Testing Complete

Peter and Erika came to the cities last night (Wednesday) before their tests at the U today. We had a little gathering for Peter’s cousin Brooks, who just turned one. The minute I arrived, Peter greeted me and summoned me out to the yard to play catch. Erika was right, it is night and day compared to the last time I saw him, only a week earlier. He is still skinny as a rail with arms like small curtain rods, but his energy and demeanor have returned. And his throwing and catching are better than they were just a short time ago. I know he didn’t learn his new skills laying in bed for a month. So it’s evidence that he didn’t stop developing, as any 5-year-old does, during his tumultuous late summer.

The tests went basically as scheduled today. Peter and Mom ran into many familiar faces from the many days and nights at the U of M throughout the year — faces that have helped Peter and family through many hard times. The hearing test is the only one that produces immediate results. One of Peter’s ears is slightly worse than the other with what they call profound hearing loss in the high frequencies. That doesn’t sound good, but I’ve never seen much evidence of it during my time with Peter. In fact, the Lion King was too loud. Daddy covered Peter’s ears for much of the production. But has trouble hearing certain frequencies, especially when there is background noise. I can’t imagine that holding this guy back.

I’ll post the other test results as they are released. I’ve posted a photo album and slideshow that chronicles the crazy month of August. You can view it here.

12 Replies to “Testing Complete”

  1. Hey Matt, it’s great to hear that Peter wanted to haul you outside to play catch and to “burn it in”. Sure sounds as if his whimsy hasn’t left him one bit.

    Thank you for the picture show. It’s great to see the photos of Ty and Erika with Peter and Peter with Eleanor and Katherine. The post surgery photos are gut wrenching.

    It just feels good to know that you all are back here in Minnesota and I am certain the whole family feels the same way. All of the logistics of being at remote locations are staggering for a few days let alone an extended period. You all are amazing people and still an inspiration for the rest of us.

    We are thinking of you all each and every day.

    Peter, you are my hero!

    Terry and Rebecca

  2. Peter and family
    What an AMAZING comeback!! Looking at the photos I am impressed with all that you have come through! What an inspiration you are Peter. Keep up the good fight! YOU ARE WINNING!!!
    Steve,Glenda Josh Megan and Jacob

  3. Awesome job on the PIX Uncle Matt … thanks for sharing! Yeah Peter … our Pack will certainly struggle if the Vikings have any of your determination to win!

  4. What an amazing transformation! Peter, way to fight and come back on top. Your whole family is an inspiration!!!

    Melissa & Zach
    (friends of Uncle Matt & Aunt G)

  5. We are so glad you all can be at home with your sweet girls and love, bikes and fun all around. Keep strong, keep eating and keep beating the disease. What a guy, and what a family!
    KT and Peter Robert

  6. What a great story Uncle Matt has put together through pictures!
    You certainly had a wild journey… but, now you’re home & doing all the things big boys do! Way to go, big guy!
    I sure had fun with Kate & Ellie yesterday! Looking forward to having you back to play sometime soon, too!
    With love & happy thoughts~
    Jen and crew

  7. Peter, it took alot of quiet time to do all that getting better and look at you after all that quiet hard work! Pretty cool seeing you sitting with your sisters. Still breathing support and love to the whole family.

  8. You look awesome Peter!!! Keep fighting, you are winning!!! I am sure your family looks forward to the days when this chapter in your life is a thing of the past. You are surrounded by an amazing family. Good Luck at the U of M, we know people there too! They are great.
    Take care buddy. I bet you are anxious to start watching hockey on t.v. 🙂

  9. Great pictures. This is an honest example of “pictures saying a thousand words”…… Even when you’re not feeling your best, you still look spectacular, Peter! You are one heck of a beautiful kid!
    It was great having Kate & Ellie here yesterday afternoon! We look forward to spending a day with you soon, too! We miss you so much, Peter!
    Sounds like we are in for a warm-up…. so, get out there and pedal, pedal, pedal!!
    With much love and sunshiney smiles~
    Jen & crew

  10. Hey Pete
    Great job!! We have good news down here in Phoenix. We had a baby boy on wednesday morning. Rory Michael David Savage made his way out and weighed 6lbs 4oz and 19 in long. Debbie and Rory are doing great.
    The boys are looking forward to playing a little ball hockey with you. Hopefully we can get together soon. I’m sure you ALL need a family vacation and Phoenix would be a good spot to come.

    Keep going strong. We’re all behind you.

    Your friends in Phoenix
    The Savage’s
    Brian Debbie Ryan Redmond Rory

  11. Welcome home Pete. We are so happy that you are home…and even riding your bike. Wow what a guy. You are still in our prayers.
    Thanks for the great photos.
    God bless you Peter and your family!
    The Sullivans

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