More Details

I left out some important details as I read back through this, so let me try to fill in the info.

I mentioned that they weren’t able to remove the entire mass during surgery. Therefore, the remaining material will need to be fought with chemotherapy or radiation or some mix thereof. At this point I don’t know when that would begin.

The bone marrow test will happen tomorrow and will require Peter to go under again. There will be another CAT scan of his torso on Wednesday. The pathology reports on the tumor (that was the size of a small grapefruit) should be coming back tomorrow. Everyone is praying that we’ll get more good news from these tests.

A page was added along the top of this site for contact/visit information. Thanks for all the comments on the posts. We’ve been reading them to Peter and he appreciates them.

17 Replies to “More Details”

  1. To Our Buddy Peter,
    After hearing about your sickness we have been thinking about you all the time and praying for a speedy recovery. We know that you are a tough guy! Keep smiling and get lots of rest to help you get better. Do they let you play with a hockey puck and stick?… HOPEFULLY! 🙂 We hope that your tummy is feeling better today. Are they feeding you really yummy food like ice cream, jello, popsicles, or pudding?… What is your favorite kind of ice cream? Well, get better soon bud. Tell your family hello for us. You are in our hearts and prays.

    With Love,
    The Shepherd’s

  2. Pete Man,
    Hey buddy hope your feeling better today. I’ve been thinking about you a lot and wishing you a fast recovery. I wish I could have been there when my sister came to visit you but I was in Canada on a fishing trip. I think I’m gonna come visit you before I leave on Friday for college in Boston. I hope they have tasty jello. Try and eat lots so you can get even stronger and listen to the doctors too. Get well soon so you can get back to doing fun stuff like playing hockey and baseball. Your in my prayers. See you later.

    Lots of Love,
    P.S. I sent you a picture of a fish from Canada!! I hope you like it

  3. Peter,

    We hope your tummy starts feeling better so you can enjoy all of your favorite foods. Tell your mommy & daddy that you expect extra ice cream when you get home.

    Hang in there little buddy; Brainerd misses you!

    Tiff and Nikki

  4. Hi Peter,

    We are friends of your mommy & daddy. We are so sorry that you haven’t been feeling so good. We just wanted to let you know that we are so proud of how brave you are. It takes a really HERO to go through what you have went through. Thank you for being such a great HERO!

    You & your family are in our hearts & prayers.

    Jeff & Monnett Erickson

  5. Hi Peter,

    I was so sad when your Auntie G told me how sick you were. Your Uncle Matt did such a great job keeping all of us up on your hospital adventure. I know Auntie G and Uncle Matt as well as your Mom, Dad, Auntie Michelle, Uncle Scott, Grandma and Grandpa are on pins and needles just waiting for your first giggle since surgery. I hear you are a really brave little guy. Keep smiling little guy and show Auntie G some teeth for me, OK?

    Love Mary and Gary Mueller

  6. Dear Peter and family-

    We know you and your mom and dad probably don’t understand what is all happening to you. It is important to listen to the doctors and nurses so they can help you through this. They know best what will make you feel better. Parker knows how it feels to have needles in your arm and hand and tubes in your nose. He told me “it’s not fun or comfortable!” He would pull the tubes out of his nose whenever he had a chance! We were very sad to hear about your surgery and hope you get better very soon. Thinking of you often Ty and Erika, and knowing too well what you are going through… Love you guys.
    Please let us know if there is anything at all, even small things, that we can do to help. You have many people who care for you at home! Hugs to you all.

  7. Non of you know me, but I am in a small chuch group with Barb Hanson. Just want you to know that you all are in my prayers! Peter you sound like quite a great little guy — would love to meet you someday! God’s Blessings to you all . . .

  8. My buddy –
    Had fun hanging out with you today, watching cartoons and laughing at that silly sloth on TV. Remember, as soon as you are out of the hospital we are playing baseball and I am going to get you at home plate this time! No sneaking past Auntie G with your base running tricks!

    Love you lots and will see you tomorrow.

  9. Hi Pete and Everyone,
    We are so sorry to hear that you’re not feeling very good ;and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We can tell by your hockey pictures that you are a fighter and one great kid. We know your Mom and Dad are there and will help you get better. Please give them a hug for us because we know they could use one too. As soon as you feel like having some company, Aunt Roz and I will come visit you and bring you a surprise…….

    Please let us know if we can do ANYTHING to help.
    Love to you all,
    Uncle Ed and Aunt Roz

    Ed and Roz

  10. Hi Peter: Hope you tummy is feeling better little buddy.? We are thinking of you all the time and praying that you will get better real soon.
    Do you need anything to play with or look at? Whatever you want, let us know and we will send it to you.
    You be a brave boy and tell you Mom and Dad Hi and that we are thinking of them every minute.
    You let us know if there is anything you need OK. Love to you and God Bless You

  11. Hey Peter,

    My name is eric. I spent time with your Dad, my Cousin, when we were both
    kids. Peter, you and i both share the same name, Eigner. This means that you and
    i are family, not that far away, even though we have never yet met one another.
    I got the news that you are not feeling so well…but don’t you worry to much about that! You will soon be up and running around like nobodies business.
    No problem little man!

    You just relax…it will all be behind you soon. You will be runnin’ with your friends, and sisters, buggin’ your parents in no time at all. Give yourself time. Know that you have people thinking about you, and that you are in peoples hearts and prayers. Alot of peoples energies, focussed on accomplishing one thing, can do anything!
    You will be fine young man.

    You will look back upon this time in your life, years from now, and smile about it all.
    You are very strong and brave! Fun is just around the corner!!!
    Know your are loved by many!

    -eric eigner

  12. Hi Peter & Family,

    We are very glad to hear that your surgery went well. It sounds like you’ve got lots of friends and family there to help you. If there’s anything we can do for you here at home, please let us know. You’re in our prayers every day!

    Big Hugs!
    Dan, Maria & Olivia

    PS. Matt, we can’t thank you enough for keeping us informed with this blog!

  13. Peter,
    Just a quick note to let you know how strong & brave we think you are! It’s been a really long time since you’ve seen our boys Jack & Joe, but I know they would love to get together to play some hockey when you’re feeling better. Please let your parents know how strong & brave we think they are too & give them both a BIG hug.

    With lots of love & prayers,
    Todd, Tracy, Jack, Joe & Ella Westlund

  14. Peter,

    You don’t know me, however, I used to work with your Mommy & Daddy. You were in your Mommy’s tummy when I had my daughter in my tummy. I’m glad to hear that your surgery went well. We think you are so brave and strong. You could be your own superhero! It looks like you enjoy hockey. Keep fighting hard and you will be on that ice in no time. Please know that even though we don’t know each other, we are thinking about you and keeping you in our prayers. That Mommy & Daddy of yours are pretty strong too, don’t ya think?

    Hang in there…
    Kris, Jon, Hunter & Bryn Hayden

  15. Hi all—- I just wanted to let you know you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Peter, I hope the best for you and I am sure proud of you for all you have gone through. Hang in there! If there is something I can do let me know. MJ

  16. Good Morning Peter & Family,

    We want you to know we are thinking of you all. We have heard that you are such a brave boy, and that your mom and dad are taking very good care of you. We hope that you will be back to Brainerd real soon to play. Please give your mom and dad a hug from us, and know how much you are all loved 🙂

    Peter, do you still like to draw bats? 🙂

    See you real soon
    Teddy, Karlie, Kurt, Stephanie & Ruby Nelson

  17. Hi Peter, sorry I haven’t been able to get over to see you but I have been very busy with the US Amateur Golf Championship at Hazeltine this week. You are probably more of a Twins fan than a golf fan but you would love to see how well these young guys can play. You’re uncle Scott and Uncle Matt, if they would have worked at it, could maybe have been able to compete with those flat bellied guys. Well, maybe not. But anyway, I know you are going to feel better soon and I think I can get an autographed hat from the winner. I’ll bring it by when I can.
    Love you,

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