Day -6

The journey is underway! Peter started chemo late Monday night and 2 of the drugs run in continuously over 4 days, the third drug is infused over an hour on 3 of the days. So he’ll finish the chemo around 1am Saturday morning. So far he is doing great just like a normal kid. The mood is different here on 4A. It’s much more quiet and you just get a sense that there are rules here. Leave coats outside the door, no feathers of any kind in rooms (ie: pillows), a lot of shoes sit outside doors, there’s soap outside every door, and speaking of doors – they are all closed! If your door remains open for over a minute, an alarm goes off. Air quality is very important. The entire staff is also ICU-certified, meaning if a patient needs Intensive Care, they do not move the patient. That is the reason we can’t have cell phones on the floor – interferes with equipment.
I think what we are expecting at this point is for Peter’s counts to “bottom out” sometime next week. This is something we are used to, although maybe not the degree we’ll see this time? And then the next step – after his cells are put back in (the transplant) – we just don’t know. That’s when the going get’s tough. The side effects that can occur are infections, mucusitis (sores in the mouth which can travel down the GI Track; this is a very common effect with neuroblastoma kids); liver problems, lung or kidney problems. The doctor was just in and said almost 100% of the kids get severe mucusitis, and we will hope that he won’t need a breathing tube. He also told us that he probably won’t be that interested in eating as his mouth and throat will be very sore. So we are trying to fatten him up while he feels good and the Dr. said they will provide plenty of pain medication to make Peter comfortable. With all that said we can’t help but be positive, since Peter has been so great!

Finally, here is the phone number to Peter’s room 612 273-0027

Thanks for everything, we are so appreciative of all your prayers and support,

Erika and Ty

20 Replies to “Day -6”

  1. Eigners,
    Though we have not written on your site to date, we have kept up with Peter’s progress through this wonderful site. Thanks for all of the updates. The road your family is on, I cannot even imagine. You are in our prayers constantly and our thoughts always. We have yet to meet Peter but feel we know him already! What a strong, beautiful boy. Stay strong, but know that is not always possible. So remember that you have a world of support out here and we are strong for you when you can’t be!!
    The Ellingson’s (Glenda, Steve, Jacob, Megan, Josh)

  2. Ty, Erika and Peter….As your journey begins, please know that we are with you in thoughts and prayers………The Zauhar Family

  3. Hi to all – we wish you the very best over the period of this next journey you are beginning. We will think of you each and every day.
    Peg and Ron

  4. Hi Peter and Family,

    Just a note to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers this next 106 days!! We are a phone call away if you need anything, or just want to chat with a NB family. 612-810-8924. We’ll make some pictures for Peter’s room!

    Hope you can watch Edina this weekend in the Hockey tourney. Wish Brainerd was there……but maybe it’s good to have Dad’s full attention!!!

    This is the beginning to the end of the NB journey! It is very scarey and you are so brave to go through all you have. Remember if you get scared, there are sooooo many people praying for you, it will get you through! We need you to grow up big and strong to lead Brainerd back to the Hockey tourney in a few years!!!

    Take care!

    The Hollways Bill, Mary , Billy at UMD, Mike, and Molly 13+ year Neuroblastoma Survivor!
    Molly’s story:

  5. Hi to all – you will be in our every thought each day. We wish you the best as yet another journey begins.
    Peg & Ron

  6. Stay Stong Pete-Man!

    You are always in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. You have a huge team behind you and everyone is routing for you, Peter.


  7. Hi Eigner’s,

    Tell Peter that all of his friends here at Complete Title are cheering for him. You are all in our minds & hearts daily.

    This is supposed to be “D-Day” for Sindy Shanks. That’s “D” as in Delivery, but she isn’t cooperating. I think she feels more than willing to pitch in, but so far, it’s just not happening. You folks hang in there, and we’ll keep you posted on the Shanks addition.

  8. Hello Eigners~
    Glad to hear that things are rolling and that Peter is handling everything so well. Peter has fought so hard up to this point, it’s hard to imagine him doing anything else as the fight continues. I guess if the “going gets tough, Peter will just have to prove that he’s TOUGHER!!” We, your unimaginably large support team out here, are circled around you all as you travel the 100 day journey. It is my hope that with so many prayers being sent up daily, you (Erika, Ty & Peter) can’t help but feel the love. Tonight when we pray, we will ask for God’s continued guidance and we will ask for minimal mouth sores and no breathing tube. Peter – my sweet one, you just keep right on-a-doing what you’ve been doing because whatever the heck it is 🙂 it’s obviously working! I don’t know how much you “know” as far as what you may be dealing with during these next weeks, but please know that you have so many people around the world pulling for you and we all love you so much! FIGHT HARD, Peter… and LIVESTRONG. Remember – we believe in miracles. My wristband NEVER leaves my wrist…. and now it’s even more precious to me than ever. I believe, Peter. I believe….
    With more love than you can imagine~
    P.S. Ellie is here today! She says hi. Oh- and can you believe she’s been calling me “Grandma” again! That silly sister of yours! 🙂

  9. Stay tough and strong little man!! We will be thinking of you and praying for this next round to go smoothly for you all! You have been such a hero throughout the past months – stay strong for yet another rough ride!! You are ALL in our thoughts and hearts…..

    Ron & Peg

  10. Hi Erika and Ty,

    Just read your latest updates on Peter. God Bless you all as you begin the Journey. Peter sounds like such a strong little man. The entire Westrum Family will be praying for the Eigner Family daily. May you know that you are all in our prayers and thoughts always. Stay Positive.

    Bless you and be strong – we are all wearing our Believe Bracelets!

    Pat and sandy

  11. We will continue to pray for you guys. We think of you everyday! Tate says a prayer for Peter ever night. We know that this is all gonna work out. Try to stay strong.
    Dan, Ann and Tate Richter

  12. Stay strong and know that you are in all our prayers.
    The Eigners……..

  13. Expected the worse before and look how far Peter has come—– It will happen again.

  14. Hey Peter—
    Just wanted to sprinkle some good news on your day! (Ok, so maybe I am just really excited and I want to brag….) but anyway – guess what??
    Auntie Tara had her baby this morning! When you come back to daycare, you’ll get to meet little Ivy Madison!!
    Hope all is continuing to go well. Thinking of you always and loving you forever…

  15. Eigners–

    All my love and prayers as day 0 approaches. I have high hopes and many prayers for the month to come. Pete is the strongest of children and you two are the best of parents. No doubt with the love and prayers of friends, this too will be overcome. I believe in Pete’s full recovery.

    Love to you all,


  16. The Prayer Chain of Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Minneapolis, continues to pray for strength comfort , and healing for Peter and for his family. We also pray for wisdom skill and God’s guidance for his medical team.
    May God’s presence be with you all in this most difficult journey.
    Bunny Anderson

  17. Peteman,
    Stay strong buddy. We are praying for you and will see you when we get back from Florida. We love you very much.

    Uncle Troy, Auntie Macer, Grace & Lily

  18. Peter, The count down begins on your 100 day journey. Right now it seems far away but it really is not. You will be busy each day. As I read your journal entries it reminded me of Ruth’s transplant. We keep you and your family in our daily prayers here in Hawaii. Travel one day at a time and the days will add up soon.
    Aloha from Hawaii,
    The Mersburgh’s Dan, Charlene, Thomas, Rebekah and Ruthie (Day 125)

  19. Pete the Geek!!! Best of Luck on your 100 day journey….I am sending up lots of prayers for you and your family but most of all I have faith…faith in you, faith in your family, faith in the wonderful doctors and the good Lord above so stay strong little guy!

    ps. you owe me a rematch of your floor hockey game!!!
    I miss you, Smelly Ellie, and Chubbs and so hurry home soon!!

    Love, Lisa

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