Getting Stronger

It was a beautiful late summer day in the Twin Cities and Peter’s mood matched the weather. He had a busy day playing and he just fell asleep on his bed (7:15 PM). It’s been a bit of a challenge getting him to eat and drink enough, but the nurses seem pleased with his consumption today. We make up lots of games to make him take a bite or a sip. If you score on him in air hockey, he takes a bite. If you say you like the Vikings if you actually like the Packers, he’ll take a sip.

Tomorrow is the last day before the chemo starts. I personally am excited for the real fight to begin, but not looking forward to the short-term effects on Peter. I think we’ll have a head shaving party in the next day or two.

After dark each night, from the fifth-floor perch of the hospital room, you can see the fireworks show from the state fair. That’s kind of a treat before bed.

53 Replies to “Getting Stronger”

  1. Peter, Erika and Ty —

    Just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily! Peter was in our prayers at Sertoma on Wednesday and will be again this coming Wednesday as he starts his treatments. Today at church, Stephanie prayed for Peter at Children’s Chapel and both Stephanie and Joey lit a candle for Peter after church.

    Thank you Matt for the great web site … we look forward to the updates and can not wait for the one saying he is coming home!!

    Tom, Joyce, Stephanie & Joey Anderson

  2. Giving Peter our strengths hoping he will pull through this tough time ahead
    Our prayers and thought are with all of you
    Dena, Mike, Justin, zach and Emma

  3. We like the Vikings. We like the Vikings. We like the Vikings. We like the Vikings. We like the Vikings. We like the Vikings. We like the Vikings. We like the Vikings. We like the Vikings. We like the Vikings. … Peter you owe us ten sips; Gary is going to the Packer game on Friday. 🙂

    It’s good to hear you are taking advantage of your non-sick time Peter and entertaining everyone … because it sounds like your family all need some good giggles. Have fun tomorrow and I sure hope Tuesday’s start of chemo is as less evil as possible. It will be time to start “slapping” some bad guys across the ice.

    All our love, hope and prayers from Milwaukee.

  4. Dear Peter,
    I am Jared Hoppe’s Aunt Jill, Julie Hoppe’s sister. I want you to take lots of sips so you get stronger and can beat your dad and uncle in floor hockey. We send our love and lots of hat tricks from Park Rapids! Deane and Jill Johnson

  5. Hello Peter and Family,

    I am a friend and classmate of your Aunt Rose. She is asking for prayers for you, and I’m assuring you of them and will place him on our parish prayer network. May you continue to be strengthened by your faith and the love that surrounds you.

    Peace and Healing,

    Sr. Jane Mary Lorbiecki, SSND
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  6. Erika-
    It’s been almost 20 years since you and I hit the golf ball around together in our highschool golf competitions: AV vs BV!!! And even longer since we sang in the church kids choir…you might better remember the name, Tiffany Beckman. I guess people really come out of the woodwork at times like this. I learned about Peter last night while sitting in Katie McMullan’s (Burke) house talking to Myrna Burke. I immediatly wanted to contact you and your family and let you know that my family and I will be praying.

    Seven years ago yesterday, I gave birth to a 1lbs 11ounce baby…and my life, like yours, was thrown into a space I never thought possible. It’s amzing how much can change in a moment’s notice. I wanted to share Gabe’s story with your family as an example of God’s incredible miracles and never ending hope.

    Gabe is a big kid now and those shocking moments seem like a lifetime ago, but our lives have been forever changed. We know first hand what the power of prayer can do, and we are always on the front line whenever we hear of someone in need of a prayer in return.

    We will watch the site and pray for you all daily.

    Be stong and keep hope alive!
    Best regards.
    Tiffany, Soren, Gabriel and Annika Mattick

  7. As I Just finished a Huge fund Raising Golf Tourney I find myself trying to figure out how My Family Can help your’s … Tony Granato is My very good Friend. and as you know My Son Jake is a Miracle … We Battled this Monster… so I Know the fight you are about to Start.. Peter , I Know you can win this Battle One Day @ at a Time.. There is alot of Love & Support on This Page for Your Family.. Please accept it… When you are ready call me.. I will share with you anything you want to Know… My whole life now is commited to Helping Families fight hard to win This Fight… I want Peter and Jake to Meet someday and Play together …

    You remain high on My Family’s Prayer List
    Here is Jake’s website…

    The Cohen Family
    Dave Cohen

  8. This is an unbelievable touching post. I really truly hope everything gets better and the fight lasts only a short time.

    Mike Elder

  9. Peter: Glad that you had such a good, fun day. You eat and drink as much as you can so you stay strong, ok little buddy.
    We like the Packer, We like the PACKERS !!! hahaha
    Hope all goes well for you starting on Tuesday, try thinking happy thoughts and we are always thinking of you and mommy and daddy too.
    Lots of Love, Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  10. Peter,
    You have a lot of people that have never met you here in Iowa praying for you!! Hang in there big guy! We have seen your photos and I do not think anyone would want to go up against you in hockey down here…or anyone in our house for that matter!! You look like you can take out a whole team by yourself! 🙂 Take care buddy and we will be thinking of you everyday and night!!

    All our Love
    Tim, Anita, Rosa and Alejandro Hocking

  11. Dear Einger family and Uncle Matt,

    We will be praying for you as you start the first Chemo! The chemo is a very strong medicine, and although there are some side effects, it will work wonders to fight the beast!!

    Remember, you are the advocates. Make sure he is feeling OK. There are lots of anti nausea drugs to help him out. Don’t ever be afraid to speak up for Peter…… The chemo is a miracle…It shrunk our daughters HUGE Neuroblastoma tumor to 1/4 the original size and it Killed all the cancer cells. It is a frightening time though….so remember, lots of us have been there, did the chemo, and it worked…..

    Ask questions, keep a journal, check his charts every day and if you don’t understand…..Speak up!! (Even make copies of his daily charts for your records)

    Now that you know the staging, read everything about Neuroblastoma stage 4 and educate yourselves on every Stage 4 option. You will make the right decisions….We all will be praying for you and our strength will be your backbone.

    I even kept a long list of all the people that prayed for Molly when she was in treatment. It was so nice to go back to the list when we felt sad or frightened…..The volume of prayers is something God cannot ignore!!

    God Bless…..Remember as scarey as the chemo seems….and you are allowed to be very scared… will kill the beast!! Trust in the doctor and trust in your faith!! Combined Modality healing!!!!

    OUr favorite quote that kept me going for Molly was:

    ” It is the climb that puts on the muscle. Anything worth having is never cheap. God has no bargain counters for even his poor or weak. It hurts to fall down, but it strengthens us to pick ourselves up”
    L.H. Talbot

    Love to you all! Hope we can meet you this week!!

    The Hollways

    Mary, Bill, Billy, Mike and Molly, Neuroblastoma high risk survivor from Edina, MN.

  12. It’s fun to hear about all the things you’re doing each day. We were so proud that you gave your balloons to other kids who didn’t have any. Kate and Ellie miss you and send their love. Please keep eating and drinking so you can be STRONG for the big fight ahead of you. We are completely overwhelmed with the number of people who are praying for you all over the country and the world. Grandpa will see you tomorrow. Sleep well.

  13. Peter – Uncle Matt – Coach Ty
    Jake Johnson wants to know when the headshaving party is …. he wants in!!!! Peter – if Jake can make it I bet your dad would love the honor!! Did you ever hear him tell Jake – Get a haircut!!! I know he was thinking it all the time. Jake would always tell me I can’t cut it til we lose, or I can’t cut it til I score, or I don’t need to – I can still see out of my helmet. None of those reasons matter now – showing his love and prayers for you is all that matters. Maybe we will do it here and make a video – hmmmm wonder if we could get other Warriors to join in??
    Thinking of you every minute of every day –
    Sarah and Anna (Jake Johnson’s sisters) send their love and prayers

  14. Pete-man,
    I just wanted to say good night buddy. I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow.

    Uncle Troy

    Oh, I think I’ve Superman all fixed up and ready to take on some more bad guys with you. I’ll bring him by tomorrow.

    Ty and Erika,
    You two continue to amaze me. I’ve got the word spreading through the WP ranks so more prayers are being said everyday. Take care, I love you.

  15. Peter, I am so glad that you liked your Walter The Farting Dog book. It’s a perfect follow up to the whoopie cushion. I read that book to Buzz too and he told me you would really like it. You looked good today and that makes my heart feel good. Baron is doing well at my house. He really likes his new “chuckit” because he has to run real far to pick up the tennis ball. See you tomorrow little buddy. Love Gramma Mary

  16. Peter,

    You looked great in your Hockey helmet in the paper. We know that you are going to be a true “WARRIOR” on Tuesday. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Blesssings to you from the Wyatt family.

  17. Hey Peter and Eigner Family,
    I am a friend of you Grandpa Sig. I teach at his school. I just wanted to say that I have been on this amazing blog every day since last Tuesday. I am praying for your whole family and you are always in my thoughts. Good luck with the chemo on Tuesday and I can’t wait to hear how well it is working. Keep up the Good fight Peter.

  18. Ty, Erika and Peter,

    It was so great for Mark, Carl and I to see all of you on Friday night. I will miss visiting for the three weeks I am out east and Carl will miss all of you even more so I am glad we could spend so much time with you. I hope you weren’t too tired after we left Peter, and you enjoyed the pudding with Skittles. Probably the only way to eat pudding!.

    After visiting my belief that Peter can beat this is even stronger. I was driving home from work last week praying for Peter and got the most wonderful feeling that Peter will pull through this, but there were so many disappointments last week it was hard to be sure. Then when I came on Friday night and saw how much stronger Peter was then last Sunday he seems ready to fight the fight and WIN.

    On Friday night when we were sitting at the end of the hospital hallway because Peter and Carl decided ONLY BOYS were allowed in his room (unless, of course, you’re his aunt that is awesome at video games) the best part was to sit and listen to Peter’s young voice coming from his room. When we visited a week ago Sunday I could barely hear him sitting right next to his bed. I just smiled to myself and realized prayers are beginning to be answered. What courage and strength, Peter.

    You have so many wonderful relatives to help and support you. Also, know that if there is anything we can do all you need to do is ask! We’ll be praying for you and cheering you on! We believe in you Peter.

    Love, Pam

  19. Good Morning Peter,

    I hope you are REALLY hungry today so you can muster up a whole bunch of strength to help that medicine get rid of those bad guys in your tummy!!! I just love what Auntie G’s Mom wrote to you! You owe her lot of sips and bites! I hope today is a good day for you and everyone there with you! We miss you!

    Ty and Erika – It is so inspirational for us back here to read blogs like the Hollways! What wonderful people you are meeting due to this terrible diagnosis! If only all the human positive force could heal – you’d be on your way home in no time!!! We wish you the best today, and more importantly, tomorrow and the days to follow. Jen says he will be on a three day series. Needless to say, you all will be on our minds and in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, you two!
    Peg and Ron

  20. Peter, Ty & Erika,
    Best wishes to you this week as Peter begins his chemo treatments. I’ll be thinking happy cancer fighting thoughts for you! I’ve been “talking” a lot lately to my parents, who are up in heaven, and asking them if they can pull some strings with the big guy in the miracle department. I’m sure they are listening. In the meantime, keep the faith, stay strong, and fight the fight! You go Peter!!!
    Thinking of you,
    Amy (Pelant) Peterson

  21. Hi Peter,Ty and Erica,
    I am so happy to hear that Peter is feeling so much stronger. I know you have a long journey ahead of you. We are all behind you all the way! We have been praying that God will surround you will His love and that He will show you His power and grace! Sounds like it’s working!! Keep trusting and know you will be blessed!! If you need anything please let me know!!! Gavin has also been praying for his friend Peter and has told a few of our other friends that they need to pray for his friend Peter for him to feel better. We hope to see you all next time we visit! LOVE YOU ALL, LaCoe, Dan, Gavin and Lucas

  22. Hi Peter and family.
    I am Eden Adams’ stepmom, if you haven’t heard about Eden yet, let me tell you about her. She has neuroblastoma, too. She’s six and she started her first day of kindergarten today! She’s been dealing with cancer for over two years now and she handles it with all the FUN she can.
    Peter, have your mom and dad come to Eden’s site and show you some pictures. Eden doesn’t mind that her hair fell out. She just puts stickers and tattoos (and body jewels, too) on her head and dresses it up.
    She does races in the hallways when she has to stay at the hospital. HAve you ever had a race with the kids in the hall?
    She likes to have “treasure hunts” at the hospital. Have Mommy and Daddy hide things and then make a “treasure map” so that you can find them.
    She plays air hockey like a pro. I wonder if you could beat her. She always plays for PUDDING. If she wins, the poser has to eat the pudding that she picks out. If she loses then the winner gets to choose her pudding flavor.
    She reads (sort of) and colors when she doesn’t feel too great. WHat do you do if you don;t feel like running around?
    She gives hugs and loving to everyone, so that they feel good. Do you give lots of loving to your family and friends and doctors and nurses?
    She eats, even when she doesn’t want to. That way she can be at home more often. What do you do when you don’t feel ike eating?
    She drinks alot, because she doesn’t want to be hooked up to an IV tree all of the time. The more you brink, the better you’ll feel, so drinks lots and lots between every meal!
    She rides her IV tree like a scooter when she is hooked up. Have you tried this yet? It’s lots of fun.
    She takes pills, because liquids are TOO YUCKY and pills are way faster. Do you take pills yet? If you don’t get Mommy and Daddy to buy you some M&M’s to practice with.
    She sings when she feels good and cuddles when she doesn’t. Cuddles make everything better, do you like to cuddle?
    She makes the doctors do silly things, so that they become her friends. She LOVES her doctors and nurses. Do you like yours?

    Tomorrow is a big day for you, Peter? Are you nervous?

    Chemo is really kind of boring. Sometimes it might make your tummy feel yucky, so tell the nurse so he/she can get you some Zofran or something to keep the yuckies away. We always ask for it early, so that Eden doesn’t get to feeling too bad.
    Sometimes they make you get lots of IV fluids when you get chemo. Know what happens when they do that? Yep! You’ll have to go potty a LOT. Eden wears Goodnites so that she can sleep right through having to potty a lot. It makes you kind of tired when you have to go to the bathroom every 15 minutes. You don’t even get to watch a whole TV show without having to go. That’s sort of a bummer, too.
    If you’re feeling kind of good when you get your chemo, ask if you can go for a walk or go to the playroom. That helps the time to go fast.
    The cool thing about chemo? It doesn’t take but a few days and then if you feel pretty good, you might get to go home for a while.
    The super cool thing about chemo? It KICKS CANCERS BUTT!
    I’ll keep cheking in on you to see how you’re feeling. Tell Uncle Matt to put up some pictures of the “head shaving party”, please. That will be fun. Maybe YOU can shave everyone else’s head. That would be fun, huh?
    If you want any helpful hints on how to have fun at the hospital, you could send en email and ask ask Eden for some more ideas.

    Good luck this week. I hope you feel terrific and don’t too bored!

  23. Oh, man! Eden’s gonna be so mad at me! She didn’t start kindergarten: she started FIRST GRADE today. WHOOPS!

    Have fun today, Peter.

    Hugs from Ohio,

  24. Ty, Erika, Peter, Coach Eigs and Family,

    We are lifting your family up in prayer daily. Our small group from church meets Tuesday and we will specifically pray for strength for Peter his first day of treatment. Thoughts and prayers from Kirksville, MO!
    Jerry, Alicia, Leah, Erica and Kate

  25. Hi Peter,

    Grandma Mary gave us a picture of you and you are on our refrigerator now! We look at your picture every day and hope you are having a good day.

    I went to the park with Baron and Grandma this morning – Baron loves to chase the tennis ball. He had fun running around.

    You are such a great boy! Everyone is so proud of you. Love to you and Mom and Dad.


  26. Good luck tomorrow Peter. I sure hope you are listening to everyone and drinking lots and eating too! Maybe you need a Warrior water bottle!!

    Our thought and prayers are sent your way,
    The Musielewicz’

  27. Peter, Ty and Erika,
    You all have been on my mind since I heard. I will be heading to El Paso to go visit my family, and will tell everyone I know down there to spread the word and to pray for Peter and your family.
    Hey Peter, I will see what I can do about getting a hockey jersey from Hermie(He played for the Buzzards when your uncle tito coached them) and get all the guys on his Junior B team to sign it. I know it’s not “the great one’s ” jersey but if I can get one I hope you will like it just as much. Love and prayers!
    Cassie O’Connor

  28. Dear Peter, Ty & Erica,
    There has not been a day that we have not had you in our thoughts!
    This is a really difficult time for all of you, but you have an incredible support system behind you and this is a battle you’re going to WIN!
    Good luck on Tuesday and the days to follow! We will continue to pray for you and your family with hopes of a speady recovery! If there is anything that we can do to help in any way please do not hesitate to call!
    Peter- Hang in there buddy, this must be pretty scary for you but it’s ok to be scared. Lots of people are thinking about you and they are saying lots of prayers for you too!! You’ll be feeling better soon!

    Ty and Erica- You are an inspiration. As a parent I know that this has got to be the hardest thing that you have ever faced, there is a wall of support behind you, lean on it when you need to. We’ll be thinking of you all!
    Lots of Love and best wishes,
    Ty, Lisa,Paige, Drew and Hallsey Olson

  29. Peter:

    I have been reading about a hair cutting party. We have been meaning to tease your dad about your hockey hair. We all know how much he likes short hair!! The haircutting party will be FUN – and it sounds like you have many willing volunteers. Ryan #4 already buzzed all of his hockey hair off so he will fit right in with all the new haircuts – you hockey guys can look the same!! Ryan and Rod have been gone in Alaska on a fishing trip so they haven’t been able to visit you but they will be home in two days. They will come to see you when you are up for visitors. They can show you pictures of big fish and even BEARS!!

    Your Uncle Matt wrote a note to all of us about how much stronger you are getting. I am sure of that — because the last time you were at our house you showed us how strong you were getting from working out at hockey camp with your dad and the hockey guys this summer!! You showed us your BIG muscles and how high you can jump now. And we were very impressed!!

    Tomorrow you are going to get some special medicine that will help you get rid of the bad guys in your tummy! Listen to your doctors and nurses because they are going to help you feel better. We know how strong and brave you are and that will help you lots!!

    We are all on your team and we will be cheering for you tomorrow!! Go Peter!!

    With our love and prayers,
    Rod, Sue, Jenny, Ryan #4 and Molly #7

  30. Dear Peter:
    I hope you don’t mind if I read your mail. I’ve just spent some time reading all the letters so many people have written to you this past week. You have so many friends who care so deeply for you.
    When I read that you were preparing for a hair-cutting party, it reminded me that I need a haircut myself. I’m beginning to look like a hippie.
    Peter, you have become a huge celebrity up here in Brainerd. Your picture in yesterday’s Brainerd Dispatch was bigger than Torii Hunter’s on the same page – and he had just scored a three-run home run against the Chicago White Sox. My, you are a big wheel in these parts.
    Our Church is thinking of you and praying for you in a big way, Peter. We know you’ll be coming home to us healthy and strong. Be sure to eat and drink everything in sight, and in that way, build up those great muscles.
    Every fond wish and prayer, Peter.
    Your pastor, Fr. Seamus Walsh

  31. Peter (Erika & Ty),

    I remembering spending an awesome weekend with you at Grandpa Art’s cabin a couple of years ago. We played some tag and ran around the yard, pretending to fall over and acting silly. I had fun holding your sister, Ellie, too. This is Kathy, friend of your pal, “tall Tim.”

    We’re thinking of you a lot and have been sending you lots of hugs and high-fives. You are being so strong and patient. It was so nice of you to share your balloons with the other kids. And your Uncle Matt is doing a great job of putting some fun pictures of you the computer. It looks like you have a whole zoo on your bed!

    Keep eating and drinking a lot so you can stay strong.
    Kathy & Tim

    Erika & Ty – please let us know if there’s anything we can do.

  32. Peter, Ty and Erika
    I have been following along, checking in everyday to see how peter’s doing. My mom and Casey said they had a good visit, I wish I was closer so I could stop by too. Ty, from knowing you and your commitment to everything you do, I can only assume that Peter will take this battle in the same way! Your whole family is in my thoughts and prayers. Get Better Soon Peter, I can’t wait to see you on the ice.



  33. Hi Peter,
    Even though we’ve never met (I’ve met your mommy before because of my sister, Carrie), I just had to write to tell you that your story of incredible courage and inspiration has reached all the way to Los Angeles, California!!! Have you ever been to California, Peter? You must come and visit sometime, I think you’d like it…we have hockey, baseball, surfing, skiing – you name it, we have it! You are a very special young man and know in your heart that people all over the country are praying for you! I just know you can beat these “bad guys!”

    Be well,
    Ericka Novotny Day

  34. Peter: We hope you are having a good day today. Tomorrow you will start to get rid of those “bad guys ” and I know you will do it with all your strength and prayers too.
    Now, is Gramma Mary coming in your room when it says NO girls allowed??? Guess you will have to let her come in as she is so special and besides she will just come in anyways you know……..
    Have a GREAT day and we will all be with you in thoughts and prayers tomorrow.
    Give our love to your mom and dad too.
    Love, Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose ( Omaha, Ne. ) GO PACKERS!!!

  35. Sweet Peter –
    Here I sit with your sister Kate on my lap (oh, she kind of stinks, too – I think she pooped her pants!) so we will both write you a messge! She keeps smacking at my keyboard, so if there are strange letters in weird places, you can blame it on Kate!! I am soooo happy that your little sisters got to come back to daycare today! We missed having them here…. we miss you, too, of course, but we know that we need you to stay in the hospital so you can get stong and healthy — then you can come back and play. Maybe you can sit on my lap and write emails to Joe Mauer… but, you have to promise me that YOU won’t poop your pants!!! 🙂 I think I agree with Uncle Matt – tomorrow is an exciting day because you get to start fighting those yucky monsters in your body…. it’s finally your turn at bat! It will of course be scary, probably more for mom and dad than you, but even in scary moments, remember to stay strong and keep your faith in God. EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT!! I have such great feelings of confidence and such a postiive feeling about this now. I will admit that I had some days last week when I just didn’t feel so good about this – I cried alot! All the daycare kids must have thought I was C-R-A-Z-Y!! But, now – especially after reading all the stories of little kids who have WON THIS FIGHT, I just KNOW that you will be the next one who wins! 🙂
    I, too would love to see some pictures of this hair shaving party! Sounds like a grand ol’ time! (I am going to pray that your eyelashes stay put, though! Those things are far too beautiful!!)
    Peter- we will be thinking about you with great intensity tomorrow as you begin your chemo. This is your chance to be the strongest one in the battle — it’s your turn to fight, your turn to WIN. From what I have heard, you may get “sick”…. but I am certain that the doctors will do everything in their power to keep you comfortable! Buckle up, guys… the road ahead may be bumpy – but the reward at the end is worth fighting for!!!! LIVE STRONG, Peter! Oh – promise me you’ll eat and drink many many sips! Otherwise – when you come back to daycare, it’s FRIED WORMS for you, bud!!!!
    Much love and buckets full of prayers-
    Jenni and family

    OK, it’s Kate’s turn to have at it :

    From Kate:
    kdlajkjfjg hghugiegj ojge trjtoedzv jidgf
    (I think it says I LOVE YOU!)

  36. Hey pete!!!whats going on up there???nothing much going on at the Smith house!!You should email me sometime my email is!!have you thought of anything you want yet???have you gotton bb huter and emma’s cards in the mail????just remeber tomarrow you get to start getting rid of those icky monsters!You better FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT so you can WIN WIN WIN!!!

    See you later love ya!Tiffany

  37. We heard about Peters condition via an e-mail from Stacy Ratzlaff. He sounds like a VERY special little boy. It’s so sad that no matter how hard we try to protect our children something like this can happen that we have no control over.
    Please know that we are thinking about you and praying that his treatments go great and make him well again. The website is so nice I check the latest updates every morning.

    Traci, Andrew, Andrew and Sammy Elasky.

  38. Peter, Ty, and Erica
    It wasn’t any surprise yesterday to see what great strength the Eigner family entails. With the help of you two, Erika and Ty, Peter has the Strength, Love, and Support to get through obstacles one cannot even fathom. Peter and your family are in my prayers each and every day, so Peter, get well soon Buddy!


  39. From one Hanson to a group of others… my prayers are with you; and the prayers of the faithful prayers here at Prince of Peace in Burnsville. As far as hair-shaving; I highly recommend it. As far as cancer, you can WIN WIN WIN. Blessings~ Handt

  40. Hey Peter,

    Tanner hopes that you liked the truck he made for you. He said that when you get back home to Brainerd, he can show you how he made it and you can make one yourself! It sounds like you are staying strong and that is great. You are a celebrity here in Brainerd, we are all thinking of you. Hope to see you at the rink soon!

    Ty & Erika,

    Keep up your strength, Peter is drawing his from the great example that you two and your families are providing. We are praying for you guys!


    The Larson’s – Kim, Colette, Tanner & Taylor

  41. Hi Pete,
    We stopped by Friday to see you guys and drop off some things for you and your Mom and Dad. You were pretty sleepy, so I didn’t really get to say ‘hi’.
    The laptop you guys have in the room is cool. My parents don’t really know how to use one. Other than that they are really cool.
    I was telling the kids at day care that you’re really tall. I think you’re more than a banana taller than me.
    Did you know I’ll be three soon? Mom said you’re four. When my birthday comes I’ll invite you.
    Jill has never brought me suckers.
    My hair is the same color as your dad’s.
    Sometimes I think of a lot of things all at the same time, so it might be hard to read this.
    My Mom said my Dad could mow your lawn if you need him to since he’s already doing two of them…
    You’re neat and fun. I can’t wait to play at the playground again, even though I can’t really keep up.
    My whole family, and my family’s family, are all sending you the best.
    The Connect Four game we brought must be more for the grown ups to help pass the time. Its for ages 7 and up but my dad thought someone might like it.
    I pray for you every night. Bailey doesn’t know how, but if she did she’d pray, too.
    Good luck this week. We’re all behind you with everything we have.
    You’re friend,

  42. Hi Peter,

    Tomorrow is a big day, you get to start beating up the icky bugs. You are such a strong guy, you can do it! I can’t wait until you get back home, maybe you can help Kevin and I at a game running the music or announcing the starting lineup for the Warriors! No Twins game tonight, they play Kansas City starting tomorrow, I bet Joe Mauer gets a hit again just like you said he would when we were watching the game on Friday. Carl and Pam made it out to Boston and he is getting his room ready hooking up his X-Box and he put his hockey equipment in the Eagles locker room. I’m going to fly out to see him this weekend.

    Sweet dreams tonight, sleep well.



  43. Erika-
    Paul and I wish you the best of luck as you help Peter fight this battle. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Lori Rubin & Paul Heinlen

  44. My Buddy –

    Had SO much fun with you this morning. Ever since I gave you that two finger high five and said “see ya tomorrow” you’ve been in my thoughts.

    I really think we are getting close to capturing all of those dinosaur eggs, thanks to your eagle eyes. I’ll practice before bed tonight and we’ll play again tomorrow.

    Give Walter the farting dog a hug for me and have a good night tonight!

    Love you lots – Auntie G

    PS – I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Vikings (five drinks!)
    PPS – Erika, my schedule looks good for the morning tomorrow, so I’ll plan to be there at the same time. I’ll give you a call tonight to confirm, as well.


  46. Peter,
    We are friend’s of your mommy and daddys. Because of you we have started to watch the Twins more. Good luck with your medicine tomorrow, we will be thinking of you.

  47. We just want you all to know that we are thinking of you as you continue on with your fight of this illness. We can only begin to imagine what you all are going through right now. Our son Nick is 4 too. He just saw us looking through the pictures of Peter on this website. We told him that Peter is sick right now and in the hospital working hard to get better. He said that “we should tell that little boy that we’re really sorry he is sick and that we want him to get better too.” I guess those simple words sum up our thoughts too. Peter, our whole family is sorry that your body had to get sick and we will hope and pray for you and your family every night and have good thoughts about your body getting healthy and feeling better again.

    Ty and Erika, please know that our hearts ache for what your are going through but that our thoughts and wishes are only positive and hopeful. Your strength along with Peters and all of your family and support network can get you all through this. We wish you continued strength and will not let any of you out of our prayers and good thoughts.

    Jason and Lisa Dario (and Nick & Sophia)

  48. Peter,

    I heard about your cancer through an old friend of your Dad’s from BG who was one of my coach’s at my school RPI where I play hockey. I wanted to send my best wishes, because i know how you are feeling. I was diagnosed with an advanced form of cancer just last year, but today I am doing great and healthy again and one month away from playing my first game of my life after cancer.

    I know some of the stuff they are going to give you might make you feel sick but just imagine it as your magic postion thats gonna get you better. Make sure you stay positive because when you get through this just think of how much stronger you will be. Stay strong and get well soon.


    Kirk MacDonald
    Rensselaer Polytchnic Institute ’07
    Men’s Ice Hockey Team

  49. Hi Ty, I heard about Peter from my Mom, as she talks with your Mom and Barb Groth. I couldn’t believe it when I heard it. I just want to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds like Peter is a little fighter, so he WILL make it through this. Hockey players are TOUGH guys! We all know that!! So take care, and be tough!

    Jill Weibel

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