Marrow Biopsy Update #2

Yesterday I wrote that the medical team was taking a closer look at part of the marrow — a little part they weren’t quite sure about. Today the results of that closer look came back and they believe the marrow is 100% clear of cancer. They couldn’t find any.

So we’ve toasted to the good turn of events, but the fight continues in the hospital room. Peter is hooked up to his pole (Momma Boo, he calls it) as it drips the chemotherapy into his body. He is still doing great; He’s happy, energetic and funny. This round of chemo will last longer than the others and he won’t be done until late on Friday.

This morning he had the CT scans of his torso and they’re anxious to get those results tomorrow. I’m excited to post more good news. We’ll see…

21 Replies to “Marrow Biopsy Update #2”

  1. That is GREAT news about the cancer in the marrow being gone. Hopefully tomorrows news will be just as good. Keep up the good spirits Peter and we are looking forward to hearing more good news tomorrow.
    Sleep good tonight while the angels watch over you. BIG hugs to all of you, and lots of love and prayers too.
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  2. WOW !! 🙂 Keep that great news coming Uncle Matt! Peter, guess you showed this guy who the boss is !! Keep strong for your chemo treatments; we can’t wait to hear that you are cancer free!! Have a good day, everyone. Look forward to hearing the results of yesterday’s CT scan.

    The Allords

  3. Yahoo, Yahoo!

    Eigners! We are going to run out of words to say yahoo! But YAHOO! 100%! Way to go Peter. We’ll keep praying that the next test has such high marks. One hurdle down and a champion ready to take on every other one. Peter you are the MASTER OF AMAZING! :). Keep it up dude.

    The Bastians

  4. Peter-
    That is so awesome. Everyone loves you so much and are very excited of your great results. Tate cant wait until you fell better and you can play again. Keep on fighting little man.
    Tate, Dan and Ann Richter

  5. Dear Eigners,
    What great news! We will keep watching for more good news from Matt. You are all in our thoughts and prayers every day.
    Keep up the good fight Pete – YOU ARE WINNING!
    Kevin & Deb Lee & Pete

  6. Way to go Peter – that’s great news! Keep up the strong fight – you are definitely beating those bad bugs that tried to take over your little body. They had NO idea what they were facing when they tried to pick on you….but they’re learning now that you’re a tough competitor, you don’t give up an inch, and they’re now on the run!

    Keep strong through round 3 – we’re all cheering for you every day!
    Lori Swanson (and family!)

  7. To my simply amazing friend, Peter John-
    Wow. What more can anyone say, except for W-O-W!!?? Peter- you are extremely amazing… you are absolutely phenomenal…. you are definitely the strongest super-hero on the face of the planet!! It was almost 2 months ago now that your daddy picked Kate and Ellie up from daycare and said the dreaded words “Peter is being rushed to Children’s in the cities to investigate a tumor in his abdomen!!” My only were, “Oh my God…. you’re kidding me… good luck & keep me informed…” Then it was that next morning that your mommy called me and said through massive sobs, “Jenni – it’s not good. Peter has cancer.” It was then that I about died. Now – here we are, a surgery, 3 rounds of chemo, a marrow harvest, oodles and oodles of prayer… and your cancer is on the run! AMAZING. Simply amazing. You are proving to us all that the power of prayer is uplifting and down right miracuous! The journey ahead is still long – but you are running full speed and the light at the end of the tunnel is visible… very visible. Keep going Pete… keep going!
    Our thoughts and prayers will be about getting more good news from the scans performed yesterday. We think of you often… and love you forever and ever.
    One day soon, you and your sisters will be back here playing with us… I can just feel it. And I can’t wait!
    We love you –
    P.S. Gramma Mary is helping us get some of your wristbands!!

  8. Pete: Sure is encouraging news on this web site. Don’t see a chance of complacency setting in with you hooked up to chemo until Friday. Hope and pray the results are positive tomorrow. You continue to show the Make Up Of A Winner. Never thought I would see the day when the first page I read on the internet would be anything but a sports page.

  9. Peter,
    WOW…………that is incredibly awesome news!! I was so glad to hear that the marrow test came back with great results and that you are doing so well through this round of chemo. Your positive attitude has taken you so far! Keep it up Peter you are a true winner in this battle!
    Thoughts and prayers are a constant!!
    Lisa Olson & Family

  10. Peter John, Gramma Mary has tears in her eyes right now but they are tears of joy not tears of sadness. Your Daddy told me this news last night and I was thrilled but when I read it in black and white it’s so real. God is being very good to you right now. I have to believe that all the prayers are working. And I have always said that the most important thing, besides faith in God, is a positive attitude. You certainly have the positive attitude and the smile to light up the world. You have taught us all some important things through all of this. Believe in God, believe in miracles and look to the positive things in our lives.
    I want to thank all of our friends and family who have been praying for Peter, Ty and Erika. You are all responsible for this miracle.
    Love Gramma Mary

  11. Great News Pete!
    We’re all in your corner here at Complete Title. I hope you & Mamma Boo get a chane to enjoy the World Series, even if our Twins won’t be in it. We’re rooting for you!

  12. WOW Peter!!! Way to go – you are so strong – you’re going to get this bad guy real soon!!!! I look forward each day to reading your web site – it puts a big smile on my face!!!! Best wishes to you and your family and we hope to see you all real soon.

  13. Peter,

    We just read the good news and had to say “way to go”! Stay strong and positive and more good things will be sure to come.

    Take care little man.

    Frank, Carrie, and Vincent VonBank

  14. Peter,

    AWESOME NEWS! You look great in that Avalanche Jersey!! Maybe someday we can put the blades on and pass the puck around. I look forward to it!!!

    Have a great day and keep fighting. You have a strong bench behind you!!!!!!!!

    Bob Pilon

  15. hey guys! this is the first time i’ve really read about what’s goin on, and well, it sounds like things may be taking the turn that everyone has been praying for! i just want you guys to know that you are still very special people to me and i know the little man has the heart and strength to make it through anything being an eigner! if there is anything i can do for you i’m here! Ty you were a great coach for me, and that never will leave my mind! Maybe one of these days when i come back home again we could all lace em up and shoot the puck around! God bless you guys, and you’re all in my prayers!

    Ben House #21, class of 01

  16. Hey guys just wanted to say that we are all praying very hard for Peter……..he is really putting up a good fight….
    the power of prayer really works
    Jeanne Gaffney and the staff members of Cygneture title and abstracting

  17. To all of you,

    Wow this is exciting. Every positive news is great, and I pray it helps strengthen you for the rest of this week and the remaining treatment. GO PETE! God Bless you.

    Love, Pam

  18. Pete: Things are looking great as I read through all this. Time to learn one more quality on your goal to complete recovery, Pete, and that is the skill of “closing the deal”. I’m convinced you have that skill. You have more than your share of all the other qualities that make up a winner.

    When you finish this up, and all of these writings are a matter of record and history, Uncle Matt can write a book on Peter Eigner and hold a contest to name it. I’m convinced it would be a best seller.

    It’s hard to imagine a four year old dynamic enough to generate so much love and caring in just a couple of months. I know there are many others in your situation, Pete, so it’s unfair to single you out, but you’ve earned every bit of attention you received over the past couple of months.

    I have to hope and believe the same is going on for all the other patients who are going through what you have endured.

    -ole gringo-

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