Thursday, +9

Peter woke this morning with a very sore throat so his pain medication was increased to the current maximum. As he builds more tolerance to the medication it could be increased more, but optimistically, the pain will fade soon. He slept 90% of the day while recovering under the influence of the medication.

His fever has continued through the past couple days until this afternoon, when it seemed to break somewhat. The fever can be caused by a few different things. It could be a bacterial infection of some sort; Cultures were taken at 4 AM this morning, but the results aren’t back. It could be be caused by some minor pneumonia; A chest x-ray from yesterday showed what might be a small spot of pneumonia, but he has so many bacterial and viral-fighting drugs pumped into him that the doctors aren’t concerned.

Or the fever could be caused from his cells “engrafting” and that would be excellent. The hope is that his blood counts now slowly begin to rise, followed by his strength and vigor. His spirit will also rise, but his spirit really doesn’t have far to go. His spirit has stayed high throughout.

9 Replies to “Thursday, +9”

  1. Peter- We have been checking your site daily, and want you to know how much we are praying and thinking about you. It just doesn’t seem fair that you have to go through all of this. We just printed out the picture of you and Logan today, and will mail that to you soon. Keep smiling and melting the hearts of all your nurses with it, and your positive attitude. Hang in there buddy we know you will come out so much stronger.

  2. Praying like a warrior. I can see those blood counts raising already. Keep it up, big guy.

  3. KEEP FIGHTING Peter! We are all cheering and praying for you and your family! You are a true hero!

    Erika Hauschildt

  4. Hey Peter,

    Keep up the good fight. I hope you are feeling a little better this
    weekend, so you can cheer on all your favorite hockey teams.

    Thinking and praying for you everyday.

    Love, Jan

  5. Peter,
    I hope your thoat starts to feel better soon! It’s no fun when you don’t feel good, but it sounds like you are getting LOTS of rest and that is exactly what your body needs to get better!! GOOD JOB!

    Erika and Ty, I hope you have a good weekend and are able to get out in that sunshine for a minute or two……….we will continue our prayers and thoughts for all of you!!! Take care!

    Love & prayers,
    The Olson’s
    Ty, Lisa, Paige, Drew & Hallsey

  6. Peter,
    Your Kansas City fans are continuing to pray and root for you and your family. Keep up the good fight!!
    Molly Majors

  7. It’s a beautiful day today, Mr. Peter! I know you can’t get out to play, but I hope you can catch a glimpse of the sunshine out your window. I just had all the daycare kids out for a romp in the sunshine (plus, it makes them extra sleepy…. which means an extended nap time!!). As I watched them running around and riding bikes and scooters, it made me think of you and I could almost see you running out there with them! One of these days, you’ll be romping in the sunshine, too!
    Even though you feel icky, it sounds like you are doing great! Use the love, the prayers and the warm spring-time thoughts to heal your body! We miss you immensely and can’t wait to have you back to play!

    Can I just tell you again what a silly sister you have?? Gramma Mary dropped Ellie & Kate off yesterday…. so I had the pleasure of playing with them all day. The funny thing is that your sister, Miss Ellie, continues to call me gramma! Guess what? I started calling her “Peter”! She giggled & giggled and said, “I’m not Peter! He’s my brother!” Maybe next time you talk to her, you should call her “Peter!”

    Hugs and Kisses to you, Peter! Never forget how much I love you!
    Love~ Jenni

    Hi Ty & Erika! It was great fun seeing Kate & Ellie yesterday! Ellie is an old pro…. Kate takes a minute or two to warm up to me (it’s too many days between visits, I think!). They are such sweet girls. Ellie told me she misses you but that she talks to you on the phone. One day soon, this will all be over! Hang in there. You two have raised quite the special children! It’s evident that you are special parents… 🙂

  8. Peter –

    My entire family is so proud and amazed by you. You are such a fighter! Keep on going! We think of you all the time and keep the good thought coming!

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