Prepare for the Harvest

Things seem to change by the hour, but here is what I know at the end of a long Tuesday. As planned, the growth hormone dosage was increased. Unfortunately, the drug at this dose causes joint pain and Peter is feeling it. It’s primarily affecting his legs. To add to his discomfort, the new line was inserted in his neck this morning. He was “asleep” for that procedure. Pain medication and visiting family distract him from the pain. He’s definitely fighting, though, because his blood counts have gone up and he’s on the rebound from the last round of chemo.

They’re still waiting on test results on that bacteria infection. Hopefully it will come back negative in the morning. If so, the stem cell harvest begins at 9:00 AM and lasts five hours. Then another five-hour harvest will follow on Thursday. And if all goes well, the Eigners will then be free until the third round of chemo begins next week.

Hopefully I’ll be writing a short post to confirm the paragraph above in the morning.

8 Replies to “Prepare for the Harvest”

  1. Good morning Peter. I hope you are feeling better today. Hopefully the pain medicine is keeping you comfortable. Jenni told me this morning that your infection is gone – YEAH !! Good luck with your marrow harvest. Boy, what a long few days of stuff you have going right now!! You are such a brave little boy – I can hardly believe it!!!

    Too bad the Twins lost yesterday, but today is another day, right??!! GO TWINS !!! I have to work – I would much rather be home watching TV.

    I hope Uncle Matt tells us very soon that you are on your way home again. And that you are full of spunk!! We think of you ALL constantly. You’ll be on our minds all day today.

    Papa and Monga

  2. Pete,

    Sounds like the past few days have been a little rough for you. We are not surprised to hear that you are pulling through like a champ. You are a true hero in every sense of the word, you know that?

    Kevin and I want you to know what an honor it was to meet you at the benefit. You have amazing life behind those beautiful blue eyes.

    Keep smiling, Pete. Keep fighting. We’re pulling for you.

    Sara, Kevin, Marley, Ty & Kaia

    P.S. The kids want you to know that their “Go Team Peter” huddle prayer is going strong (you have quite the cheering section).

  3. Dear Peter,
    I have been thinking of you and your family allot these past few days. Keeping up with the posts and reading about all the tough stuff that you have had to go through just makes my heart ache. You are so VERY brave beyond your years! You have shown all of us what courage and strength is all about and that is a BIG job for a 4 year old. Keep up the good fight Peter and I look forward to seeing you running aroud that hockey rink soon!!
    Ty & Erika,
    Many thoughts and prayers going out to the two of you as you fight this battle in your own way. Peter’s strength and courage has obviously come from top notch teachers! I admire you.
    Uncle Matt,
    Thank you, you have done an incredible job of keeping all of Peter’s supporters up to date on his progress. I look at his site first thing every morning!

    Good Luck today and the days to follow as you build your strength for round three.
    With Love,

  4. Good Morning Peter! It’s the perfect time of year for a harvest. We are praying for your stem cell harvest this morning.
    The Rings

  5. Peter, the whole Smith family is wishing you the best and praying daily for a good harvest! We admire you and your family’s strength, winning attitude and undeniable faith!

    Cole and his buddies will be golfing for your benefit on Sunday and will try their best not to lose too many golf balls!

    Go Twins!!

  6. Dear Peter, Ty and Erica,
    I just wanted to let you know we are continuing to cheer for you!! We are continuing to pray for you and hoping soon to be able to play with you! I hope your Harvest goes better than planned and will pray God will take away the pain from the growth meds!! we love you all and hope you know we are rooting for you and those Twins!! see you soon!! LaCoe, Dan, GAvin and Lucas

  7. Hello Peter!

    I am a friend of your Mommy’s friend Kyla Fisher (Wade). I just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.

    Keep fighting, we know you can beat this thing!!

    Sheila, TJ, Josh and Madison Ask

  8. Hi, Peter….know it has been a tough day for you. I hope all your owies go away real soon. I’ve been checking the website over and over today watching for news of the cell harvest.

    We were cheering for the Twins in Las Vegas too….sad that they lost today. I was thinking of you the whole time as I know you are a big Twins fan. Sometimes the games aren’t on our tv stations so we go to the casnio and watch. I always look for someone with a Twins or Vikings jersey on as they’re usually from Minnesota and I stop and chat with them. Last Sunday we met some other Minnesota fans from Blaine and Bloomington.

    Thinking of you and lots are praying for you! I hope you got our card that sang “I Feel Good” – that’s what we want to hear!!!

    Dee and Jim Wade

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