Weekend Recap

This morning Peter slept later than usual. When he did wake, he threw up. Then he fell asleep again on the ride back to Brainerd. So he’s definitely feeling the affects of the medicine as it does its job. Yesterday he was very active and doing great, so hopefully he just needs some rest and the side effects will be temporary.

It was a busy weekend. Let me back up to Saturday. Peter finished the fourth round of chemo on Saturday night. While he was wrapping things up, my wife and I had the pleasure of joining Erika and Ty at the annual Dawn of a Dream Gala to benefit children’s cancer. Thanks to Tradition Companies for buying the table. We had a great time and, more importantly, the event raised a whole lot of money for children’s cancer and the University of Minnesota hospital.

Peter’s benefit party took place last night. The event was a great success; Nearly 450 people showed up to socialize, be entertained and support Peter. The music was wonderful, Peter’s video was touching, and it was great to see so many familiar faces. The Eigner’s had a fantastic time and that’s as important as the money raised. Thanks again to all who made the event a success.

Here’s a photo of Peter on Halloween that speaks for itself.

The Hulk

26 Replies to “Weekend Recap”

  1. Peter-
    Tate loves your costume. He says you look very tough. We are glad to hear that you are doing well. Just hang in there and keep being the tough little man that you are.
    Love, Tate, Ann and Dan Richter

  2. Peter….you are one handsome Hulk man with lots of muscles!! Your hair is coming back too. You are a very brave boy…keep up the good work, Peter. And thanks, Uncle Matt, for the continued updates.

    Sorry we missed the fund raiser in Apple Valley…had planned to fly in to attend but a certain little guy gave us the 24 hour flu bug. No germs needed around the Eigners!

    Take care, Peter, and get rested up!

  3. Hi Peter, very cool costume! Wow, with those muscles, that path thing doesn’t have a chance!

    Sounds like you’ve had some ups and downs with your tummy lately (literally!), but we all hope you are feeling better now. That’s pretty strong medicine they’re giving you, so it’s probably expected that your tummy won’t like it some times. The most important thing is that it’s working, and it sounds like you feel pretty good most of the time, and that’s great!

    We weren’t able to make it down to your party this weekend because we had company up and a birthday celebration, but you were in our thoughts and prayers even more than usual. Sounds like you had a fantastic turnout, which does not surprise us – you are a remarkable young man!

    Keep fighting Peter, and we hope to see you soon!
    The Swansons (Cary, Lori, Luke, Brooke, and Erica)

  4. Hey there Peter!

    I had a great time hanging out last night! I hope you have a great week and I will see you soon!


  5. Hi Peter,
    I hope you are feeling good. I have a joke to tell you.

    What do you get when you cross a centipede and a parrot?

    A walkie-talkie !!!!!!

    Hope this made you smile!
    Erica Swanson

  6. Peter-
    WOW – what muscles you have!! Great picture of you buddy. We hope you’re feeling better. That medicine can really take the spunk away; just remember it is a good thing for you cause it’s fighting all the bad guys that got into you little body. We were going to go over to Jenni’s last night to visit Kate and Ellie. But can you believe it – we locked ourselves out of our own house !!!??? So we had to call Ryan to bring us a key. Pretty silly – huh? Then it was getting to be bed time, so we missed visiting everyone. Oh well – maybe some other time. Mommy tells Jenni that there will be a ‘party’ for you and your family in Brainerd. We are very anxious to hear about it since we have not made it down to the Cities for the others. We WON’T miss this one!! Rest up good while you’re home Peter. We look forward to seeing you all soon. The weather is supposed to be warm for a couple of days :). Hopefully you can enjoy some fresh air ourside.
    Thinking of you and praying for you – Papa and Monga

  7. Hey Peter,
    It is your buddy from Colorado. Just a note to say hello and let you know we are thinking about you. We are coming in to play the Wild in less than two weeks and are looking seeing you again. Hopefully you will be up for an Av’s game and coming down to say hi to Super Joe. He is looking forward to seeing you as well. Hi to all of your family and see you soon. Tony g

    Everyday Jacob puts on his HULK costume and runs around the house. Maybe sometime you two could get together and “HULK OUT”.
    You are a HULK in so many ways!!

    We continue to say a prayer for you each and everyday.

    Take Care Peter.

    Love The Faacks’
    Colleen, Lonnie, Olivia, Jessica & Jacob

  9. Love your big muscles Peter! You look fantastic in your Hulk costume. It’s always great to see your smiling face. I’m just sorry to hear that you were not feeling very well but that is to be expected. The medicine is doing it’s work. My mother has been back home in New Orleans since September and she calls me at least once a week. Every time she calls the first question she always asks me is, “How is Peter?” So I always give her the update. Bodin saw your picture and he thought you looked cool.

    We love you and pray for you every day.

    Paula, Brian, Kyle, Celia, Bodin, and Tanner

  10. Hey Peter, Ellie, Kate, Ty and Erika (Baron too) I miss you already. Ellie, thanks for coming to the Twin Cities and hanging out with me for a few days. Jack (the great dane) misses hanging out with you. My friends enjoyed meeting you.

    Peter, It was a treat having a pajama party with you Sat night at the hospital when Mom and Dad went to the cancer benefit and another sleep over at my house Sunday night after the benefit. Next time you sleep over and sneak into my bed make sure you don’t snore because you kept me awake!!!!!!!!! For those of you who know Peter I have to tell you this story. He woke up about 4:00am and was thristy so I got him some water. He took a couple of drinks and said “Gramma, How was G B Leighton?” (one of the main bands at the benefit) It’s amazing what that little boys mind thinks about.

    And Baby Kate, I can’t wait to see you. I bet you are getting to be a pro at the walking thing. I hope you and Kate had fun at your sleep over with Jenny.

    Take care and enjoy the nice weather that we are suppose to have tomorrow and Wed.

    Love ya Gramma Mary

  11. Peter, It’s me again. Did you tell all your Brainerd friends that Paris Bennett came to visit you in the hospital and that you asked her if she wanted your autograph? Your Mom and Dad said she sang at the cancer benefit Sat night and she mentioned that she had met you that day. You must have made a good impression on her. She better save that autograph because some day when you are really, really famous it will be worth alot of money.

    Love ya Gma Mary

  12. I am grinning from ear to ear…. that picture is the most precious thing I have ever seen! You are the best looking hulk in the world! 🙂 Baden and Emi-Grace and Mitchell and Carly and Lily LOVED seeing you yesterday when you came to pick up your sisters. The first thing Baden told his mommy was that he got to see Peter! The kids all miss you sooo much…. we can’t wait for the day that you can come back and PLAY with us! I hope your tummy settles down a little bit… it’s no fun throwing up – but just remember, it’s simply what your body has to do sometimes to send that path thing far, far away!! We hope you are able to enjoy the next THREE weeks at HOME…. and we can’t wait to hear more details about the Benfit in Brainerd. It is sure to be a load of F-U-N! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 (Whoever is planning it, please know that anything I can do to help… I am more than happy and willing!!!!)
    Ellie and Kate had fun sleeping over…. Emily & Lily enjoyed having them overnight, too! We had all 4 of the girls in the tubby together! I have some great pictures! That littlest sister of yours is certainly fearless in the water… she just kind of crawls through the water and tramples over everyone else! 🙂 Tell your mommy and daddy that if they ever need a place for the girls to sleep again, we Kelley’s are more than happy to have them!
    Enjoy your days at home. Get some rest and do all you can to stay healthy and strong. We miss you and love you and think of you OFTEN!
    Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily and Parker

  13. I love that costume Peter! You look great and scary!! My son, Connor, was the hulk last year.
    The benefit was so much fun and it was so great to see your mom, dad, grandma, aunts and uncles. The video was wonderful .
    We are continuing to pray for you everyday. I passed your website on to many of my friends, so the prayers will continue coming from everywhere…especially Shakopee, MN.
    You take care and stay strong!!! Paige Kratzke

  14. Hi Hulkster (I mean Peter),
    We’re sorry that we missed the benefit on Sunday night. Uncle Ed was sick and it was too far for me to drive. I hear it was a real great time.
    We’ll be seeing you soon…….You are our hero.
    Uncle Ed and Aunt roz

  15. i went to the doctor today with my whole family and this time, everyone else had to get (flu) shots and I didn’t have to get any! My baby sister Kate has an ear infection. My daddy saw his birthday present in the back of the truck when he went to put the dog food in there. Keep praying and keep fighting. I have an imaginary friend named Grover and we just played air hockey. peter

  16. peter!

    as always it is good to see to you on 5b and get to hang out with you. i was so honored to get to be your nurse for 2 days in a row! everyone wants to take care of you! glad we got you cleaned up in the bath in time for the playroom… your singing and dancing will always make me laugh! you sure are a charmer mr. peter!

    have fun in brainerd and say hello to your cute sisters and ofcourse mom and dad! you’re the best boy!

    your friend and nurse

    ps. thanks for being a champ at taking your meds! you always surprise me with how awesome you are at that!

  17. Hey peter,

    What a great costume. We would have loved to see you Halloween night. Bob was busy handing out candy. There were 700 wild and crazy kids running around our neighborhood. Maybe next year we will see you and your sisters! That was also a cool picture of you and Carl. I’ll bet you had a fun time with the BC hockey team! I know the Warriors will be waiting for you to cheer them on too. Stay strong just like the Hulk. Beat this thing…we are all pulling for you.

    Hope to see you soon.

    Prayers sent your way,

  18. Hi there Mr. Peter!! It was awful nice to read what Nurse Erica said about you. Yup – they sure have it right 🙂 – you are a very special little boy!!! So……. who wins at air hockey? You or Grover???? Emily liked playing air hockey at your house so much that Jenni and Ryan bought her one for her birthday last month. We sure hope and pray that you stay feeling well for your time at home. Hope we get to see you soon!!

    Papa and Monga

  19. Happy Birthday, Ty! We hope you and your precious family are able to whoop it up today and celebrate big time! May the year ahead bring many happy memories and endless answered prayers! 🙂

    Happy Birthday!
    Love The Kelley’s
    ~Jenni, Ryan, Emily, Lily and Parker~

    P.S. Sorry to hear that Kate has an ear infection. It must have been related to all the schnoogers coming out of her nose on Sunday & Monday! 🙂

  20. Happy Birthday Ty!
    We hope you have a great day, and that Peter feels good today, to celebrate with all of you. You have a lot to celebrate!

    Also, thank you for all you do for our hockey program in Brainerd. You give a lot to all of our kids – in addition to giving them so much of your personal time and great coaching, you give them encouragement, a strong role model, and overall good life-long lessons. At a time when your family needs support, it’s heart-warming to see that your extended “hockey family” can give all of you support in return for a change. Again, thank you for all you do for our kids and the program!

    Have a great birthday!
    The Swansons (Cary, Lori, Luke, Brooke, and Erica)

  21. Hi Peter
    It was so nice to see you. I have your autograph displayed in my office. Its about time someone else gets a shot and not you. To bad the nurse or doctor didn’t let you give the shots to your family. You are probably an expert at that by now.
    So what does Grover look like. I bet he has Green hair!!!!!
    Be sure to sing Happy Birthday to your daddy today. Sing it like Donald Duck or something funny to really make him laugh.
    I am so glad you are home and I hope you stay well so that you can enjoy and stay at home for 3 weeks. Yahoo!!!
    You take care little buddy and give you sisters a hug for me. I am praying for you all the time.
    Love Jill

  22. Peter & family,
    WOW allot has happened since I last wrote, although I have been reading the posts regularily. I hope you are feeling better soon after this last round of kemo. It’s not fun to be sick but this will pass. You looked awesome as “The Hulk”, ………so tough!!!
    What was Grover for Halloween?
    I look forward to seeing you at the hockey arena, the season takes off pretty soon!! I think Drew is pretty anxious to get started!!

    You take care of yourself and enjoy your time at home!! We will continue to say our prayers for you, there truely isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t enter my thoughts at some point! Keep up the fight Peter.

    Happy Birthday Ty, have a great evening with your family!!

    Much Love,
    The Olson’s

  23. ~Hey Pete~

    We loved seeing your picture! Your smile kills us everytime it is contagious.You look great in your “MIGHTY HULK” coustume! Make sure to tell that Dad of yours Happy Birthday from us.I bet Grover is fun to play with.Who won that game of air hockey??We are going to have to see you one of these days that you are in Brainerd.I bet you’re having a fun time back at home with your family.We look forward to seeing you at the hockey arena.Maybe you could crack us up with one of your famous jokes.We would sure LOVE to hear one! But in the mean time here is one for you. How do hockey players kiss???? They Just pucker up!I hope that gave you a good laugh!You are in our thoughts and prayers all the time.

    Your friend’s The Smith family (Dean,Denise,Blake, Bren And Tiffany)

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