Harvest Complete

Since the previous post by Erika, things changed yet again. The Thursday harvest (#2) was completed and instead of being discharged to head back home, they learned that they needed to harvest again today. That is wrapping up as I write this (3:00 PM). Then Peter’s line in his neck will be removed and the Eigner’s will be discharged and back home tonight.

It’s been an interesting week with a fluctuating schedule, but a successful week all-in-all. This harvest is a nice milestone to check off. Ty, Erika, and Peter were able to break free of the hospital last night and take in the Minnesota Wild season opener. That was a nice break for all, but especially for Peter (thanks Tony G.).

Let’s hope for an uneventful and restful weekend for the Eigners as round 3 of chemo starts Monday already. Go Twins. Peter would love to be able to watch more games this season.

10 Replies to “Harvest Complete”

  1. Ty, Erika and Peter

    Just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking of you and that you are in our prays. I’m down at the opening of the new rink at Miami University. All the guys are behind you. Stay strong and if ever you need us we are a phone call away.

    The Savages and the boys of Miami

  2. I’m so glad to hear that this week ultimately was a success! I’m continuing to think and pray for you Peter! Have a great weekend Eigner’s…Go Twins!!

  3. YEAH !! another milestone to check off you list, right? Glad everything went well and that you got to see a hockey game last night too. You are such a lucky little guy to get to meet the players and all. Bet you had a really good time.
    Grandma Mary said she was going to send us one of your bracelets, cant wait to get it.
    Hope you all have a very restful and peaceful weekend to get ready for the next round. Have a great weekend and we continue to think and pray for you everyday. BIG hugs to all of you.
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  4. Hi Peter,

    It has been at least a month since I’ve been able to use my computer. It needed some repair and I just got it back. I had to ship it off to get fixed. Imagine that. I used to fix computers for a living and when I knew I could fix my computer I was told it would cost me more to do that than if I shipped it off. Oh well. I’m just happy I have it back. You have come a long way and I am so proud of you for hanging in there and being a strong boy. Tanner is practically walking on his own now and he finally started saying mama at least a month ago. I can just imagine what Kate has been up to. I’m sure she’s give Tanner a run for his money. Say hi to your mom, dad, Ellie, and Kate for me. You are in my prayers everyday and I also see your name in our church bulletin every Sunday. You’re going to beat this!!!

    Paula, Brian, Tanner, Celia, Kyle, & Bodin

  5. Peter, Erika & Ty
    Too Bad about the TWINS….Kind of sad to watch the official last out. They Did have a great season and a lot to be proud of.
    We hope you have a safe trip home tonight. Nothing like sleeping in your own bed 🙂

    Your entire family is in our daily thought and prayers.
    The strength of your family is admired by sooo many people.
    May God continue to guide you through each and every step of this difficult time.

    Love Always
    The Faacks’
    Colleen, Lonnie, Olivia, Jessica & Jacob

  6. Peter,
    It was great seeing you at the game last night. I hope you had fun. I loved the 19 jersey you had on. I told Joe you were there and he said he would try and get you another goal. Unfortuantly, their goalie made a couple big saves on him. Anyways, I look forward to seeing you at our next game against the Wild next month. Stay strong and thanks for my band. I will wear it and think of you a lot and pray for you a lot. Tony g

  7. Peter, I must say that each day with you is a treat. But for Gramma Mary it was another loosing day!!! No big surprise. Today we made up a game of shooting rolled up napkins into Mom’s purse. No matter what dance I did or saying I used to distract you the score kept going up in your favor. G Ma went down in defeat!!!
    I think you had those nurses wrapped around your little finger. They all think your pretty cute. And I agree.
    Sorry about the Twins. I was sad when they lost too. But they had a great year and I’m proud of them.
    Well sleep tight tonighr. Love ya lots
    Gramma Mary

  8. Hi there Eigner family

    Keeping up with you guys daily. You are a tough and courageous little boy, Peter!

    With Thoughts and Prayers

    Bridget Krygiel

  9. Good morning Eigners-
    Hi Peter!! So happy to hear that you are home! I bet it feels good to sleep in your own cozy little bed!! I hope you get a chance to play outside today – it’s supposed to be nice! We are taking the girls to St. Cloud – so we’ll be spending this gorgeous day inside a mall! 🙂
    We are so thankful that your harvest went smoothly! It’s quite amazing and confusing all the stuff that the doctors are doing to make you get better! You and your mommy & daddy are going to be quite the medical whiz team when this is all said and done! Be sure to get a well deserved rest this weekend so you can prepare your body for the third round of Captain Chemo vs. The Path Thing. Odds are Peter and Captain Chemo will be victorious again! Keep fighting Pete… LIVESTRONG and keep smiling. (Oh… and I still want to know where we can get your bracelets. I imagine all the daycare families would like to buy some too! Let me know how to get a hold of some, ok!!)
    Love you and thinking of you every moment of every day-
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily & Parker

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