Article in Brainerd Dispatch

There was a nice article in the Brainerd Dispatch on the 22nd. To read it, go to the site and search for “Pete Eigner”. Thanks to the author, Mike Bialka.

I hope everyone has a good time on Sunday.

15 Replies to “Article in Brainerd Dispatch”

  1. What a nice surprise it was to see the entire EIGNER family in the Brainerd Dispatch.

    As we were unpacking the vehicle from the brief trip to the cities to celebrate Thanksgiving, I heard a scream from the kitchen:
    “MOM…LOOK IT’S PETER’S FACE HERE IN THE NEWSPAPER!!” shouted a very excited Jessica (8). What a nice article it was indeed. We are looking forward to PETER’S PARTY as Jacob (4) refers to the benefit.

    It should be a very well-attended event by a very supportive community 🙂 !!
    See you tomorrow afternoon.

    Love The Faacks
    Colleen, Lonnie, Olivia, Jessica & Jacob

  2. We wish we could have been at the fundraiser tonight to see you and give our support. We’re thinking of you.

  3. Peteman,
    I plan on coming by to visit after work tomorrow night. Is there anything that you would like me to bring. Are you going to be putting any nurses down?

    Take care buddy, I love you.

    Uncle Roy

  4. Ty and Erica,

    We want to wish you all well today as you head down to begin the next round. As always, you will be in our thoughts and prayers. We hope Peter weathers this one as well as the others!! Please remind your Mom to call me if need be 🙂 !!!

    What a great job the organizers of the benefit did!!! So much planning had to go into that – congratulations on the success it was!! It was fun to meet some of you, since we are not a part of the ‘hockey family’. I was so glad to be able to help out in a little way!

    Peter – you keep strong buddy! Show that path thing you are the boss and have LOTS of people behind you fighting, too! It was so fun to see you and your sisters last night (Mom and Dad, too!). We hope things go good and you’ll be back home again really fast!! Love you little guy!

    Papa and Monga

  5. Just about the time we think we’ve seen it all in our life, a group a people put on a heart warming fund raiser that brought the sporting and/or caring community together. Pete, you have managed to touch a lot of lives and bring people together for all the right reasons. How gratifying is that?

    You keep teaching those lessons by just being, Pete. One lesson here is, “There are some special people in this world and it’s not always the people we read about.” Those who put on this benefit just add to the long list of real givers that we are fortunate to meet on our way through life and they had fun doing it. I wouldn’t want to guess the number of hours of preparation.

    From the kids to the Grandparents, I don’t know that I’ve ever been in a more special setting. You know it’s something special when Mrs Jelacie shows up in her wheel chair. Something tells you “she wants to be there” and she was wheeled right up in front for the video presentation. I vote her the mom and grand mom of the night along with your grandparents, Pete.

    Then there are all the young kids and athletes who learned what “giving” and “real courage to fight the unknown” is all about. Keep up the fight, Peter, and we will keep learning those “life lessons” from you, lessons that cannot be taught in the classroom.

    ole gringo

  6. What a fantastic benefit last night! Kudo’s to all the volunteers and all the behind the scenes people who obviously worked incredibly hard to put on such a WONDERFUL party for the Eigner family!! The thought, talent, time and love that went into that production was evidently enormous! The Eigners are soooo lucky to have such a phenomenal team of supporters.

    It was great to see all the Eigner’s together as a happy family last night. Pete-man, you were sooooo busy having yourself a grand ol’ time that many people commented that they hadn’t even been honored enough to catch a glimpse of you!!! I am tickled to death that you had enough energy to run, play, score come goals and dish out the occassional hug when someone was able to steal one!! 🙂 (I got two hugs so I feel pretty special!!) How wonderful it was to see the Pete-man in action!! Your strength continues to amaze me….

    Ty & Erika – what a great benefit, eh?? It sent chills up an down my spine to witness all your friends and supporters last night….. your family is more than just the 5 of you…. it sounds like it’s more like 1205!! WOW! It was great to see you both… the love for Pete is felt by all!

    Ellie – the way your eye’s sparkled when you saw me last night truly made my day! I feel the same about you, little princess! Thanks for spending so much of the evening in my arms. I miss that. Someday soon, you, Kate and Peter are going to BE BACK HERE!!!! I promise you that!! Have a fun week with Gramma Barb and Grampa Poopster! Love you, Elle!

    Katesie-Poo – it was great to see you, too – sweetie pie. Come play with us sometime, soon, ok!!

    Good luck with round 5….. we are looking forward to chalking up another victory for Peter!!

    Jenni and family

  7. What a GREAT party last night! A huge THANK YOU to all of the volunteers who spent countless hours planning the best benefit event that we have ever attended. The love and support from everyone there amazed me.

    Ty and Erika, you were so gracious last night making sure you could get around to as many people as possible. You continue to be an inspiration to all of us!

    Peter – everyone was so happy to see you there and feeling well. Thank you for signing the Vector hockey stick we bought at the silent auction – that signature has made that stick priceless! In fact, when we got home, Brooke asked me where we were going to hang the stick. I said, “aren’t we going to use it?” and all of our kids shouted “NO, we can’t USE IT!”. Silly me! So, I guess I need to find a way to display the stick…it’s worth more to us than any other autographed piece we have. Thank you.

    Lori, Cary, Luke, Brooke and Erica Swanson

    P.S. and another HUGE thankyou to Denise Smith (and the other ladies in the “buzz house”) who managed to get my son in the chair, and cut the 5″ mop off, that I have been unsuccessful in removing for months! What a great tribute to Peter, to have these boys (whose hair is sacred at that age!) all get their heads shaved! so cool!!!

  8. Good Morning Peter & family,
    WOW…………..I have heard nothing but GOOD NEWS from last nights benefit. I am so bummed and sorry that we had to miss such an incredible event. It sounds like the turn out was phenomenal, which I just knew it would be!! What a great feeling to take with you as you start the 5th round of this battle! We are all thinking of you!
    The impact that you have had on so many people is something to be very proud of. For an entire hockey team to shave their heads because they LOVE YOU and look at you as their own little hero is really something Pete!!!!!

    May you rest easy and feel little pain as the next few days go by!
    Much love and many prayers Peter…………..
    The Olson’s

  9. Hey Pete-man! Just wanted to wish you “Good Luck” with your next round of medicine! I hope you’re not too tired today, you guys sure were playing hard last night! Hunter had so much fun with you, like always. When we were talking about the party this morning, he said “He’s the same ol’ Pete, just with a cool hairdo!” We hope you had a good time at your party, pretty cool, huh….a big party just for you! Stay strong, big guy! Sending you lots of love from the Kvalevog house!

  10. Hi Peter~
    Your benefit was fun last night. I’m glad I got to see you last night.
    good luck with your 5 round of kemo 🙂

    love Emily

  11. Brainerd, you are very special. All the hours many people must have put in is amazing. So much love and compassion displayed at the benefit is very moving. I am sure Ty,Erika, Peter and I will never forget your efforts. Thanks from grandma and grandpa Hanson.

  12. hey peter – i hope you got to start today. I had to go home today but hopefully I’ll join you on 5B on wendseday. I’ll see you then bud!! mary virnig

  13. Hey Pete man. Hope everything is going good for you down the in cities. I had a really good time with you last night, even though you beat me a bunch of times in tic-tac-toe. Next time i will have to bring my “A” game and see if i can win a couple games. Get well soon buddy, hope to see you soon. Nick

  14. Peter,
    WOW!!!! You played a long time last night – I hope you were not too tired today to start your medicine. I think your sisters had lots of fun too! Did you know that Rod Peltoma ate some crickets – me too – they were really crunchy, did you try any? Or your mom or dad? Carrie is a good cook (she baked them for us) but I don’t think I will get that recipie. Wouldn’t it be funny to make cricket cookies? Maybe we should some day. That would be funny, and then we could give some to Rod. I can’t believe you won MY FAVORITE!! Boy you are lucky. Next time I see you at the arena I’ll treat you to our other favorite – do you remember what it is? I wanted to say thanks for the hug – I’m keeping it with me til the next time I see you and then I’ll give it back.
    Rest, eat, and stay strong our little man – hugs and prayers.

  15. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving I attended a benefit for Peter at the Rosemount High School Arena. This benefit gave kids a chance to skate with the Irish, take part in games and raffles and a silent auction. I was touched by former teammates of Ty’s that showed up at the arena along with some of the girls and guys who played for Ty when he coached in Rosemount. Some of the people who worked on this benefit don’t even know Ty but they know he played hockey at RHS and came back to coach after college. People showed up that were classmates of Erika too. And parents of kids that were hockey players during the Eigner era. People that were very important in Ty and Erika’s early life were there to show their support for them now. I want to thank Scout Macho and all the Irish players for giving up their
    Wed night to skate around with the kids and then clean up the arena after the event. Thanks also to all the hockey parents that worked all evening. Rosemount is a special place and holds alot of great memories for both Ty and Erika.

    Then on Sunday evening I attened a benefit for Peter in Brainerd. This message is for all the people from Brainerd who were a part of the benefit Sunday night. Wow!!! It was awesome. I want to thank all of you for adopting my son, daughter-in-law, Peter, Ellie and Kate as part of the Brainerd family. Brainerd is really home for them now because of all the wonderful people who are making a difference in their lives. This benefit was also filled with the caring remarks of people who are touched by Peter’s fight against this very mean opponent.

    I am so impressed that people from two different communities are working so hard to make life better for the Eigner family as they fight the battle against cancer. In Ty’s words “With a team like this we will be successful” Thanks for your thoughts and your prayers. Keep them coming, please. Thank you Gramma Mary

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