Day 1 — All Went Well

The transplant went smoothly yesterday. Pete wasn’t completely knocked out. He had some med’s to help with pain, yet he didn’t seem to have much. The chemo definitely has a hold of him, but he’s doing as well as can be expected. In the words of his doctor, “He’s doing remarkably well.”

14 Replies to “Day 1 — All Went Well”

  1. Yippy-ki-yeah! Hip-hip-hooray! Way to go, big guy! We are so proud of you! You keep fighting and we’ll keep praying and believing.
    With much love and thoughts of you always~
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

  2. Way to go Peter!!!!!!
    Glad to hear your doctors are happy with how things are going so far! Day 1 is history and that is great news! The journey is off to a good start. You just keep fighting and the rest of us will keep the thoughts and prayers coming!
    Take care, we hope you are feeling better soon.

    The Olson’s

  3. Way to go Peter – we all knew you would do remarkably well, because you’re a remarkable kid! Keep up the fight, we’re cheering hard for you every day!

    Many prayers, every day, for you and your family ~
    Lori and Cary, Luke, Brooke and Erica Swanson

  4. Way to go Mr. Remarkable!!! Glad to hear you’re off to a great start. Stay strong, and keep up the good work and positive attitude. That goes for your Mom and Dad too!
    Thinking of you,
    Amy, Rich, Jacob, Callie & Kira Peterson

  5. Peter,
    All your friends from Denver want you to know we are thinking of you. You are our little buddy. Stay strong and keep fighting. You are an inspiration to all of us. Tony Granato and family
    Joe Sakic and Ken Klee say hello and wish their best!!!

  6. Hello Peter,
    You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday! Keep up the awesome attitude and continue the fight.

    Luke and Emily Johnson

  7. Peter,

    You are remarkable! I am glad you are doing well at the beginning of the journey. Stay strong and keep fighting! We all are praying for you!

    The Smith’s

  8. Hi Peter, Ty and Erika

    Glad to hear things are beginning on the right path. We have thought of you often. Jacob, Brady and I went to the KS95 for Kids at Ridgedale a few weeks ago and the boys put lots of coins in the plexiglass bank for the Childrens’ Cancer Research Fund.

    Peter, keep fighting the good fight. Ty and Erika, your strength is amazing.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you during the next 98 days,
    Love, Andy, Jen, Jacob and Brady Rezac

  9. Peter_ I hope your having a good morning!!! I’ve been thinking about you a lot. I’m going to children’s tomorrow for my chemo, but I will only be there one day this time, so it should be easy! Remember I’m always thinking about and praying for your recovery to go good. Please tell your mom and dad if they need anything to call my mom and dad they would love to help with anything. Stay strong buddy!!!!

  10. Hi Ericka! Finally got Peter’s site and have been checking in on you guys to see how things are going! Sorry I was not able to swing back by the room to chat more in January! Lexi was ready to hit the road once we got the okay!

    Glad to hear that Peter is doing somewhat okay. Sure not the world we want to live in; however, we are in it and have to keep thinking postitive! We are headed to the U on March 27 and if you guys are still there and Lexi is feeing good I will try to stop by and say Hello!

    I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers! If you want to check in on Lexi or write anytime, our e-mail is on the site!

    Take Care!

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