Tuesday Transfusion

Peter’s counts were tested on Monday and confirmed as too low, so Erika and Peter headed down to Minneapolis for a transfusion this morning. The need for a transfusion was not a surprise and everything should be fine, although I haven’t officially heard that everything went to plan.

So I’m trying type with my fingers crossed, but hopefully Peter got just what he needed to keep the treatment on track and continue to beat “the path thing”.

13 Replies to “Tuesday Transfusion”

  1. Pete-man,
    If you are around tomorrow I’ll come see you. Have a good night buddy.

    I love you,
    Uncle Troy

  2. Hey Pete

    Signed on this morning and want you to know that we are all thinking of you. With all the treatment, it is understandable why you need a boost. Conserve your energy as you fight this thing. No different than a player having a change of pace and going hard when he has to.

    your friend

    -ole gringo-

  3. Hey Pete-

    As much as we all figured this would happen this week, it still makes us a bit tense to read that you are in need of a transfusion. I am certain that, like everything else thus far, this too will go just fine. Your body is enduring alot as you battle this path thing, so it is completely understandable that you may occassionally need a little extra “oomph” to keep you fighting. We all want you to win this thing with flying colors, so you do whatever is necessary for that to happen. With the God given strength that you have been blessed with, I am confident that you will defeat the cancer. You are a strong boy, Peter. We all know that. You are so amazing…. we are all so proud of you and will continue to pray really hard for you. We will ask that God wraps you in His love and that He gives the doctors that extra bit of guidance needed to help you beat this thing… give it all ya got, Peter!
    We look forward to reading an update on the transfusion!

    Thanks, Uncle Matt, for all your continued updates. We all truly appreciate what you are doing for your family. They are by far the luckiest family around!

    Hey Peter-
    What’s a ghost’s favorite sandwich?


    With love, prayers and many happy thoughts~
    The Kelley’s
    Jenn, Ryan, Emily-Clare, Lily and Parker

  4. Hi Peter,
    We’re sorry that you didn’t get to stay home the whole time before your next treatment!!! But those blood counts need to come up so you can be strong for the next one!!! We know you’re such a brave little guy; bet you’ll be right on track!

    Did you get the card before you had to go back to the hospital?? I sent it a little early just in case. Hope you have fun telling all those jokes! And I bet you will have a lot of fun on Halloween!! For sure it will be a LOT warmer that being outside! Jenni said ‘maybe’ Ellie would be joining Em and Lil to go trick-or-treating. They always come to my house because it is such a fun, busy neighborhood on that night 🙂 (thanks to Bob, Pam and Dino!!!).

    Keep up you fight Peter!! We’re all in it with you!

    The Allords

  5. Hey Peter,

    I’m sorry that you had to go back to the hospital but I suppose it’s to be expected. I pray that all will go well and that the transfusion will help keep you strong so you can continue the fight. I believe you will beat this. God is with you and will keep you strong. Remember to always lean on Him because He will always take good care of you. I believe in you. You’re an awesome boy who is very brave. Keep telling your jokes and continue to be positive. You are in our prayers every single day.


    Paula, Brian, Kyle, Celia, Bodin, and Tanner

  6. Hi Peter,
    It won’t be long before you’ll be out Trick or Treating. We hope you’ll have a big enough bag to collect all the goodies you’ll be getting.
    Stay strong and keep fighting those “bad guys” Pete, You’re a winner.

    Uncle Ed and Aunt rose

  7. Hi Peter, I was just checking in to see how you were doing, I understand about the transfusion, that happen to my mom. It just helps you to keep strong and fight the bad guys. I hope that it does the trick. Keep up the good fight and I will keep you and your family in all my thoughts and prayers. Cheryl Bailey

  8. Peter,

    Hey there good guy. We hope this note finds you in stronger shape after your transfusion. I’m sure it is just like a bit of sports drink between periods. Keep fueling your body with good food, good drink, good thoughts, and good spirits. Everybody as always is rooting for you. Baden prays for you each and every night. Hope you have a great today, an even better tomorrow, and a week of great and giggles.

    Love the Bastians

  9. Peter,
    I haven’t left you a note in a while but was thinking of you just now. I think because I hear Jay, Mike and Jacob in the other room watching the world series. What team are you cheering for?? I figure it this way, if the Brainerd Warriors aren;t playing I’m not watching!!! Can’t wait to see you in your Warrior jersey shooting that puck and in the summer time hitting the ball. I will have lots of time to come and watch cuz all my Warriors will be done playing – maybe Jacob will join me. I was trying to think of a funny joke but my brain is empty right now – if I think of one I’ll send it to you. Be strong little man – Prayers every day

  10. Peter –
    Me again – I guess they weren’t watching the series – rain delay I’m told – they were playing a baseball video game – wow!!! Maybe I’m tired and need a nap. Hugs and Kisses bud.

  11. Bummer … one step at a time Peter to beat that path thing so this is just a little bump in the road you can merely jump over. Keep up the strong fight!

  12. Pete, I had fun hanging out with you and Ellie and Kate for a couple of days. Ellie and I played hide and seek for a half hour before you got up on Wed morning. You are going to have to be Ellie’s coach for hide and seek from now on because she hid in the same place four times in a row. So even I was able to find her pretty fast by the time the fourth seek came around.
    And Kate just seems to smile and eat all the time. But I am impressed with the five consequtive steps she took on Thurs. It won’t be long now and she’ll be walking everywhere,
    And of course Pete Man you won the Hockey game again 10 – 2. Next time I get to be Joe Sakic. And you won the sleeping contest. Now that is one I’d really like to win!! See you soon. Love Gramma Mary

    I hope I get a chance to see alot of people at Peter’s benefit at Bogarts in Apple Valley on Sun Nov 5th. Five great bands and a chance to hang out with me and alot of other cool people. How could anyone turn down that opportunity. See you there. In case anyone needs to get in touch with me, my e-mail is meigner@mn.rr.com Mary

  13. Hey Peter!
    I am a longtime family friend of your dad’s.
    I just wanted you to know that my family and I are continuing to pray for you. We are following your story and thinking about you each day.
    Sounds like you are quite a TOUGH guy and doing great.
    My kids are big hockey fans too! My son is 7 and my daughter is 10. Hockey for Kelci started last weekend and for Connor this coming weekend.
    Connor is going to be a football player for Halloween and Kelci is going to be a mystery lady. I hope you get to get some candy and have a little fun tomorrow.
    Well, keep up the good work and do what the doctors say. I will check in later. Take Care! Paige Kratzke (Saterdalen)

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