He Eats Now, Too

As of yesterday, Peter was still in the Pediatric Observation Unit at the hospital, but he should be into a “real” room at any time. I forgot to mention that on Saturday, Peter ate some yogurt and meatballs and drank some juice. Since then he’s been eating well on his own.

Since he’s breathing on his own, the tube to his lungs was obviously removed. And his blood gas levels have remained so stable that he’s off the BiPAP and nose oxygen. Since he’s eating on his own, the tube through his nose to his stomach was removed as well. He also has both lines out of his feet and other various attachments have been removed. So he’s just down to his good old hickman in his chest and he’s been living with that for a year.

Peter’s strides are getting longer now (literally and figuratively). He’s talking more and sleeping less. He’s probably sleeping closer to 1/2 the day now instead of 3/4 of it. Yesterday he took a walk right out of the room and down the hall to a play room. That pretty much wiped him out, but that’s how strength is regained. His lungs were seriously damaged 18 days ago, so to be walking around without oxygen assistance is amazing.

I haven’t posted much on what’s ahead lately, because everything has just been hour by hour and day by day. It’s still that way, but I think the doctors will soon be looking further ahead. He’s getting physical therapy and his lungs are clearly healing. We don’t know how long it takes for a full recovery or whether they’ll start radiation or some other cancer treatment prior to that. We just know he’s doing a wonderful job and your continued support is helping.

33 Replies to “He Eats Now, Too”

  1. Wow Peter, when you decide to make something happen you go full steam ahead. Great job! You amaze me in so many ways. Your strength, courage and total commitment to beating all thats ahead of you. Keep going young man and we will see you home in Brainerd soon.

    Ty & Erika, you must be so happy to see such progress. Praise the lord for all the miracles we have witnessed with Peter.

    Take care and we will keep on praying.
    Sending Love and hugs
    Jill S.

  2. Oh, Peter! Yet again, you have amazed me…. thrilled me…. and sent shivers down my spine! You are absolutely a miracle maker. There will be a movie about you someday….

    Wishing you another day of “full steam ahead”!!! Eating?? Walking?? Sleeping less~ and talking more? This is definitely the Peter John that we all know and LOVE! Keep it up, sweet Peter! You are so unbelievably awesome! 🙂

    With a HUGE smile on my face and tingles in my heart~
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily and Parker

  3. Peter, you are SO AMAZING!!! We’re very excited to hear of your progress back here in Brainerd, and can’t wait til you can come back home where you belong. You gave us quite a scare big guy! But you pulled through, showing everyone how strong you are, and what a fighter you are, and we’re so relieved. It definitely sounds like the “old Peter” is showing through again, and it makes us smile! God IS Great!

    Keep working hard and eating lots to get more of your strength back, and listen to your doctors. It sounds like you have alot of great doctors and nurses out there who adore you, but I’m betting they would be ok with you going home!

    Continued prayers for a full recovery and travel home,
    The Swansons
    Lori, Cary, Luke, Brooke and Erica

  4. Peter, Ty and Erika–

    You never cease to amaze us!! I shed happy tears now every time I open your page. I can’t imagine as a parent how thrilled you guys must be at this amazingly wonderful transformation.

    Wish we were close enough to come for a visit, but know you guys are never far from our hearts and minds.

    Our continued prayers,

    Andi, Dave, Jesse and Bailey

  5. We are so glad to see that things are going in a positive direction. I know that Peter will only continue to get stronger. We continue to pray for you all.
    Dan, Ann and Tate Richter

  6. What a turnaround! I am always so amazed how Peter pulls through.
    Think of you guys daily. MJ

  7. WOW!!! Great job, Pete! You are such and amazing, strong guy! Keep up the good work! Love and prayers, Maggie

  8. Peter!!!

    I am truly speachless…your strength and persistance blows me away! Keep up the fight big guy! We are cheering for you loud and clear!!
    Love, Lisa Beck

  9. Peter,
    I wish I could be half as stong as you are. You are one amazing boy. Everyday day will get easier and more rewarding. Praying for you.
    Stacey Westrum

  10. WOW! WOW! WOW!
    I think you should forget hockey and baseball and become a Boxer!!!!
    You’d win every ROUND!!!!!
    Prayers Hope and Hugs being sent every DAY!!

  11. Yah, Peter! Way to Go, Mr. Eigner! You are a fighter–happy to hear you are eating and walking and talking. We have all been following your progress and you are one amazing kid. Stay strong. Do what you have to do! All will be well. Love from Burnsville and the Noble family.

  12. What a thrilling chain of events; all hearts are celebrating! Thank you for keeping us all up to date with the latest amazing news. Such remarkable perserverace and strength; I’m in awe…

  13. Peter-
    You are AMAZING!!! Everytime I read a new post I am speachless at how well you are doing and how quickly you do it too. You are one determined little boy. Keep up the great work and I hope to see you real soon!!! My thoughts and prayers are always with you.
    Take care Eigner family!!

  14. Hi Peter~
    You are the man! Way to go on your good eating and walking. You need those strong legs to be a hockey star!

  15. Why am I not amazed, Pete? You have a way of getting things done like no one else I know. Our eyes believe what we see and our ears believe what others say. As a scout, I would rather see it. As a fan of yours, all I need is to hear it because the source is solid.

    Anyway, all the best, Pete. Just checking in on a special, and infectious, human being and happy as can be doing it.

    This calls for a “Pickle Monday” with Claire, Dino, Carrie, Roby and anyone else who cares to join. Nothing like a “Heggies pizza”, Peter. Might even bring some candles so Claire thinks it is a lil higher level dinner. While your experience is “real”, the world is full of perception, Pete, so we may as well utilize a lil of it. Luv ya, kid! -ole gringo-

  16. Peter Eigner………..you continue to amaze us all with your strength and courage. What a hero you are…………and one strong dude.

    love to you all,
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  17. Dear Peter,

    Every time I see how you’re doing, nothing surprises me – I just know it’s going to be better news each time. You’ll have to write a book – for other people to follow – by example! You’re amazing!

    Keep those thumbs up! You keep fighting – we’ll keep praying.

    Love to your family, and thank you for all the regular up-dates.


    Kathy and Dave Trees

  18. Way to go Peter! I got to see your Grampa Brian, Gramma Barb, Gramma Mary, Kate, Ellie…a whole bunch of your family today. You sure do have a great family….but you know that, doncha?

  19. Hey Peter,
    The news just keeps getting better and better! We are so excited about you feeling so good keep up the speedy recovery you are one strong guy . Keep up the good eating and the walking buddy. We continue to pray for you and can not wait for you to come home.
    The Smiths

  20. What great news. We love to check the website and read about all the miracles! Way to fight champ!
    We continue to pray for you Pete and the whole family.
    Keep it up big guy…you’ll be home soon, please God!
    the Sullivan Family

  21. Wow — eating and walking after all that. You are God-blessed in so many ways. Wish I could see you. I see that the Detroit Tigers are beating the pants off the Yankees – again. Now I know you are a Twins Fan, but my poor Hubby Gary has been a Yankee fan for over 45 years, so it is very hard for him to see them getting clobbered like that.

    Take heart all, healing comes a pace.
    Love to all
    Bonnie Ives-Virnig

  22. Miracle after miracle!! Keep going Pete. In our thoughts daily.
    Love, Glenda Steve Josh Megan and Jacob

  23. Peter,
    The Starr/Anderson families in Hudson have been cheering so hard for you, I’d
    think you’d be able to hear us all the way out in New York!!
    You are truly making all the miracle plays~ you are our hero!!
    Our love and best wishes to your mom and dad, and all the Hansen and Eigner
    XO Barb, Elliot, Noey and Noey’s Grama Charlotte

  24. Pete man,

    Sounds like you are almost ready for a mean game of hungry hungry hippo. Your sisters have come to visit the boys the last few days. It should make you smile to know that KK took a terd in Uncle Tito’s tub. All the kids cannot wait to have you back to play. Keep up the good work. You are my hero. Love Tito

  25. We are speechless! The only word I can think of is UNBELIEVEABLE! This little man is unbelieveable! Big high fives from the Swensons! Whoooo-hoooooo, Peter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Peter and family, what great news. You are a strong guy. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep the prayers going. It must feel so good not to be connected to all those tubes. Erika and Ty I am sure it is such a relief to see him walk and eat on his own. God Bless, Cheryl Bailey

  27. Peter,
    You are doing so great! The trip to the playroom is just the first step in the many we are all waiting to hear you take to feel strong again.

    You are a true miracle and we think of you everyday. Keep fighting!

    The kids are including you in their prayers at night. Henry is playing football and hockey right now and Emma is doing soccer and figure skating. We all await the day we can watch you play in your first hockey game Peter.

    We love you! God bless,
    The Enebaks

  28. Peter, Like the Swansons said, “God is Great”…All the time. You are a clear and beautiful reflection of His greatness. Praying like a warrior.

  29. We thank God for your recovery and pray that bout with pneumonia was the toughest test. Way to endure Peter! God bless you! You are in our prayers every day and there are people all over doing the same. Keep up the good work.

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