    All of our love,
    The Holmquist’s

  10. Hello sweet boy.
    As I read about all the things that you are dealing with {vomiting blood, mouth sores, swollen cheeks} and when I read that you aren’t smiling, it makes my little heart get weepy. You are such a brave little boy and I can’t imagine dealing with everything that’s on your plate. It sure makes the “stresses” in my life seem microscopic. 🙂 I have this mental picture of you laying in a hospital bed with all this scary medical equipment surrounding you, tubes, IV’s, medications, doctors…. and it makes me sad. But then the further I look around at my mental picture, I see the Angels surrounding you and sprinkling love and prayer dust all over your frail body. Suddenly I smile again, because I remember that God works in mysterious ways and I KNOW that he is working to make you healed and healthy again. I hope when you look around your room you see the Angels and I hope you feel the power of prayer overtaking your body.
    Ellie spent the afternoon playing with us yesterday. She sure is a sweet little girl… and she certainly is a funny one! I can’t wait until mommy and daddy are standing at my front door with all three of their precious children bursting with energy & ready to play! Fight hard, Peter. We have a world of fun waiting for you!
    With prayers and huge amounts of love~
    P.S. Lily has advice for you: “Peto. Just belax and take a deep bwef.”
    (Or in language that you and I can better understand. “Relax and take a deep breath.”)

  11. TY, Erika, and Pete,
    We are all thinking of you back here in Brainerd. A day doesn’t go by that somebody asks me about you guys. You can all look ahead to the good days in the future and every day that goes by makes it that much closer. Pete you are an amazing guy and we look forward to seeing you soon.

    The Smiths
    Dean, Denise, Blake, Bren, and Tiffany

  12. Erika – each night Andrew remembers Peter in his prayers and I have a special thought for you. I pray for your peace, hope and STRENGTH! Remember – God has given you extra strength to get through this. One day you will share your journey with someone else – and it will be hard to remember all the details…

  13. Peter, I was a teacher for 37 years but now you are the teacher. You have taught me so much the last nine months about courage, acceptance, faith and attitude. I never thought I’d learn so much from my four year old grandson. And I also know that you are a great big brother. Ellie was all smiles when we called you and she got to talk to you. She could hear the smiles on your face even though you weren’t feeling the best.
    Keep up the good work little buddy. God is listening to all our prayers.
    Love Gramma Mary
    Ty and Erika, You are amazing. Keep up the good work.

  14. Peter and Family,

    We all wish you the very best from our hearts. We are truley amazed and in awe of your courage and strength. Peter, you and your family are so inspiring!!! You are all in our prayers.

    All our best to you,

    Jen Craig, Jack, Emma and Lucy

  15. Our prayers are continuing that Peter has as restful a recovery as he possibly can considering the circumstances. Strength and belief to you Ty and Erika and your “entire family of relatives and friends”. We are wishing the best for Peter. God Bless you all.

    Bob & Jeanne Boche

  16. Erika, Peter, and all….We just read your note and are so amazed with how strong you all are! We are pulling for you and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers! Pete! You are ONE AMAZING boy!!! 🙂

  17. Peter,
    You are such an awesome brave boy. I’m sorry that you are going thru much discomfort. Yet thru it all you still amaze me at how you are being very strong and brave. I say a prayer every morning and evening for you. In my heart I truly believe that you have some powerful angels watching over you. I know God is taking very good care of you. It must be hard for your mom and dad to see you go thru all this but I know that they also have a strong faith and belief in God. I know you will be a strong healthy boy again. I can’t wait for that day. Celia, Bodin, and Kyle still ask me how you are doing and they miss seeing your smiling face. Keep fighting Peter!! You will make it!

    Love Paula and family

  18. My family and I have been following your journey since the beginning and I am continually amazed at the strength and courage you have shown. Ty and Erika, I think of you often. My little daughters are just learning how to pray- I told them about big strong Peter and now he is part of their prayers each night. Each time we go to the computer Sonia wants to see pictures of Peter- she is so curious and is also amazed at his courage.

    Take care everyone,
    Lynn (Nielsen) Dahlin, Steven, Sonia and Hanna

  19. Ty, Erika and family,

    Just want you to know that we think of you guys often.

    Peter … you are an inspiration to all of us. Your courage and perseverance is amazing.

    Stick with the battle and you will beat this!

    The power of prayer is backing you.

    Ron, Suzanne, Ronia, Della & Gretchen

  20. Hi Peter
    This is Bonnie aka the stick maker. I see that you are still fighting with the strength of a hockey star. I know you will just keep fighting off the problems like a hockey goal tender, protect those new baby cells, the Hooks and Virnigs send their love.

  21. Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Mpls. continues prayers for Peter and his family. Our prayer chain ministry daily invokes God to bring his healing presence to Peter as he continues his fight to live.

    Bunny Anderson

  22. Hi Peter, This is what Brooke wanted to say to you:

    Feel Better Peter! I hope that you got the pictures that I sent you. I wish and pray that you could get better very soon! I have been praying for you alot of times. I am going to pray right now when I go to bed. I am four too! Come to my Grandma and Grandpa’s house and go swimming (this summer). I got the movie “Flushed Away” it’s Good!
    Do you know that my brother is one? ty (that is brooke typing her brother’s name)

    brooke (that is Brooke Typing her name!)

    We are all praying for you often- I am so sorry to hear all the yucky things you have to go through right now- I have to believe God makes us stronger and gives us strength during these times- all the prayers you are recieveing are helping give you strength! Love, Greg Brenda Brooke and Ty!

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