GREAT Results So Far

Hello all. Thanks for checking in on Peter’s progress.

The results of Peter’s CT Scans came back on Wednesday and they are clear. His echocardiogram didn’t cause any alert. The bone marrow biopsy results will take a couple days yet. In summary, Peter still shows no evidence of disease.

He is also HAMA negative. This means that he can resume with the 3F8 antibodies soon. The antibody treatment is meant to help keep the cancer at bay by causing Peter’s body to fight against any malicious cells. I believe Ty and Erika are in the process of scheduling the next round of this treatment in NYC.

Because Peter and family are living at my house temporarily, I’ve seen a lot of the little guy recently and he looks great. He had a few bandages from the testing to show off, but is as smiley as always. His focus remains on his next baseball game. Hopefully we’ll hear that his bone marrow is clear as well and he can continue running around the diamond.

8 Replies to “GREAT Results So Far”

  1. Whoooo – hoooo Peteman! NED… that is the best 3 letter combination a person would want to hear!
    So glad you and your sissys got to spend the day with us! Like your Uncle Matt has referenced – Pete IS FULL of energy! He has most definitley, 100%, no doubt in my mind, recovered all of his energy and is as playful and spunky and strong and vibrant as any other 6 year old! Aside from playing baseball (I even have to get after him that we DON’T play baseball in the house!!!) and racing around on bikes … he has also become one of the official “daycare frog/toad catchers”. Last count, he and his buddies had collected about 8 frogs in one afternoon! Since I am NOT a fan of the little critters, he and the gang find it funny to hang them in my face! Soooo…. yes, is bounding with energy and all the little boy spunk one would expect him to have!
    Looking forward to spending tomorrow with the 3 of you while mom and dad continue to pack! We should have lots of fun at the lake!! Cross your fingers for good swimmin’ weather!
    Lots of love to you all~
    From: Poopsie Pottybrains
    (that’s my Captain Underpants name!!!!)

  2. Dear Erika, Ty, Peter, Eleanor and Katherine Eigner,

    Good morning and thank you once again for making my day!
    Reading this news is absolutely splendid.

    Matt, thanks for being the great purveyor current news and for being an accommodating and loving host for the Eigner’s.

    Please all of you be safe and enjoy the weather; it’s fantastic!

    Your admirers and friends,

    Terry Forbord and Rebecca Hopf

  3. Ty, We are so happy to hear that the tests so far have been so good. We hope he continues to only feel better and stronger. Take care and we are thinking about you all!

    Ken and Robyn

  4. This is good to hear more good news. All the positive spirit and effort has got to be connected to this good news. Glad to hear yhou are smiling, Peter, I am too. Keep up your very fine work.

  5. Way to go Peteman!!!! Our prayers are answered. See you at your game this week. Love ya lots Grandma Mary

  6. That is all the best news that you could get–now it is back to being a kid! So whatck the ball out of the park Peter! Ann Hoechst

  7. Boy – it’s been a long time since I have posted! Such great news to hear!!! I can confirm as well, that Pete is full of it! Spent the day with the 3 of them Saturday, and despite the rain, they had fun in the water and took a little boat ride after the rain had subsided. It is ALWAYS so good to see the little darlings! I will miss seeing them at Jens. I told Peter and the girls that sometime when they visit Jenni’s, I will need to know so I can drop by. Good luck to you all! We’ll miss you!!
    Papa and Monga

  8. Peter and Family,
    Great news on the test results. I will pray that the rest are just as awesome. It has been awhile since I’ve posted. I apologize for that, but know that you are never far from our thoughts as we continue to keep you in our prayers! Keep up the good fight. Life will be very different not being at or seeing your family at the hockey arena this winter! We wish you all the best in your new adventures in the metro!
    Take care and hope to see you around soon!
    Good luck at your next baseball game Peter…hit the ball hard and run fast!!!
    Much love from Brainerd!

    The Olson’s
    Ty,Lisa,Paige,Drew & Hallsey

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