Back in NY

Hello All,

It hardly seems possible that Peter is already due back in NY this week.  He and Erika beat the snowstorm and flew out Monday afternoon.  Peter was less than thrilled about going, he cried in the morning and said “why do I have to keep going to NY”  We think as he gets older, he understands more about what this is all about.  Anyway, he got settled down and went to school for a few hours and then they flew out.  He got a headache on the plane and threw up when he and Erika got to the Ronald McDonald House in NYC.  He slept for a long time and was much better this morning when I talked to him.  He told me, “Dad it is like summer out here, it’s like 30 or 45 degrees.”

He and Erika will go to the clinic today and Wednesday and he will have blood work, CT scan, MIBG test, Brain MRI, Bone Marrow Biopsy and other tests over that time.  All in all he does remarkably well considering all he goes through each visit.  Kate, Ellie and I will hold down the fort back home and see if we can’t shovel a little snow while they are gone.  We had 8 inches yesterday!

Also, please pray for Erik Ludwinski and his family.  Erik is 21 and was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at age 4.  He was NED for 15 years, then he relapsed.  For the past 2 years he has been getting many different treatments.  Recently it has has progressed and is not responding to any treatment and Erik and his family are doing an incredible job handling his situation.  Erika and I went to see him Monday, it was an incredible experience.  Erik was interacting with all his visitors and his attitude was amazing.  He and his family are spending whatever time he has left enjoying each other and getting the most out of every day! His mother is one of the most positive people I have ever been around and she has been unbelievably helpful to tons of families affected by neuroblastoma.

Finally, thank you for keeping Peter in your prayers this week while he is in NY.  We are so blessed to have so many people praying for Peter and our family.

God Bless,

Ty, Erika, Peter, Ellie and Kate

3 Replies to “Back in NY”

  1. Thanks for the update Ty and we are hopeful that all the tests will go well. He will be in our prayers.
    If Mn. is as snowy as it has been here in Omaha, all we can do is keep shoveling. haha This is probably the worse winter we have had here since weve lived here.
    You all take care and let us know when you do as to how the tests went.
    Love and Prayers,
    Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose

  2. Hello Eigner Family,
    I will be praying extra hard this week as I know it must be hard waiting for test results!
    I hope that all goes as planned and Peter will be back to school in no time! I have been thinking of you all a lot lately and hoping all is well! So glad to hear all is going so good! It’s sometimes hard to believe the kids are growing up so fast! I can’t believe that Gavin and Peter are already in 2nd grade, and half done with it for that matter!
    I will continue to check in this week and wait to hear all those tests are Negative!! Praying for you all,

  3. Hey Eigners,
    I’m praying for good results and just wanted you to know that I think of you guys often!
    Mary Virnig

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