Low Counts, High Temp

Last night Peter’s temperature was high enough to require a trip to the ER in Brainerd. He checked in with a temp of 101.8. His blood counts were measured and platelets, hemoglobin, and white blood cells were all extremely low. They took blood cultures to determine if there’s an infection and sent the Eigner’s on a midnight trip to Minneapolis.

They arrived at about 2 AM this morning — six hours before they were scheduled to come in for the standard transfusion. Peter is doing alright and his mouth sores seem to be a little better. The transfusions started this morning and are going as scheduled.

However, they’ll need to stay put in the hospital for another couple days instead of just checking out after the transfusions. The cultures from last night won’t be back for another day or so. If they learn that there is an infection, I suppose it could extend the stay somewhat, but in any case they need to see his counts start to rebound before heading back home. Peter is going to be fine though this. The “path thing” is not.

8 Replies to “Low Counts, High Temp”

  1. Hi Eigners. Pete – Hope the transfusions are giving you lots of energy and bringing those counts back up. I’m crossing my fingers that the blood cultures come back negative. You guys are all amazing.
    Kevin & Deb Lee

  2. Hello my sweet boy~
    The kids just woke up from their naps…. I thought I would quickly check my email (and, of course, check Peter’s Page!!) before we head up for afternoon snack….. sorry to hear that the “standard transfusion” may result in an “extended stay”. Oh well, like Uncle Matt said, you’ll be just fine through all this…. it’s the path thing that ought to be frightened!!! Hang in there…. I have no doubts that you’ll be up and running again in no time. 🙂
    During lunch time today, Ellie was telling everyone that “Peto always says, ‘don’t look at me’.” Ellie says, “He says that all the time to me!” You have a funny sister! She also has called me “Grandma” several times today! That’s not quite so funny! 🙂
    Kate and Ellie are doing just great here today! If mommy & daddy need to stay with you in the hospital for a day or two, tell them that your sisters are safe and warm here with us!
    Stay strong, big guy. We’ll keep praying and sending our love!
    Love you forever~

  3. Hi Peter and everyone,
    If you have to be inside for a while..now is the week Pete. It’s too cold to be outside…even the hockey players are staying in. We hope that you’re feeling much better and that the “path thing” gets out of your way very soon. Take care of all those Eigners and know that we are in your corner all the way.
    Love to you all,
    Uncle Ed and aunt roz

  4. Dear Ty and Erica,

    Hang in there. I remember when Molly was so sick like Peter! it was scary, yet the chemo is killing any left over cancer…..so trust the Doctors and remember how mmany people are praying for Peter. It will lift you through the scary times.

    It is kind of ironic in that Peters cancer is gone, and yet here he is in the hospital with a fever. Always remember, he is getting better. We all went though just what you are experiencing. It is so hard. Peter will come though though; with flying colors!

    Remember to keep your heart hopeful even when it is hard to see the light….the sun is just around the corner….

    You are always in our prayers!!

    Love the Hollways
    Molly’s web page: http://www.maryhollway.com/PageManager/Default.aspx/PageID=705754&NF=1
    13+ year Neuroblastoma Survivor!

  5. Ty and Erica,

    The Smith family is hoping for good news for Peter. Peter is so courageous. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers and track his progress.

    God bless,
    Lee, Kathy, Garrett and Wyatt Smith

  6. HI Peter, Ty and Erica, Sorry to hear that you have a little bump in the road but we know this is just a small party to larger ending— Just today Brooke and I were talking about the summer and going to Grandma and Papa’s house swimming in the lake. We needed to think of something to warm us up. Peter you think of that too — you will have to come and swim with Brooke and Ty at Tom and Judy’s this summer. You and your sisters will have so much fun!
    We are praying for you every night – we think of you often- Hang in there!
    Love, Greg Brenda Brooke & Ty!

  7. Hey Peter,
    You hang in there buddy. You’ll start feeling better soon!! You are so tough that “Path Thing” just doesn’t have a clue who it’s up against!!

    Take care, stay warm and we hope to see soon.

    Love and prayers,
    The Olson’s

  8. Hi Peter,
    Hang in there buddy! I know how you are feeling but you’ll be better soon. The journey is almost over. Fight fight fight! Thinking of you every day!
    Your friend, Bambi

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