More positive test results!

We recieved the results of Peter’s Bone Marrow and Urine tests, and they both came back clean! Thank you all so much for the prayers and positive energy! We are off to Peter’s last baseball game of the season, and then his team is having a pool party, it should be a lot of fun. Thanks again and have a great weekend.

14 Replies to “More positive test results!”

  1. Great news for all of you! We’re glad you’re moving to the cities too. 🙂
    (catchy little rhyme)

  2. Eigners: That is such wonderful news !! Peter you keep up your eating and energy too. Only proves that God does listen to all our prayers and may he continue to watch over you.

    Love to all,
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  3. Such great news! I hope you all are enjoying your new residence in the cities and are having a great summer! You’re still in my thoughts Peter (and the rest of the Eigners). Hope to see you guys soon!

    Molly Z

  4. Great News! Glad to hear that all is going good and that you are having somewhat a fun summer!

    Think of you guys often!

  5. Dear Erika, Ty, Peter, Eleanor and Katherine Eigner,

    We are thrilled to learn about Peter’s “clean” test results. What a miracle! What a wonderful story! We are so very happy for all of you.

    Again, these postings have made our day brighter and its fun to celebrate this news in our hearts.

    Keep our love burnin’

    Rebecca and Terry

  6. Dear Erika, Ty, Peter, Eleanor and Katherine Eigner,

    We are thrilled to learn about Peter’s “clean” test results. What a miracle! What a wonderful story! We are so very happy for all of you.

    Again, these postings have made our day brighter and its fun to celebrate this news in our hearts.

    Keep our love burnin’

    Rebecca and Terry

  7. Hi,

    I am the Dad of AJ, a 14 year old cancer victim. I wanted to make you aware (maybe again) and enlist your help for the Cure Childhood Cancer petition! The GREAT news is that CureSearch, LIVESTRONG and Alex’s Lemonade Stands have ALL written about the Petition on their websites! And TX Children’s and DUKE have both allowed us to setup paper versions inside the hospitals! WE ARE MAKING HEADWAY and are at over 11,000 signatures! But we need your help again. If you can please make your readers aware, email it around again, and give just a little publicity, I think we can make this happen!

    Thanks again,
    AJs Dad
    CarePage – AJsSpace

  8. Hi Eigners,

    Hey Pete, I am soooo glad to hear the news!!! I haven’t posted in awhile but I have continously been “Believing and Praying”. I check your site often and I am so happy for you and your family. It sounds like you are quite the ball player. Joe Mauer better watch out!!! I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and you and your family get settled in in your new surroundings. I will be checking the site as always and I will be keeping the faith and believing. You are a very special young man with a very special family who have taught alot of people the true meaning of fighting and believing and I thank you for that. So go get them slugger!!!!
    Take Care,
    The Bushey’s

  9. Hi Eigners,

    Yippeee for the great test results, it’s fun to read about Peter doing normal kid stuff like
    playing ball and going to swimming parties– I bet you love watching Peter run and be a kid.

    Congrats for the good news!!

    Shannon Haugh

  10. WAY TO GO PETER!!!!!!
    Great news, congratulations. Hope your pool party was a blast enjoy the remainder of your summer!!

    Thoughts and prayers form Brainerd,
    The Olson’s

    Ty, Lisa, Paige, Drew & Hallsey

  11. Dear Peter and family; Great news about the results of the tests. Hope you enjoyed the last game of the season. Tell grandma Mary that her college freind Bonnie would love an e-mil from her. Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer. Love Bonnie

  12. We are so thrilled that things are going well for all of you. Baseball rocks!
    All of you have done so much and had so much hardship that the health and good summertime fun is just so well deserved. Yay! Good luck in NYC.

    Thinking of you,
    KT Kelley and Peter Wolkoff

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